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A new year means new events across the world. Back in 2018, everyone seemed to be fascinated with cruises and nearly 30 million people took a cruise that year. In 2020 and 2021, it was all about live streaming global events from around the world — be it sports or entertainment.

As we approach 2022, you might be wondering what events to check out in the new year that match your lifestyle. Fortunately, 2022 is shaping up to be a brilliant year. Here’s a list of some of the best things happening in the world in 2022. 

2022 calander

Norway’s Opening A New Museum — And It Will House ‘The Scream’

Edvard Munch’s The Scream (1893) is one of the most iconic images of art and is well cemented in popular culture. In the 1980s, Andy Warhol included The Scream in his series of silkscreen prints, and the mask from the slasher horror franchise Scream was inspired by Munch’s painting. The alien antagonists in the BBC’s 2011 Doctor Who series were also partially based on The Scream.

Almost everywhere we look, there’s some homage to The Scream. And in 2022, you have the chance to see this iconic painting in real life when Norway opens its brand new museum. On June 11, 2022, the new National Museum of Norway will open, becoming the largest art museum in the Nordics.

The UK’s Going To Keep Throwing Bingo Raves

2021 was the year of bingo raves in the United Kingdom, and they are not going anywhere anytime soon. We know you can play bingo online, but does the online version of the game also let you go to the UK and party as if you were in a nightclub while playing for prizes? No, it doesn’t.

However, Bada Bingo, a popular bingo party in the UK, offers these things. We’re talking neon strobe lights, confetti guns, and dancing. Bingo raves wi… Read More

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