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So… you want to start a grocery budget but have no idea where to even start.  I was there just 6 short years ago when we were in a large amount of debt, so I completely understand how you are feeling.  You know you need to – and want to –  use your available money to pay down your debt, so you try to trim your other expenses. But the truth is, you don’t want to live on rice and pasta for months. The good news? You can set up a successful grocery budget and in just four easy steps too!



Set Up a Successful Grocery Budget in Four Easy Steps!

Okay, so if I’m being totally honest, maybe it’s not totally easy. There will be a little bit of time and a lot of messing up when trying to get this process right. It took me about 2 months to find the right amount of money to allocate towards grocery shopping every week. Once I got the sweet spot, it became easy to stick to that amount week after week because it was the correct amount.

1.) Determine Your Current Average Grocery Bill

The first step in budgeting to know where you are. Take a look at what you have been spending over the last 3 months, and then average that out so you can see what you have been spending.  If you aren’t math savvy, you get an average by adding up the totals and then dividing it by the numbers you added. So for example, if you shop every other week, over 3 months that’s 6 receipts. You’d total those up and divide that number by 6.

This can be a WOW moment for you. I know it was for us. We realized we were spending around $150 per week AND eating out twice a week.  That means that we were spending at least $800 per month on food (we were only a f… Read More

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