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You may be wondering how to stick to financial new year’s resolutions this year. The new year is a popular time to make resolutions about all the things you’ll do better next year. Financial goals are common, such as getting out of debt, building your emergency fund, or starting a side hustle.  

I’ve had my fair share of financial failures. I learned a lot from my mistakes, and I’m going to share my best tips with you. Watch the video below to find out what my 2021 financial new year’s resolutions are.



My goals weren’t always this straightforward and laid out, and I didn’t always have a clear action plan of how I would achieve them.  When you are unclear on either piece, you might have trouble is sticking to your plan. Most new year’s resolutions don’t make it past January 17, according to USA Today. But if you can make it that far, there’s a 40% chance you’ll still be going strong after six months. 

I’m going to dish by success tips so you can be someone who meets your financial goals this year.

How to Stick to Financial New Year’s Resolutions:
1.) Set realistic goals.

You’ve heard the saying, “Go big or go home!” But that’s not good advice when it comes to setting new year’s resolutions. Consider making small changes when thinking about your goals for next year.

Sure, making a big change sounds like a good idea, but it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. So break down your goal into smaller changes to make achieving it more realistic.

For instance, if your goal is to get out of debt, kudos to you! That is a great goal. The trick to turning your goal into something… Read More

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