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A credit score is the new “in” thing. Everywhere you look, companies are giving away free credit scores. If you have good credit, you probably don’t think about it too much. But more than a third of Americans have a “fair” or “very poor” credit rating. If you are included in the third of Americans, you probably want to know how to improve your credit score.
You might not think it matters too much. After all, if you’re not in the market to buy a house or apply for a loan, and you may be wondering why does a credit score matter?
A credit score is used more often than you know. Some employers run a credit check as part of the interview process which means having a low score could cost you that job you wanted. Insurance companies also factor your score into the premiums you pay. A high credit score could save you money on auto and homeowners insurance. Want to improve your credit score? Here’s how!
How to Improve your Credit Score
1.) Know Where to Start
Before you improve your score, you need to know where to begin. This is the easy part since there are plenty of free ways to find your credit score.
Credit Sesame is a top choice for free credit scores. It takes less than a minute to create your free account and access your credit score – no strings attached. Your account comes with free credit monitoring so keeping tabs on your score is a piece of cake.
Plus, Credit Sesame gives you free identity theft insurance just for signing up. With identity theft on the rise, this is a huge peace of mind.
2.) Get a Line of Credit
To have a credit score, you must have credit accounts. Opening a new lin… Read More
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