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In today’s podcast episode we talk about if there is stress of being the female breadwinner. Women have made great strides in the workforce over the years, but we still have a long way to go. According to a recent report from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, women are now the primary or sole breadwinners in 40% of households with children. This is a big shift from just a decade ago when only 24% of households had female breadwinners.
So what’s it like to be the woman carrying the financial load for your family? I decided to ask Farnoosh Torabi, the New York Times Best-selling author of the book “When She Makes More: 10 Rules for Breadwinning woman” to talk about this topic.
As the female breadwinner in my family for the past 8 years, I can relate so much to this topic!
Stress of Being the Female Breadwinner:
What happens when the woman is the breadwinner?
It’s a question that many women are asking these days. With more and more women making a name for themselves in the professional world, it’s only natural that they would want to know what happens when they become the breadwinners in their families.
For some families, nothing changes. The woman continues to work and support her family just as she always has. But for other families, things can change quite dramatically.
The role of the breadwinner is a demanding one, and it can often lead to feelings of guilt or anxiety. There are also financial pressures that come along with being the breadwinner. But despite all of these challenges, there are also many rewards that come with this new role.
Are female breadwinners happy?
Brené Brown says… Read More
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