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Could it be you?

The dream of winning ‘the lottery’ is so ingrained in our culture that many people do not even think playing it is gambling. The lottery companies go hard with advertising messages selling the dream. The UK National Lottery lures us with the strap line ‘It Could Be You’ while funding good causes; the feelgood factor allows us to wander off into flights of imagination and fantasy.

Who hasn’t said, ‘If I won the lottery, I’d buy a house, travel the world, buy my mum a new home, invest in a stunning piece of contemporary art, or trade in my old car for a hot new model? Whether we pick weekly numbers or pick up a scratchcard when we go shopping, the dream is a reality until the result is revealed. We know the chances are infinitesimal, but still, we play.

Many entrepreneurs would rather gamble on themselves, which is why so many people decide to start up their own businesses. About 90% of startups fail – 10% within the first year, regardless of industry sector.

So, are we better off playing a lottery or betting on ourselves?  After all, someone does have to win, and maybe it could be you! Perhaps a blend of entrepreneurialism and a fairy dust sprinkling of lottery luck could allow us to spread our bets. But what are the actual chances of winning the lottery, and does it matter which lottery we play?

How do lottery odds work

The chances of winning depend on the individual lottery, but the odds are usually one in millions, tens, or even hundreds of millions. Usually, the bigger the promised prize, the longer the odds are. The probability of winning is the ratio between the number of number combinations that make up the prize and the total number of possible combinations from all the… Read More

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