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Many people become expatriates for the chance to renovate a new home in another country. It can open up many exciting possibilities that aren’t available in their native country.
Conditions can also be more favourable too. These factors can be economic, financial, or even culturally significant. There can be more themes to play with and architecture to enjoy as well. It all lends itself to a fresh take on home renovation.
Singapore is a prime destination for all. After all, even their expatriates often want to return at the earliest opportunity. There’s plenty to enjoy on this sovereign island city-state, but preparation needs to be considered if you’re to be an expatriate renovating property in the region.
For many individuals, it might better to renovate a property abroad, particularly in Singapore. Here’s why.
No Major Language Barrier
Language barriers are often one of the largest hurdles expatriates need to overcome. However, you’re likely exempt from these worries if you live in Singapore.
However, evidence from 2020 showed that English was gaining ground as the most popular language used at home in Singapore. 48.3% of households used it, up from 32.3% a decade prior. It’s telling data, as it shows just how commonplace and comfortable Singaporeans are with exercising their English. It also partially explains why Singapore is popular with other expatriates, too.
The English language is key when renovating property in Singapore. After all, you’ll need to communicate with architects, builders, decorators, furniture suppliers, and environmental specialists. The more precise your communications and understandings are, then the better the working experience and the results.
Excellent Home Loan Access
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