How Has LMS Revolutionized Homeschooling?

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In recent years many international, as well as higher educational institutions, have experimented with Learning Management Systems (LMS), which have made some significant changes in their functionality, efficiency, and structure. Closure of schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic posed restrictions on traditional teaching techniques, forcing schools to challenge existing technological deficiencies such as lack of:

focus on delivering assured learning outcomes for students
quality control
engaging elements in content delivery
parents’ active involvement in their child’s academic journey
right tools and infrastructure for teacher training and support

Extensive research into the field revolutionized technology which further transformed and made the classroom experience simpler, interactive, more powerful, and more personalized. Let us see how:

Easy Accessibility

A huge advantage for students and teachers of using an LMS as a learning resource is that it is not spread over different hard drives and devices. Students can easily access the material on any device with the internet. Classroom sessions occur by the usual school time but with online learning, a schedule is quite easy. This makes it convenient for both students as well as teachers. A robust LMS such as Blackbaud allows flexibility of access to learning resources and makes the process smooth and effortless.

Tracking Progress

Most LMS include inbuilt reporting and analytical tools used to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses of students. Action-based data of students records in an LMS where teachers check and track students’ progress. The teachers can keep a check on students’ progress and necessary improvisations are made to the learning content where customized learning courses are made accordingly. Hence, an LMS offers schools and parents the potential to track learner progress and make sure that the learners are meeting their performance goals. 

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