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Snapchat is now one of the most exciting and engaging social media apps. The app’s simple UI and comprehensive feature set have made it a must-have for Generation Z.
Snapchat has flourished and sustained itself as one of the most appealing social media platforms due to its opulent quantity of filters and unlimited opportunities for exercising your creativity.
However, we frequently find ourselves in a quandary: Should we unfriend someone, block someone on Snapchat, or ignore them?
We will learn the secrets of what happens when we delete our Snapchat. Do the messages delete?
Not to fear, we’ve put up a full tutorial on unfriending someone on Snapchat. We’ll also explain what happens when you unfollow someone on Snapchat.
Do Messages Get Deleted When You Unfriend Someone On Snapchat?
Unfriending someone on Snapchat effectively closes all communication lines with that individual. As a result, they can’t send or receive Snaps from you anymore.
However, the individual can still read any preserved communications sent or received before the unfriending. This is true for both text-based Snaps and image/video-based Snaps.
This implies that if the other person saved any of your Snaps, they can access and see those stored messages even after you unfriend them.
However, they will no longer be visible once the other person deletes those Saved Messages from their device or account.
So What If The Messages Weren’t Saved?
The only difference is that they cannot send you new Snaps or messages. If the two of you were actively discussing the app, all of their Snaps would be in the ‘Pending’ status.
You will be unable to acces… Read More
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