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The Entrepreneurial Mind: A Closer Look

There’s no denying that successful entrepreneurs possess a unique combination of attributes, including creativity, resilience, and adaptability.

But what about intelligence?

Is there a significant correlation between a person’s IQ and their chances of becoming a successful entrepreneur? In this article, we delve into the science behind this intriguing question and unravel the complex relationship between intelligence and entrepreneurial success.

Intelligence and Entrepreneurship: The Research

A plethora of research has been conducted to explore the connection between intelligence and entrepreneurship. Some studies have suggested that higher scores on suitable intelligence tests are indeed associated with increased entrepreneurial success.

One study investigated the relationship between intelligence, income, and financial stability. Findings confirmed that individuals with higher IQ scores generally earn higher incomes, with each point increase in IQ associated with $202 to $616 more income per year. This results in an average income difference of $6,000 to $18,500 per year between someone with an average IQ (100) and someone in the top 2% (130). However, the study found no strong correlation between total wealth and intelligence.

A 20-year follow-up study of 320 students who scored in the top 1% on SAT math or verbal tests found that these individuals went on to make outstanding contributions to society. By age 38, 63% held advanced degrees, with 44% being doctorates.

They made substantial accomplishments in fine arts, STEM publications, software developments, and patents, and brought in an average of $826,000 in grant dollars each. Many worked for top companies, hospitals, and universit… Read More

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