$50,000 Dropshipping From India (Shopify + AliExpress) Case Study

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Our drop shipping business Blog Tutorial Post Featuring $50,000 Dropshipping From India (Shopify + AliExpress) Case Study

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what is up you beautiful people I’m RIT oh and in this video I tell you how you can make $50,000 drop shipping from India or anywhere else in this world first check this out now tell me this do you have an internet connection and a laptop because if you do you can start your own drop shipping business wherever you are in the world how awesome is that it is the easiest business model to get into and there are tools and softwares that make your life so much easy I built my drop shipping business with Shopify and just drop shipping from Aliexpress with Chinese vendors and I have built it to a fifty thousand dollar business already when I started I was pretty much a newbie when it came to drop shipping because I had no idea what I was doing my first drop shipping store was opened up in October 2017 in front of a live audience I literally had no idea what I was doing I was just playing the game as it’s supposed to I had taken some courses and all of this is documented on the flying start online channel you can just literally go to the video stab and from there you can scroll down to visits on three and just watch all the videos of visitor on three when I was coming up with my store name which is now common panda which are so many of you guys know about it was all live on camera I actually get nostalgic thinking about this because when I was choosing the store name I had no clue what I was going to choose I literally turned on the live button on YouTube and here we are less than four months later and we have already crossed $50,000 that’s amazing now if you want to start your own drop shipping business just listen just binge watch all my business on three business on four and now business on five videos everything that I have done to grow my business is all documented right here on this channel now seriously we are not like other YouTube channels who have click beta content and no value to give whatsoever in their videos in my channel you’re going to find everything you need to build and grow and scale your drop shipping business with Shopify and Aliexpress and not just that with print-on-demand as well everything is covered right here now while this video is titled drop shipping from India these concepts apply to pretty much anyone in the world it doesn’t matter which country you are in it doesn’t matter what color your skin is how you look if you have a laptop and an internet connection and the will to make it happen you are going to succeed with drop shipping now if your drop shipping from outside the US there are a few things that’s different it’s different number one is payment gateways now if you don’t have stripe you’re pretty much stuck with PayPal and I want to tell you a story I was on a life call with one of my clients who had absolutely no online business experience and I was actually building out the store for them live on the call and what happened was we entered the payment gateway section where there was Shopify payments powered by stripe so I was like all right we need to set this up and this guy was from the US so he told me all right give me 60 seconds and I’ll come back to you literally in 60 seconds he had his Shopify payments set up and he could start accepting credit cards on his store when that happened it just because for people like us were from India and from other countries where stripe does not exist you don’t have Shopify payments you just have PayPal and why PayPal is responsible for a lot of sales on my store almost 70% of all my sales come from PayPal but still it doesn’t hurt to have a stripe account or a Shopify payments account now for those who have been following me you probably already know I have Shopify payments enabled on one of my stores I have other stores that have done a lot of Revenue we just use PayPal so if your with PayPal that is not a big deal let things come to you just get started with the flow things will start to happen you will figure it out now how did I get Shopify payments account I had to first off apply with stripe Atlas I had to give them all this documentation I had to open up a company pay $500 in fees to stripe Atlas and then once that company was formed I had to do all the taxing regulations I had to build up all these documents related to company incorporation my company was formed in Delaware using stripe Atlas I did not have any invite you can get started without an invite as well but it doesn’t stop there literally having a stripe account does not guarantee that you’re going to get Shopify payments enabled now forgetting Shopify payments enabled I to get on a lot of calls with Shopify support representatives with their risk management team explained to them my business give them all sorts of documentation regarding my US company and then after that they were able to give me a Shopify payments account it took weeks of effort but I am so happy that I have Shopify payments enabled now even if you don’t have Shopify payments even if you don’t have a stripe account don’t let that hold you back you can get started with just a PayPal account literally 70% of my sales come with paper on a few of my stores I just have PayPal so lesson number one for you is don’t make excuses right here on this channel I literally have every single thing you’ll need to know to build and grow your Shopify store like literally thousands of dollars of content right here you can watch for free what’s holding you back the second thing that’s different is currency conversion now this is just the hard truths and you just have to accept the fact that you will have to face some losses due to currency conversion literally when I get charged in USD on my facebook ads account – there’s a four percent currency conversion charge when I get charged with Aliexpress for fulfilling my orders I get charged a four percent currency conversion charge when I get money transferred to my bank accounts there’s a four percent currency conversion so you will lose money I’ve done all these calculations expect to lose about seven to eight percent of your entire revenue on just currency conversion but there is a way out there you can get cash backs and I’m going to actually create a detailed video on how you can get cash backs in fact my cash backs have crossed over thousand dollars now so that’s pretty much in profit right there but even without that my tip to you would be to just accept the fact that you’re going to have to work harder to find products with a greater return on adspend greater profit margins so that you can cover the currency conversion cost and make that profit it is possible I have been doing it for several months so don’t let that hold you back so what’s your Excuse now even with these issues the good news is that it is possible to start a drop shipping business from anywhere in the world I am living proof that all of this can be done and because all of my journey isn’t documented right here you can literally see me building out the store setting up the pages selecting products and starting the ads I am raking in the monies while still giving out value to you guys showing you how all of this is done when I look back I just you know I get nostalgic just thinking about just a little over three months ago I was live on camera I was selecting my store name I had no idea when I turned on that camera and went live I had no idea what the store name would be I had no idea what products I would be selecting just take it one step at a time and you will make it happen now listen if you found value in this give me that thumbs up right below and make sure you share this video on dropshipping Facebook group seriously I give everything I have right here on this channel all I ask for you is to share this video as many times possible as much as you can now as we say in Hindi Aggie Aggie deco Jota hekia which basically means this is just the beginning and I’ve just gotten started $50,000 was just the first milestone we are going to make it even bigger we are going to scale our Shopify stores we are going to be one of the biggest drop shipping stores out there and whatever I learn in my journey is all going to be shared right here on this channel so hit that subscribe button and the bell icon that comes along with it until the next one okay Tata bye bye



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