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Our Online Business Blog Tutorial Post Featuring 10 PROFITABLE ONLINE BUSINESSES YOU CAN START TODAY | GIRLBOSS 101

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hi everyone and welcome back to my channel and if you’re new here welcome my name’s Erin and this channel is all about how you can create your own cast to health wealth and happiness in today’s video I’m going to be sharing with you hang up profitable online businesses that you can start today if you didn’t know I am a business coach and I help female entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses the best of the necessarily mean that I only help people who have this amazing business idea or know the exact direction and that they want to go in that couldn’t be further from the truth most of the people that I have been working with are not so crystal clear on their vision and some of them don’t even know exactly what type of business they want to start my business coaching helps you discover exactly what kind of business you want to start the types of people you want to work with and your overall big vision so the purpose of this video today is if you are wanting to start a business if you just have this absolute yearning inside you to live the laptop lifestyle or to be an entrepreneur or to contribute that to others and have a fulfilling career but you might not necessarily know how to do that yet and then I just wanted to provide you with some of the most profitable businesses then you can start online and you don’t need a lot of capital for them some of them you don’t even need to certainly need expertise or particular skills the businesses is that anyone can start as long as you’ve got Wi-Fi and the desire to demand more for yourself so before I actually get into sharing with you today the top ten businesses we did start online today I wanted to discuss with you two of the major limitations that sort of many entrepreneurs face when they are hoping or one thing to start an online business the first is important in Durham now I am taking focus in dramatically in my journey to area today and I know sort of many of you struggle with it as well because I’ve discussed it with you on the Florent or in the comments section of my videos in hopes of ensuring peace the limitation that you set up on yourself the only like you need to be an expert before you started isness now this could not be further from the truth as long as you are committed to continually learning and developing then you can start any business at any time the first time that actually took you in my first business was in an industry that I knew nothing about yes if you have my fears about creating content for this person for this particular industry but I just drove in anyway and I learned along the way and never did it stopped me from seeing success with that client I promise you that today would be amount of information that is being turned over in the online industry you will never find someone that knows everything about a particular topic there is always something new to learn so don’t wait until you know everything about the business that you want to start or the industry that you want to be in start now and learn along the way this is one of the main reasons why I created my builder business in 10 days free video training which I’ll leave all the information about below not because I truly believe that the only way of so business is to do it in 10 days I just want people to stop putting on interet of their dreams stop procrastinating through fear and just start and learn as you go along the second limitation is that so many people face on they are one thing to stone on my business is the fact that they feel like it is all been done before look unless you’re starting an app like uber snapchat or have some amazing innovative invention then chances are the business that you’re going to start has been done before training Robbins wasn’t the first financially motivational speaker speaker Tiger Woods wasn’t the first person to play golf I am most definitely not the first business coach that walks the face of this earth it doesn’t matter that it’s been done before or there are so many other businesses in the market because you will always offer something different and that’s a really different is your unique personality no one on this planet is like you no one every planet has your personality has your past experiences have your own unique perspective and all those things come into play when you are starting a business because that is how customers clients or the people that you serve relate to you I promise you that if you start your business and let million uniques personality shine you will attract your tribe you will attract people in your story resonates with and you will create a competitive difference in whatever market you choose so all of that being said now that we have pushed our imposter syndrome and the feeling of being an expert aside and we know that no matter what business we start we are going to spring something unique to the market I’m going to tell you now the ten most popular business businesses that you can start online today so the first is coaching coaching is one of the fastest growing industries currently and there are so many people reaching out needing help in it so many different aspects of their lives I think one of the most common meditations with coaching is that people think that you need a certain certification to be a coach and that is not true just like to be a university teacher you do not need a teaching degree you need industry expertise and knowledge and the ability to be able to relate people coaching is very much the same yes if you’re going to treat primary or secondary you need a teaching degree because that is a bit more specific but I guarantee you all of your lecturers at universities do not have a primary or secondary teaching degree they just have industry knowledge coaching is very much the same if you have an area of your life whether it be self-development relationships business finances whatever it is you know about or that you’re committed to learning about then you can become an online college like a major example I do not have a coaching certification and nor do any of the other coaches I connected with I haven’t do the figure eight and that is why I am a business coach another thing as well that you need to have a certain degree life or industry knowledge is perfectly fine when you are going to quote someone the second is a virtual assistant so two people enjoy know what a virtual assistant is is basically administration that is done online so virtual assistants can offer so many different types of services to people you can do social media you can do resume writing we could be