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Our Running A Business From Home Blog Tutorial Post Featuring 5 COSTLY Mistakes to Avoid When Running a New Landscaping Business
The draft copy of the transcoded video text is posted underneath 5 COSTLY Mistakes to Avoid When Running a New Landscaping Business, To Highlight the video's Blueprint in your analysis of the Running A Business From Home sector
it’s up its Keith Kalfas in this video I’m going to talk about five crucial that’s detrimental costly things that you’re going to run into when starting we’re getting a landscape business off the ground or if you’re in your first year maybe you’ve been in for a few years if that’s you this video is definitely for you you’re in the right place I’ve got some notes here on my phone and some some deep shit so you liked this type of video if I coughed during the video I have a cold right now and a group when I was a boy I had real bad asthma and I still kind of have it and if I get a cold everybody gets a cold once in a blue moon but if it goes to my lungs and I’m screwed that’s where I’m at right now so I’ve been up all night two hours of sleep coughing my brains out I’m all doped up on sudafed but anyways just in case okay so here’s five things to pay attention to in your landscaping business and what they mean this is some deep irony stuff I might cost a little bit in the video so turn the phone down if you got kids around and you know that’s important to me but here you go step number one thing to pay attention to you’re going to have to do counterintuitive things that from the outside make you look like your head is totally up your ass like calling the landscape supplier company for materials and canceling an order that you just placed a couple hours ago and then calling them 30 minutes later and resubmitting the order and then calling them another half an hour again and canceling the order again and you can extrapolate the reasons why if you haven’t been in that position where you’re frantically calling and reordering and canceling supplies and a landscape supplier is like oh my god this this landscaper should not be like that this guy since this guy’s a schizophrenic right if you haven’t been in that position financially or in a spring cashflow shortage where you’ve got thousands or tens of thousands of dollars out and you’re on a shoestring budget and everybody owes you money and you’re freaking out within you and from the outside you look like your head is totally up your ass right but you know what’s going on and you can’t even explain it to anybody if you haven’t been there you’ve been in the landscape business okay step – so that’s what that means number two thing to pay attention to and what this means is um you’re going to end up having a total meltdown in front of your first few employees and you’re going to lose them because you’re under so much pressure that it’s leaking out all over the place etc here’s a hard lesson learned don’t bring your problems to work we all have problems I’m sure but you watching this video right now if you’re not right now or if you haven’t you will have problems that you will suffer and grievously whether you did something wrong or not so the people that work for you so don’t bring your problems to work and do not tolerate problems at work personal problems and don’t ever call employees after work to discuss work if you do this you will pay through the nose because you’re not paying them to be on call save it either handle it at work write it down and discuss it the last five minutes during the day or talk about it the next morning at work but don’t ever call him when they’re off work if you do be as a friend and not as a not as the boss or I’ll stress them out and they will resent you and they’ll quit on you I had somebody who worked for me years ago great great guy great kid and this kid kind of had a meltdown and quit and he was crying at work and stuff it’s because we were I was under a lot of pressure he was too and we’re bringing all at work and we opened that Pandora’s box and every day at work was like just a suffering bitchfest and it was really really hard and I learned a valuable lesson so you stiffen your upper lip and you go to work and shut your mouth and don’t tolerate it either and then work can become a safe haven it could become a safe place where they can actually be a detoxifier and they can de-stress because it’s not tolerated so and then these things I’m talking about if you don’t do this now get to the next thing I’ll say that number three thing to pay attention to as a leader because that’s the position you are taking up and imposing upon yourself and others everything you do in front of others whether employees or business owner friends right quantifies by 10x okay so sometimes you have to team up with friends okay I got friends one of my best friends do tree work do will team up will do a big-ass tree you know excuse me if I don’t have the right equipment or something dude will team up knock down a three thousand dollar tree and split up all the money and stuff so so teaming up with fellow contractors and showing up late if you show up late especially with your crew you your dumb ass because now you’re rushing around and you’re looking like an idiot in front of them losing respect and in front of your workers and you’re being exposed do not show up late if you got shit they even keeps you up to a four o’clock in the morning their family issues at home which we all do just get your ass to that jobsite on time or call do whatever you can and um showing up late and