Best Practices For Home Based BUSINESS Startups

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In my twenties, it seemed easy to maintain a positive outlook on life. It was a simpler time with a lot less that could go wrong. As the years passed, I started collecting responsibilities — and bad things happened along with the good. When I started my company, I faced new, unchartered challenges. At one point, my business nearly collapsed. As a result, my outlook shifted to a more negative place. Business problems and other life responsibilities in 2007 took control and made some days outright bad ones. My tone changed from upbeat to downbeat. I started having trouble seeing the good in things. That change in outlook affected my health, inviting more “misfortune.”

Though it wasn’t a conscious effort, I began to collect strategies to recapture the happy, positive mindset of my twenties. I had previously thought that whether a person thinks the glass is half-full or half-empty was genetically hardwired. At some point, I realized that any hardwiring could be overpowered by events. My parents taught me that a positive attitude was the foundation for a good life. I never thought that maintaining one would take practice or need support, but as it turns out: It does.

Today, I practice three regular habits to keep my outlook positive.

1. The Greatest Hits

As a business leader, most of the company’s challenging issues make their way to your desk. When you see so many problems, you get the feeling that’s all there is — problems. Rationally, you know that is not the case, but in order to instill the proper perspective, we started our Greatest Hits Meeting.  

Weekly at 9am for 10 minutes, the key people in our company share their latest and greatest hits. Prior to the meeting, they fill out our unique Post-it prompting their answers. Each person shares two examples of something they are proud of: Something noteworthy they saw someone else do or that happened around the company. They then share a personal h… Read More

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