account you could do administration you could do data research the options are limitless whatever you feel that you have knowledge in if you have done secretarial work or anything like that a virtual assistant is basically just that online where you can serve a large audience of people globally so that is certainly marketing or digital marketing chances are that if you’re watching this video then you have some sort of social media account and you know something about how social media works to start an online social media marketing agency that is basically the extent for where you need to start as long as you were committed to learning about the trends in social media and how social media can effectively be used for business then you can serve people and you can and many other companies of social media accounts I guarantee there’s so many people who are any older generations who have businesses that have been running for you to know nothing about social media and they are looking for a young millennial to reach out to take charge and build their presence online before online business is a specialist consultant so going back to consult coaching but not actually working with some on one one or in a group situation if you have a certain skill set maybe you have a legal degree I want to offer legal advice to someone and you can be a specialist consultant you can offer advice to people online in the area of your knowledge it could also be financial advice now this one you will need some sort of certifications for because if you are offering advice to someone in your in school legal advice or financial advice each country will have their own regulations on that but if you are willing if you do the quality exam and then you can absolutely start a specialist consultation service so you might have this amazing skill that you want to share with people but maybe you just don’t love working with people you don’t love being on throwing with people or maybe you just don’t have a competency yet to be able to deal with people on a personal basis let it’s absolutely fine online students a book or course developers are huge on the internet right now if you have certain skills that you would be willing to invest the time in creating into some sort of course then you can absolutely market that properly and help people online without having to have that sort of personal interaction that you might not be a certain channel I have just gone through the process of building my own website and many times in the past I help other companies build theirs as well and I guarantee you stock photos in all those shutterstock or eyesore platforms are tears there is a new surge of photographers who are signing their photos online and it is the best thing that happens to online business today in my opinion if you have a camera or any source photography skills you can take amazing stylish workers in a range of different industries or new well Flatley products foods scenic photos fashion photos if you have the ability to take an editor sulfur’s and you get absolutely sell those online and I guarantee you there will be someone you see Kirby old like I’m working on a laptop but I don’t really know what I’m doing kind of pose photo that you’ll find when you search entrepreneurship on shown absorb and other part of this is that you could also provide service where you will edit other people’s photos for you I guarantee you the sort of many people out there figure how to take their own photos but when it comes to using Photoshop or further editing out that they are completely lost the next business that you can chat online use a graphic designer again there’s so many internet coming online with a range of different eight comments and service-based businesses but most of them don’t have graphic design skills creating larger creating advertising art creating social media content all of that you needed in a market so if you have a sort of design skills graphic design system business you can conduct online again just like traffic design website builders or web scene builders are definitely in demand a lot of people don’t have the technical skill to be able to put them together a beautiful website it is definitely something that we teach and that I share with you in the next lesson I still know so many people who just don’t want to do it themselves being able to develop a website for someone a beautiful easy to use effortless website is an amazing online business whether you’re in any of the industries that I have mentioned above it chances are you’re going to have to create some sort of content to reach out to your audience and really provide them with information so that they can get to know and trust your brand you can start though if you’re an entrepreneur then you might not have the time if you create all of this content so another was an online business that you can start if you become a Content developer or a copywriter or a blog writer if you create blog posts for other organizations if you have a little good skill for writing captivating hobby then becoming a copywriter or a blog writer is a great online business and finally this is probably my favorite business that you could start and hopefully one day I will be able to turn my coaching into this also get users to start an online community entrepreneurship is a very lonely journey when you don’t have the right right kind of people by your side having a community for people who are starting their own businesses is it just a fantastic idea I know there is Kari from the female entrepreneurship Association she has a community of female entrepreneurs who can reach out and get help from each other and there are many other examples of like this in many different industries online building an online community creating content and helping people go to the Entrepreneurship and not saying it alone is possibly my favorite online businesses are today yada I can see that this video is already extremely longer so if you start at the end I really really thank you I hope that these ideas suck something inside your businesses that you could potentially start now if you just want to say if you do have the urge to be an entrepreneur you run your own business if you are totally attracted to that left left uh blood cell but just don’t know what to do yet that is completely fine you make elective focuses on people who are at the very beginning of your journey so if you did want to have a chat about joining the main collab I would absolutely love to speak to you so leave all of the information below and don’t forget about free training that I offer also on how to build your business in ten days I really thank you so much for watching today guys and I will see you in the next video you



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