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Why Do Entrepreneurs Succeed at Poker?
Entrepreneurs often step into the unknown when they start a new business or invest their funds in another person’s idea to help them realize their dreams.
Poker players understand the feeling of not knowing how a particular game could turn out. The game of poker, whether five-card poker or Texas Hold’em, is all about understanding how much you can win. That is how players adjust poker strategy on the fly, as they attempt to outwit their opponents.
If you are an avid poker player or a fan of the sport, you may have noticed that many successful businessmen and entrepreneurs take a liking to this game. Most of them are extremely successful at poker, which begs the question, are there similarities between the two?
Staying Calm Under Pressure
The best poker players are the ones who always remain calm. Whether they have a pair of aces or twos, they never let anyone see or know how they are feeling. Running a business is a very similar proposition, as you must keep your cards close to your chest.
Whether you have partners, investors, or employees who are wondering if your company will be a success, you cannot let any of them see the full picture. They must believe you are on the right track, and to keep that going, you must know how to stay calm in pressured situations.
Between dealing with unruly customers, regrouping after a delayed delivery of supplies, or facing an issue at one of your locations, you know that running a successful business means thinking clearly in the most stressful situations. Poker players are the same, which is why an entrepreneur can quickly transition into a great poker player.
The Adrenaline Rush
The reason poker players love the game is because of … Read More
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