This Post: 3 Key Business Lessons In 30 Years – Haroon’s Hangout, Ep 29
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Our how to start an online business Blog Tutorial Post Featuring 3 Key Business Lessons In 30 Years – Haroon’s Hangout, Ep 29
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hey sports fans haroon rasheed kemia consulting and welcome to haroon’s hang out the internationally featured show where we make digital marketing simple straightforward and fun today well actually yesterday it was my 30th birthday yay and look what I got that’s one of the many many Superman related presents I got thank you to everybody who has semi birthday messages and all I kind of had a great 30th birthday and I just thought I would be appropriate to do a show based upon the three key business lessons that I have learned in my 30 years cuz this woman asked me well a few people asked me said you know how do you feel how do you feel are you freaking out and all that and I said well actually no I’m not because I’ve achieved quite a lot about 10-15 years ago I was in a band we were almost signed by Sony records I’ve been on TV with them I’ve been on you know radio and you know press and all like kind of stuff and then I i had a production company after that and you know my work has been internationally broadcast on TV and then i’ve been headhunted and i now work as head of digital marketing for kemia consulting which is fantastic and this year I’ve become an internationally featured markets here so I’ve been around a bit i’ve done require a lot of stuff and I’m only 30 but I thought I’d just share three key lessons that I’ve learned so far which is applicable for anybody any business that you have and this is great if you’re a business owner managing director/ceo if you’re a marketing manager or social media manager this thing will apply to you number one I want to say is balance is the key to life my uncle tasm yes I have an uncle tosin said to me when I was 15 son balance is the key to life and he wasn’t kidding he says that anybody can be successful you know but he said it really takes someone who’s clued up to be able to balance everything in their life and that means a work-life balance that means bouncing your emotions that means balanced and how you approach things and I’ve learned over the last 10 years particularly that yeah balance is really important and you know creating that work-life balance as well when things are working right at home it just makes it easier to go and achieve those things in business and one thing I have definitely learned is listen to your wife listen to your spouse listen to you your significant other your partner whoever is that you got special someone in your life I gotta say you know my wife has been instrumental and helped me get to where I am today and I couldn’t have done it without her so ma’am thanks a lot secondly create a sense of urgency this is so important because I meet people every single week okay all over the UK and online as well from all over the world and everyone’s got a great idea yeah people are full of great ideas but people don’t actually do anything with it and its really sad whenever I meet someone years later or I haven’t spoken someone in a long time and I say oh how are you getting on with that idea and they were doing anything with it why there’s no sense of urgency once you create that sense of urgency I’ve got to get this thing done right now I’ve got to do this I’ve got to do this I’ve got to do this let’s go and do it right now things start to happen you know but if you don’t have a sense of urgency you can become lexical you can become very kind of blase about the guys okay no it’s okay fine now is really good to set goals but you know what if you set goals with a deadline that’s quite near it really provokes something on the inside of you to take action and that’s what you may be lacking I don’t know if you’re struggling to achieve some goals maybe set yourself a target personally my fitness life I said I want to run 10k by you know within two months okay now I used to have asked her as a kid quite badly but you know what I’m up to 5.2 miles five and a half miles sorry I’m only like half a mile off a 10k because I create that sense of urgency something inside me said we’ve got to get this thing done all right and finally be consistent seriously you can’t do one thing just once and expect to get amazing results it doesn’t work like that you want a six you can’t do one set about crunches and expect to have a six-pack doesn’t work like that if you want to have a multi-million pound business you can’t just do one thing and then expect that you’re going to build it in a day kind of thing okay the real things of value take time to build things of value take time to achieve it takes a lot of little things that you do consistently over time and that thing just starts to build and build and build and build doesn’t matter whether that’s your personal life your business life fitness whatever is that you’re trying to achieve that principle consistency works and you need to work that thing so be patient be consistent that’s it for me today guys but I want to know from you what some of your tips that you’ve learned it doesn’t matter how young you are or how old you are I want to hear from you what are some key business lessons that you have learned that helped you get to where you are please do comment below and if you’re watching this on our blog please comment in the section below in the blog comments we’d love to hear from you and as always all the best action happens on their next week do check out haroon’s hang out 10 a.m. because we’ve got special guest mr. John hitaka who is an after-dinner speaker motivational speaker and he’s a magician really funny guy we’re going to be talking about the achievement mindset behind great marketing you don’t want to miss that so guys I hope that you found that useful I’m just looking forward to the next 10 years of my life and all that I’m going to achieve both personally and with kemia consulting so do come and check us out well and I’d love to hear from you as well okay well if you going to say now I know it does alright guys thanks a lot take care see ya
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