5 Second Health Check When Buying a Website

today’s tip of the day what’s the first thing that I look at when evaluating a business to buy well for me it’s graphs I look at traffic graphs I look at net income customer service metrics sales graphs those kinds of metrics to see are they declining are they flat are they growing for me declining graphs in most of those …

Buying a website? What is the technical platform?

today’s question how important is the technology of the website that I’m looking to acquire the answer is is quite important websites that are built on industry-standard technology like wordpress or joomla or on the e-commerce side Shopify other kinds of platforms like that or we’re quite simply easier to fix an…

Maria Osbourne on buying an Online Business

hi and welcome to business wings podcast my name’s Christina for trackers and today I’m talking to Maria Osborne co-founder of Somerset tourist guide com Maria offers advice the dot-com entrepreneurs about advertising growing their web portfolio and why they should be careful when it comes to hiring SEO companies how …

Download book The Website Investor: The Guide to Buying an Online Website Business for Passive

download book the website and bester the guide to buying an online website business for passive ever wanted to own your own business the website investor exposes the financial potential of website ownership to everyone who ever wanted to own their own business and work from home whether you want to earn five hundred dollars per month o…

How To Make Money Buying And Selling Businesses: Tai Lopez On Purchasing Pre-existing Assets

how to buy businesses and resell them for a profit today was interesting I’m opposed some footage on YouTube later it’s on my snapchat of me talking to some people some fans came up to me at the end of the Laker game not tonight and there were an 18 year old and a 16 year old and they’re like yo man we follow her stuff and we bo…

5 Things You Need to Consider Before Building or Buying a Website

In episode 3 of The 10 Minute Healthcare Marketing Podcast, Tyson talks about the 5 things that are need to be considered when putting up your website.

What was discussed:

• Motivational quote of the day from Oscar Wilde, “What seems to us as bitter trials, are often blessings in disguise.”
• 5 things to consider include:
o User Experien…

Why buying a website is a more

starting business from scratch is uncertain at best you’ve heard the statistics after five years only twenty percent of brick-and-mortar businesses are still in business and the figures are even worse for online businesses so one reason that we buy businesses that are already working they already have a product that already …