tolerating disrespect letting others disrespect you in front of others or co-workers or something like that or not standing up for yourself because you’re in fear and neediness in choosing to act like a bitch will cost you 100 fold if you act like a bitch and I have at work and the reason we do this it’s not because we’re a bitch it’s because we’re in fear and we need money what happens on a psychological if you were to get into neuroscience your brain when you need money like you start oh my god minimize risk cut this cut this oh my god what and you start acting kind of frantic because you’re trying to save like you feel like you’re drowning it’s the part of the brain it’s the amygdala fight-or-flight response so if you do that in front of people they will lose respect for you and it will cost you a hundred fold you’ll end up running your business like Speedy Gonzales like a nutcase trying to pick up all the pieces while everybody’s disrespecting you and they won’t get they won’t respect you anymore so number four so that’s what that means number four thing to pay attention to is your business is a mirror image of what’s going on inside of your mind in emotions in real time if your business is in a constant state of emergency so too will you will be your life as a whole so if you feel like your business is nothing working oh my god it’s it’s a mirror in real time that’s what’s so beautiful about having your own business is because because if you’re a bitch it’ll be bitching you and if you are if you stand up did you say you know what this is hard right now and this is falling apart and oh my god I look like an idiot and I’m the biggest piece of shit walking right now the road to hell is paved with good intentions you can have the greatest intentions in the world and you have a plan well guess what now shits a hell fire we call it a shit show when everything’s falling apart going to hell in a handbasket and you’re still doing your best and you have to be the bad guy keep your mouth shut don’t bitch about it and I would refrain I mean you can bitch about it to your closest Fab five there’s five people in your life five other alphas or people that you can fight in and you guys are friends and your life coaches to each other and business coaches you coach each other through shit and you understand because there’s no resentments no shit talking it’s who is your fab five and then you can vent to those but no if you come home and you vent about your business to your wife or family member you’re just gonna stress them out it’s not gonna work you have to have your Fab five find out who they are and build those relationships now if you don’t have them I have them and I don’t know where I would be without them so but anything that you do where you let where you’re afraid of standing up and dealing with what you’ve chosen okay because you could go back you can go live in a cardboard box you can get rid of your family get everything to be a big piece of shit and go live in the woods and not have any responsibility and that won’t be easy either life is like do you pick up your cross and you carry it up the hill you pick you put down your cross you’re putting it on someone else’s back you got to carry your own weight it’s it’s it’s really like brutal to talk about shit like this but the more you get to recognizing that is the more you get dead centered and serious about divorcing yourself from the chaos the moment getting back into control and say what do I need to do to fix this it’s not what happens to you as to how you react when bad shit happens and that’s who will absolutely define your level of success in business and don’t compare yourself to other people because you don’t know what they go through and you might not want the responsibility they have if you had this success that they have so what does that mean I just told you what that means your business is a mirror image of everything asuma that’s going on the side of you that’s what that means and that finally number five and I will end this with a quote your your uh my wife’s letting the dog in about here on the porch you like the porch atmosphere don’t you that’s why I waited because number five your relationship with your spouse is the relationship with your business i extrapolated this from david datas the way of the superior man amazing book about consciousness and masculine feminine energies if you’re abandoned a primarily masculine relationship with the woman who’s found in your relationship with the feminine with your woman is the relationship to your professional life in your business if shit ain’t working at home shit ain’t working in your business if she ain’t happy nobody’s happy if mommy ain’t happy no if the wife a happy happy wife happy life all that bullshit is 100% true so if you’re having um a disconnection or disagreement with your woman or we know whatever relationship you’re in if you don’t the longer you wait to go to work to get that thing fixed and get back to a happy place is the longer scan taken the more you will suffer grievously and guess what you’re gonna as being the alpha and the leader the person who pays the breadwinner and the business and whatever you want from college you will suffer grievously will cause suffering and you will you’ll pay through the nose and you it will ride you all the way down to the bottom of a cardboard box so it’s like you have to learn how to I know I keep refer to this like religious think it just means so much to me like you have to like pick up your cross and carry it while getting stabbed in the side in smile and it is fucking