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Our how to start an online business Blog Tutorial Post Featuring Free Internet Business Mini Course Lesson 2 – Revenue per Site Visitor
The draft copy of the transcoded video text is posted underneath Free Internet Business Mini Course Lesson 2 – Revenue per Site Visitor, To Highlight the video's Blueprint in your analysis of the how to start an online business sector
what’s up buckaroos today’s lesson is very simple but it’s also really important and just completely and totally revolutionary and if you’re focused on it and you get the concept when you go to create an internet business you’re going to set it up in a way that has a much higher chance to succeed and that’s the point of all this and everything that I teach there’s obviously a lot of people doing a lot of things that I wouldn’t necessarily advocate I talk all kinds of trash about blogging and podcasting – all these kinds of things and there’s all these successful people doing that how dare I talk smack about something that obviously works you know I’m not even a huge fan of just like going out and publishing a bunch of books and trying to make it as an author I think that’s a third of a business it’s incomplete there’s so much more to it I spend more time talking to authors about stuff that doesn’t pertain to books and I do actually talk to them about books so I all I’m trying to do is help you guys set it up in a way – gives you a higher chance of success and I can tell you you know Point Blank my first mentor that I had told me the same thing he said you know when I told him I mean he was making like 80,000 a month and so he asked me like hey how much you making these days and I said you know well American I’m only making about 3000 a month and he he was floored by that and he said congratulations man like you did it you arrived it’s harder to go from 0 to 3,000 a month and it is to go from 3,000 a month to 30,000 a month and so you know I kind of take that with me today I consider this like called a hundred dollars a day I called the golden point it’s the point where you know once you reach it you know you’re pretty much golden now I know 100 dollars a day for some of you may not be enough to where you feel like that’s job replacement income I kind of select that because that is almost precisely the average wage of someone living in the United States average wage is you know $33,000 or something year as of you know the last time I looked it up and so that’s that’s almost $100 a day and so $100 a day to me is an is an important benchmark and this benchmark in this first benchmark of getting to $100 a day is the hardest one you’ll ever achieve once you get here it’s so much easier from that point forward most people just never get here period and so I I’m just I try to do everything in my power to help people achieve this nearly impossible hurdle of getting to this point okay and what’s most helpful in that more than anything else and what matters so much is how much money you’re making per site visitor okay so if you want to make $100 a day you can have thousand visitors let’s say 10,000 visitors a day time is 1 cent you’re making a penny per visitor you need 10,000 a day you’re making 10 cents you need a thousand visitors a day right a lot of blogs and people who are making money off of advertising and stuff like that you know they’re in this tent that they’re in this 10 cent per view kind of range right maybe you youtuber is in the 1 cent you know and then you know as I evolved my original website was about 10 cents per visitor yeah you know I got ad you know a lot of products and audio-video books for sale consultations you know all those things put together got me up to you know more like 15 to 18 cents per site visitor but then as I realized the folly on all of that I started to really work towards increasing that and so I started to cite Buck books and I was getting 50 cents per visitor and so at 50 cents you need what is that two hundred 200 times fifty cents to make that hundred dollars a day it’s getting easier and easier right and then my best night I’ve ever done it’s one that I just started recently I’m making about 10 dollars per site those are actually a little bit more and I’ll probably be able to improve upon that as I make some light adjustments and I test some things out but at making $10 I just need 10 visitors at $10 right to give that hundred dollars a day one of the best sights that I know of a friend of mine a guy I work with helped him get his start online re Witten he was doing about twenty-five dollars per site visitor I know that’s $25 per subscriber I think he was at about twelve right so at twelve that’s uh you know only nine visitors eight eight eight visitors and change so you know twelve times eight visitors right but you know what I can tell and I did that backwards other than erase that but but you’re getting the point that I’m making here right I think one of the hardest things that people struggle with early on is how to get traffic and everybody’s really fixated on how do you get traffic how do you drive more traffic marketing marketing marketing and really they should be focused on setting up their site in a way that achieves better numbers to where they’re not dependent on getting so many visitors right if you get ten visitors per day to your site and that’s enough to make a hundred dollars a day forget about it there’s no way you can screw that up right because you can go out and buy traffic for cheaper than that it’s really easy affiliates you can create an affiliate program that’s very competitive and affiliates will be tripping over themselves because the affiliates are used to making about $1 a click and anything that’s where they’re making more than $1 per click that they send over they’re going to be really happy so you know anything below that you know if I’m making 50 cents per site visitor I can’t have a competitive affiliate program and that’s