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Our Running A Business From Home Blog Tutorial Post Featuring 7 Top Tips For Running A Handmade Business From Home
The draft copy of the transcoded video text is posted underneath 7 Top Tips For Running A Handmade Business From Home, To Highlight the video's Blueprint in your analysis of the Running A Business From Home sector
just in testing one two three testing testing one two three [Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel now today I thought I would discuss like give you seven tips on how to really grow business if you’re new to my channel please consider subscribing I come out with weekly tips and tricks on how to draw your handmade business successfully from home this is in my opinion of how you can grow your handmade business from home successfully you do need to come out of your comfort zone there are going to be points where you’re not too familiar with but you really need if you want to grow your handmade business you have to do some of these tips try and stick with a few of them and I promise you they will work so tip number one try and sell on a market place a marketplace being Etsy handmade Amazon eBay Shopify there’s even things like printful there’s so many marketplace style platforms where you can sell your handmade goods just get them out there there’s a lot of people that are out there looking for handmade items yes people like to see things tangible in their hands but if you take really good pictures and you describe your item fully people will come and buy from you so consider going on a marketplace putting stuff online putting yourself out there and you will really reap the rewards when you start selling some of your items tip number two go on social media as simple as it is need to be on social media social media is the way forward gone are the days we were you buy an ad from a newspaper article those who media is fast it’s ready it’s there there’s people that are watching and you can get your stuff out there and get people interested in your product so don’t underestimate the platforms out there with social media they’re all free so it shouldn’t stop you from putting your products out there also one good thing as well is that when you do start putting your stuff on social media you kind of homed in on the type of people that will start liking your stuff south fan pages and then really push yourself in the social media world tip number three I know I just touched on social media but one of the good things is YouTube YouTube will really help your business growth I mean for instance I’m now standing in front of some of my products if you wanted to go on and buy some of my products you can just click on my website address and you can purchase some of my locals go on YouTube set up a channel and promote your business promote your handmade items and you’ll be able to sell them you’ll be able to sell them to the masses really try and set up a channel and promote your items on your channel you’ll get people that will watch you it’ll be interesting it might be able to close in or sell so look at YouTube as a way to build a customer base tip number four and know this might sound a bit cheesy one way to kind of get your community together is to host parties now I know that you’re probably thinking the whole Tupperware type of thing or the Avon party but it’s very similar to that it’s hosts a party and then people come you can give them a discounted card you can give them a promotion you can really try and push your products over and say look this is what I’ve got you can have refreshments on the day make everyone feel good about themselves I know this one girl she does beauty products and she gives them facials and massages and stuff like that and you can really try and develop a way to sell to your customers look into the art of hosting a party I mean who doesn’t want a party tip number five I’ve said this before in a previous video where it will be good to rights of bloggers magazines newspapers get your stuff into their hands let them know about your business let them know who you are because they have already built up a big following so if they were to feature you your business would explode your business will be known to a lot more people by just one feature so really try and reach out to your local community right into these editors possibly sending them a small little gift make them feel this is rather nice get them to see who you are and really try and bring them closer to you and to make really good feature on your product once you do that other bloggers other editors will find you and they will also want to tap into what you’re about tip number six have a website have a website have a blog have something that you own on the web I have a website I also have a blog it’s also something that I can say this is mine you never know what’s going to happen on Facebook you never know what’s gonna happen on Twitter Instagram Etsy handmade at Amazon you don’t know what’s gonna happen the next how many years it’s always good to have your own base your own platform that you want to build upon so have your own home so to speak have your own domain where you can see what this is my website he can have a look at my products that way people see that you’re serious and they know that you really mean business once you have your own platform to sell upon tip number seven the last tip is more to do of yourself and it is actually stay focused stay focused do not deviate from anything else you really need to focus on your game on your goals on your end result and where do you hope to become in the next year the next five years 10 years 15 years you are the one that are driving this business you are the one that needs to be at the forefront and needs to drive in you need to be the driving force you need to stay focused where destination is going to be so stay focused and you’ll get there so to recap his cell on a marketplace use social media promote yourself on YouTube host launch parties write editors press bloggers magazines block on your website make sure you have a website and last but not least stay focused if you’ve liked this video please comment and like with all your friends thank you so much guys for watching see you the next video bye bye [Music]
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