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Letting go of a team member can be a grueling decision. However, it may be your only choice if you’ve noticed that their work is not up to par, their behaviors negatively impact the rest of your team, or when economic changes adversely affect your business. Follow these tips to handle this difficult situation with diplomacy.

Decide who stays and who goes

During performance evaluations, it is often quite apparent who hasn’t been performing as expected. At other times, you may need to keep a close eye on the inner workings of your business to see which employees are no longer pulling their weight or have become quiet quitters. These are just a few of the reasons you may need to consider terminating an employee.

Once you’ve decided to let an employee go, the next step is implementing the process to ensure that the dismissal is carried out legally and with respect to everyone involved.

Provide written warnings beforehand

Guided by your company policy, follow the correct protocol to ensure the employee in question is not caught off-guard by your decision. It’s critical to make sure the employee has received the requisite number of warnings before you commence with terminating their position. Also, they should be given a chance to correct their actions after receiving those warnings.

An example could be an employee who has repeatedly missed deadlines or has been caught engaging in inappropriate behavior. Let’s say your company policy requires three written warnings before taking further disciplinary action. In a best-case scenario, their manager would meet with the employee to discuss the situation in detail at the time of these warnings and inform them of the outcome (job termination) if performance didn’t improve. Once the employee has received three such warnings, if there’s still no improvement in performance, firing the employee will be the next course of action. Because you have followed … Read More

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