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Article from MoneyAhoy.com

Industrial Real Estate Investing 101

Industrial Real Estate Investing 101

The industrial sector is arguably the least glamorous commercial real estate asset class. There are no elaborate architectural design features, resort-like amenities, or high-profile addresses. Instead, industrial real estate provides practical and efficient space and is used for manufacturing, research and development, and the storage and distribution of goods. Industrial is the workhorse of the real estate space and is crucial to supporting the global economy. 

The National Association of Industrial & Office Parks (NAIOP) breaks industrial into three categories:

Manufacturing Real Estate Investing

A facility used for the conversion, fabrication, and/or assembly of raw or partly wrought materials into products/goods. This is the classic “production line” used to assemble things like cars, airplanes, or consumer electronics. 

Warehouse Real Estate Investing

A facility primarily used for the storage and/or distribution of materials, goods, and merchandise. This category also may include specialty facilities, such as cold or freezer storage for food. This is the building where your online orders are stored, shipped to and from, and picked up by delivery trucks.

Flex / R&D Real Estate Investing

These industrial buildings are designed to give their occupants flexibility in the use of the space. Sometimes referred to as flex/tech space, these buildings are an office-industrial hybrid. Many real estate professionals consider data centers to be in this category. 

Investing in Industrial Real Esta… Read More

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