that’s ultimately the folly in my site buck books and why I stopped working on it and worked on starting other things that got more money because its growth was limited by the fact that it was only getting $0.50 per site visitor right and so my progression of my evolution has been towards creating sites to get more and more money per site visitor it’s so important and once you create this and you only need to get ten visitors a day to make a hundred bucks a day anybody can get ten visitors to a site right I started a site six days ago and I’ve already gotten more than ten visitors a day right it’s not impossible you know that was working on it like you know ninety minutes a day or something right so it’s easy to get ten visitors a day and in the more money you make per site visitor the easier it is to get traffic because you can have an affiliate program you can run ads etc etc etc so you know what I said in Lesson one I said you know the main theme was set your site up in a way where you’re getting the most desired response out of your user either you get them to buy something right away or you get into subscribe and then you get more familiar with them and let them get more familiar with you and then you sell something right but it was a binary decision when they landed on your page right if you can create a site if you whatever you want them to do give them that option on a page and no other option and you’ll get them to you’ll get your visitors to do that much more often than if they have a menu of options I promise you that and it’s easier and simpler there’s less moving parts fewer variables if you have one main page and there’s only one thing for sale or one thing you’re trying to get them to do it’s so easy to test it and improve upon that so make sure you’re setting up a business that has the opportunity to get a lot of money per site visitor 10 is a lot I admit it’s pretty you have to be pretty good at what you do you have to have a great offer in order to do that okay but be thinking about that and that’s another reason why I recommend having you know you want to make sure that you have some kind of premium offer of some kind it’s really hard to get to $10 per site visitor if you only have a $10 product for sale that means a hundred percent of the people who come to your site have to buy that if you price something in a hundred dollars then you need 10% of people to buy it if you set it at a thousand dollars you only need one percent to buy it we said it if you’re a product and service is ten thousand dollars you need zero 0.1% and I know people online who have products and services that go way up from there right that sounds crazy but you know if you’re going to work really hard for somebody help them build a business do something that’s going to help them make more money you know that stuff is really valuable and so I really believe that one of the keys here is is helping people make money somehow a product or service that’s met this design the help of business make more money they refer to that as B to V or business-to-business kind of offers now I’m not saying you have to do that but it’s certainly an advantage and I think it’s an advantage because people are willing to spend more money when they’re making an investment in something that can help them make more money they don’t look at it as wasted money they look at it as an investment that’s going to bring a positive return and that’s why you know my advertising service where we’re helping people make money above and beyond what they’re paying for the service makes it so much easier to get that $10 per site visitor right and and that’s I think that’s the real take-home lesson I want you guys to get out of this is it there’s everybody thinks oh I want to do that as my business right and like somebody will come to me and be like oh I’m really interested in kombucha how can I make a business out of it and it’s kind of like ah you know what here it’s such a disadvantage to try to go out into the world and build a business on something like that you know it’s just really so when you’re thinking and you’re developing a business idea be thinking about something you know keep it within certain boundaries right you want to think of a product or service that you can offer that can really substantially help somebody and if you can help them actually make money that’s an added bonus right you want to make sure that you have you might have a cheap product that’s great but you want to make sure that you have some kind of premium product as well premium product or service I kind of refer to it is Tesla engineering right what’s what’s interesting about Tesla’s that they didn’t go out there and try to make a mass-market car that wasn’t step one step one was to make just a few hundred models of a really nice extremely expensive car and that was easy to sell they didn’t have to be famous where every they didn’t have to be a household name they just had to find a few hundred customers and that was enough to get them going because it wasn’t you know well over a hundred thousand dollars the product that they were selling right if you have the product or service it’s a thousand dollars and you you want to make this hundred dollars a day you only need three customers a month it’s a lot easier to get three customers a month than it is to become famous and make a penny off of each one of the people that find you okay so that’s what that’s the buck flogging ISM for the day and you know if you guys have any questions just ask me in the comments I’m always happy to ask answer questions and you know brainstorm with you or whatever it may be you know if you have an idea that works and it’s you set it up correctly it’s your chances of success are just infinitely better than somebody who’s setting their their business up in a way that doesn’t really make sense so that’s it and I’ll see you guys tomorrow in the next lesson
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