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We all experience anger, short-term or prolonged, as a reaction to something or someone. Though it is a normal human emotion, if left unchecked, anger can lead to many problems. They can affect your work, study, relationships, leading to a remarkable decline in the quality of your life. 

Luckily, by understanding important details about anger, you can easily manage it and lead a better life.

This article explores the concept of anger in-depth. We tell you what anger is, how people express it, why some experience more intense anger, and why it is important to manage it. 

Moreover, we provide the strategies for keeping anger in check and reveal some healthy ways of expressing this emotion. Importantly, we tell you how online therapy can help you cope with your anger. Let’s start!

What Is Anger?

It is an emotion that manifests as a subtle irritation or full-blown rage and fury. Anger is accompanied by various physical and biological signs, pretty much like any other human emotion. 

Some of the tell-tale signs of anger include an elevated heart rate, increased blood pressure, and heightened production of hormones such as adrenaline. 

What causes anger? Both external and internal issues can lead to anger. A person or event can make you angry, and other personal problems can also anger you. Your memories of unpleasant past events or traumas can also push you to anger. 

How Do We Express Anger?

Aggression is our natural and spontaneous way of expressing anger. Anger triggers aggressive feelings and actions to deal with the threat you are facing. This way, it enables you to fight any stressors and safeguard yourself from troubling situations. Considering these things, it is safe to conclude that anger is “useful” to some extent.

But even with that said, you cannot always react aggressively to every situation, person, or thing. There is a need to ca… Read More

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