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Twitter has been the talk of the town recently. With Elon Musk taking over, several new features and reforms have been included in Twitter’s user interface. If you are a regular Twitter user, you must have wondered about private accounts.

Sometimes, private accounts seem very closed-off but intriguing. You might be sitting there wondering, “I wonder what they tweet about.” You aren’t the only one wishing you could get a peek inside a private Twitter account.

We discuss that and more in this article. You can view private Twitter accounts in a few different ways, so let’s get this sorted.

Can I See Someone’s Private Twitter Account?

If you aren’t following the person before they make their Twitter private, chances are that you won’t be able to view what they are tweeting.

Now, there are exceptions.

For example, if someone has a private account and you have requested to follow them, and they accept the following request, it is possible to access what they are tweeting in real-time.

But, if the private Twitter account doesn’t accept your follow request, you won’t be able to view what they are tweeting.

Also Read – Top 5 Tools are Responsible to Increase your Twitter Followers Accounts

Twitter Privacy Policy

Like most social media platforms, even Twitter is very strict about its privacy policy. So if you make your Twitter private, Twitter protects your account in your best interest.

It limits who can view your data and tweets and who can’t. So, for example, only the people who had followed you before you went private or whose follow request you accepted can view what you are tweeting.

A private Twitter account is ideal if you want to tweet your personal thoughts on Twitter without broadcasting them to the public.

How To See Private Twitter Accounts?

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