How To Make Your Web Startup Attract New Customers in Days

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The EO Powerhouse Speakers Series offers the EO community exclusive access to thought leaders like Dr. Andrew Huberman, a popular podcast host and tenured Stanford University neuroscience professor who specializes in brain development and neuroplasticity.

Dr. Huberman, who also develops tools to optimize performance under stress, was interviewed by Dr. Heather Sandison, an EO San Diego member and naturopathic doctor specializing in Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Dr. Sandison skillfully guided the conversation so it would resonate with the entrepreneurial audience—and EOers loved it.

Here are six science-backed strategies Dr. Huberman shared to help unlock your brain’s potential, enhance learning, and build mental resilience:

1. Harness the Power of the Physiological Sigh

Fact: Entrepreneurial life gets stressful. Next time you’re stressed, Dr. Huberman recommends dealing with it in real-time with a quick, effective reset on your stress response that your neural circuits are wired to do: the physiological sigh. It’s a pattern of breathing from yogic traditions that Dr. Huberman studied in a clinical trial.

To do the physiological sigh: Inhale deeply through your nose, followed by a quick extra inhale to maximally inflate your lungs. Then, consciously exhale slowly through your mouth.

“It’s the fastest way to take your autonomic nervous system from a state of heightened alertness, even stress or panic, to calm,” Dr. Huberman explained. “That voluntary exhale slows your heart rate down, and you’ll find yourself getting calmer. You may need to repeat it once or twice, but it works very quickly.”

2. Proactively Counter the Effects of Alcohol

“Alcohol has negative effects, so if you’re going to drink, take steps to counter those effects,” Dr. Huberman explained. The downsides of alcohol include disruption to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and a … Read More

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