Best Practices For Home Based BUSINESS Startups

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“Start now. Don’t wait for anything. Start.”

— Alberto Soto, Global Student Entrepreneur Awards (GSEA) Alumnus and EO Guatemala member

Explore your endless opportunities

As a student, you have so many extra opportunities available—grants, resources and an overall willingness from society to help students. Many GSEA alumni suggest taking advantage of the safety net you have, rather than waiting to start your company when you have more to lose.

If you are a student who qualifies to compete in the GSEA competition, GSEA Alumna Rachel Zietz said you should “take advantage of every opportunity to connect with other students and make sure you attend all the workshops, events and anything that is offered. Optional or not.”  

Not only should you start your entrepreneurial journey now, but GSEA alumni also suggest building your network of peers and mentors as soon as possible. Mentors will guide you in the right direction, give you feedback, and might even connect you with others from their own networks.

Being an entrepreneur can be lonely, so surround yourself with others who have gone through this experience, or who are also starting their journeys.

Plan, practice and pitch

As you begin to share your story with other entrepreneurs and investors, make sure you practice your pitch, in order to be comfortable with clearly communicating your ideas and motivations.

“Believe in yourself and believe in your idea. Love your idea and put your passion into communicating that idea. Share that with the judges and have confidence in who you are and your idea,” GSEA Alumnus Nahim Aliss said.

When you are in the busy cycle of studying, preparing pitches and working on your busin… Read More

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