it’s brutal and it’s real and I’m beginning to see that the men that we aspire to be like the most that we look up to like wow how does that guy do all that no because that man behind closed doors he suffers grievously quietly a business owner man once told me one time I don’t know if I look up to the sky but he said I do in certain ways he said if you want to cry go cry in the closet nobody can see you and then wipe your face off and go back out and get back to work you don’t let everybody see your tears at least not the wrong people so now you can say I don’t understand you don’t understand Keith my life is very complex I know that your life is complex you have a certain set of karmic debts or whatever you want to call it that you’re going through whatever belief that you have that are probably a hell if like you could be totally willing to do all this yet you’re still handcuffed and with your hands tied behind your back fighting with your nose I know but when you’ve been through enough shit in life I think the only thing that you can do is peace a level of peace within yourself it doesn’t matter how much fucking money you make or how big your business is if you don’t have peace it’s not even worth it there’s nothing that compares to peace okay so I want to end it with this I hope you got some of that please go back and watch the video again because that’s some real shit I want you to take the fear take a breath and shut it down when you feel you’re being emotionally hijacked by fear and this thing is running you like a puppet now you’re sitting in the passenger seat looking out the window well it’s driving it’s your demons your demons are your fear the stories in your head of like oh I’m building the story of Hawaii why this is this and in how like you’re stuck in this like it’s like the interstellar movie or like you ever seen the movie that Sylvester Stallone locked down when he was locked in that prison it was like from the early 90s so if you’ve seen this liminal the comments below in every five minutes in this prison they turn on the lights and he’s in there naked name a number he goes one four six and if he didn’t get it they would start spraying them with a fire hose and torturing him and then they would shut the lights down and he’d be there every five minutes and like you could feel like your life is like like you’re in this like a nightmare and this was really dark but hang with me so there’s these these thought worlds if you allow yourself to get caught up in those like thought worlds for too long they will become a reality and they will are you down to the bottom when they were ruin your whole life and everything you’ve built you have to consciously take this fear and push it to the side and crush that motherfucker it consciously choose when shits falling or not when it’s going good and you’re laying around watching Netflix bitch you get when the shit’s falling apart you have to consciously keep it at bay like this and still act even if your arms are tied behind your back because that is the only option that you have and the more you can do that minute by minute moment by moment and surf on that wave right you search for me you’re surfing you got it bro you got it if you slip up one second do something stupid or excellent you know whatever maybe I don’t I don’t drink but what if you stay out on one day I don’t work night for some reason you decide to get fucked up drinking or something and now it causes this domino effect in your business like you might be the type of person where your karmic debt is you have to keep your shit together and walk a tightrope right and if you fall off it’s gonna be held in a handbasket everything is going to shit right so you know that you’ve been down that road you’ve been down that path so many times that you know you got to keep your shit together right so you’re not perfect it’s not but it’s your setting there the tracks now you’re setting the railroad tracks that this is the definiteness of purpose this is your path and you know what it is you can’t stray from it sometimes you can’t explain it to other people they don’t want here it doesn’t matter but you know in your head when you’re doing these counterintuitive things and I’m reading on these lists and you’re looking like a jackass out there and you’re giving it your best shot that one day it’ll all come together and then you’ll be like you just have to laugh all right so cool that’s it I’m ending this video let me know what you think in the comments below this is um I was on the phone this morning with Phil Saros Phil Saros from dirt monkey University he’s a stand Jetix partner dirt monkey stands in it his partner Phil this dude’s a mastermind owns a big landscape company and uh we coach on the phone about we once every couple weeks on Monday so we spent an hour on the phone we’ll go through some internet stuff to talk about business and just amazing we barely even talked about actual landscaping we’re talking about a lot of other type of different stuff that was just blowing my mind because sometimes a man can’t get his business off the ground or can’t get more clients or even do anything because he’s paralyzed by what’s going on in his mind and his emotions he’s trapped and his fears excuses his insecurities it’s all belief habits and patterns that are actually pinning him down imprisoning him so he needs help from his brothers to figure that shit out to get it together and get moving forward despite his fears okay I’m beating a dead horse I don’t know you but I love you
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