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After skin cancer, breast cancer is the leading form of cancer affecting women around the world. In fact, roughly 13% of women are at the risk of developing the disease at some point in their lives. So, what really begs the question is why is this form of cancer so prevalent, and why haven’t we been able to thwart it? An experienced gynecologist in Dubai will tell you the reason: it’s because breast cancer manifests itself in various different ways. It could be a hereditary condition, old age, lifestyle choices, exposure to certain drugs, etc. Just consider yourself extremely unlucky if you contract the condition. Thankfully, there are plenty of medications and surgical options available to shrink or kill the cancer.
Let’s talk in-depth about breast cancer awareness and prevention.
Why Breast Cancer Awareness Matters
Raising awareness helps save lives. When breast cancer is detected early, the survival rates significantly increase, and treatment options become more effective. However, early symptoms can be subtle, and often, women may overlook them. Awareness campaigns educate people about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, such as lumps in the breast or underarm, changes in breast size or shape, and unusual discharge from the nipple. Knowing these signs and checking yourself regularly can help catch any changes early.
Beyond physical awareness, awareness also helps break down stigmas and encourages open conversations. These dialogues can lead to increased support, funding for research, and advocacy efforts, ultimately improving access to resources and treatments.
Steps for Prevention and Early Detection
While there is no guaranteed way to prevent breast cancer, certain lifestyle choices can reduce the risk. Here are some s… Read More
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