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Our Internet Business Blog Tutorial Post Featuring 7 Internet Business Models That Are Proven to Work
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hey everybody welcome this is Michael Carter here from money Mike calm and I’m gonna share with you guys seven internet business models that are proven to work okay this stuff works guys if you take action with this you can have great results now every year thousands of people will turn their income earning attention towards working online now there’s countless ways to actually earn income online there are a few methods that stand out above the rest now if you should really you know decide that you want to start a business online using one of these methods this could potentially make you very wealthy now let’s look at the seven online business models that can help you to replace your day job so so the first one is software and apps the earning potential from building and selling online software and mobile apps is very high you know though you need to have some idea of what we’d actually like to have created you can locate software and app creators and coders on sites like guru com there’s tons of other ones and for a small upfront investment you could potentially get your very own apps or software created to sell guys this is very powerful excuse me number two okay blogging blogging is one of the original ways to earn an income online now you don’t really need anything upfront since you can actually start a blog for free on several different blogging platforms now depending on how you choose to monetize your blog you could actually opt for your own domain name and hosting to give you free reign over your earning potential that’s what I would suggest you do now there are thousands of people who share their opinion with the world on a daily basis and get paid for it okay this is a great option for you guys so number three affiliate marketing okay affiliate marketing no it does require some work there are some upfront costs to get started but you can earn a lot of money by promoting the right products in the right niches now you need to work on building traffic to send to your affiliate sites on a daily basis in order to get this to work however if you take the time and build it right it can earn you a very very good payday on an ongoing basis so number four take creating information products and digital products sell very well online these days now if you set yourself up to create digital information products to sell you can get them listed on affiliate networks and in turn get hundreds or thousands of affiliates out there selling your product now when you offer products through affiliate networks you pay affiliates a commission for each sale but then of course you keep the rest of the money now there are wealthy marketers who pull down and sell multiple information products again this is a great option so number five okay number five is Kindle publishing the Kindle business model has become really really popular as of late and it’s very easy for anyone to write a book and publish it on Kindle now if you write several books and they become popular you can end up really earning great commissions from your book sales okay many people are actually making careers out of writing useful Kindle books and selling them through Amazon now there are kindle publishers who have hundreds of books for sale and they bring in six and seven-figure incomes okay that’s pretty substantial now this is a really lucrative lucrative method to make money online okay so number six online training courses now there are a few online platforms that offer training courses for nearly anything you can think of and I’m serious about that anything you can actually create useful training courses and set them up on these training platforms and get paid for every person who signs up to learn through your online courses now one such training platform is called ude now if you take the time to create products that train people anyway why not get them set up on a training site so you can make extra money guys this is a phenomenal thing that you can take advantage of okay so number seven Amazon FBA okay no though it does require a little bit of setup and cash to get into this model it’s well worth it people are making millions of dollars by selling products through Amazon FBA now the principle is simple guys you just find products to sell on Amazon that are being sought after okay they’re popular now you locate manufacturers and set up a shipment of stock to be sent to Amazon and Amazon takes care of the orders they fulfill the orders and you in turn get paid this is an awesome model that anybody can take advantage of now there are many other ways that you know you guys can earn money online these are seven business models that are the very best to get started with so literally anyone can go and get started in any of these models as long as you’re ready and willing to take massive action guys to reach your business and financial goals now your mindset and these business models can make you rich again you just have to take massive action alright so that’s about it I hope you guys got something out of this go and take action again I’m Michael Carter from money Mike calm and we’ll see you real soon bye bye
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