HBW084: Nicole Walters, Leading Entrepreneurs To Find Income Opportunities And Make A Difference

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Our Income Opportunities Blog Tutorial Post Featuring HBW084: Nicole Walters, Leading Entrepreneurs To Find Income Opportunities And Make A Difference

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[Music] welcome to the happy black woman podcast where we’re on a mission to empower women to transform their lives through personal development and entrepreneurship we bring you all the information inspiration and motivation you need to create a life of happiness success and freedom now please welcome your host the happy black woman herself rosetta Thurmond me the one the only Nicole Walters our income strategist that we will be learning from today welcome to coal yes how lower is that I’m so excited to be here yeah we’re just talking before we got on the line I was trying to tell everybody how to be be it we haven’t actually met in person yet but before I said yeah there was all these people ask I don’t I love it love it so high energy and it’s funny the universe really does conspire to bring like positive happy people together so it’s all about your circles I’m glad you’re mine totally totally and you know energy attracts the best people so I was talking about having like them in you know on this podcast and you really do like to stick together we gravitate towards each other so I know that some people do know your story and you have so many followers I know there’s a lot of overlap in between young people who like to follow your brand and your videos and everything but let’s take it back for everyone who doesn’t know who you are yet like tell us a little bit about your journey like how did you become an income strategist like where did this all start sure sure so it all started back in corporate America well even before all that I mean I was just a regular girl growing up in Washington DC I’m the daughter of two African immigrants from Ghana West Africa my dad was a taxi driver my mom was the secretary to voting insurance company and they worked really really hard to raise me with strong values and strong morals in a sense of service but also to learn how to capitalize on my opportunities so that looked like my dad working really really hard every single day and coming home at night you know saying things like you have to do better you want my 401k plan I’ve been trying to get me into the top private schools in DC and through God’s grace and through his hard work you know I was able to attend really great schools and eventually you know I ended up working in corporate and it was great working with Fortune 500 companies helping them you know monetize their bottom line and optimize their product development but at the end of the day I was really patting their bank accounts and sacrificing my own happiness and personal alignment with my purpose so once that realization really dawned on me which happened soon after I became the mom to three foster girls I realized gosh I really I got to find my happy and I have to do it not just because these littles are watching me but also because I feel that I’m meant for something more and that happened in August of 2015 when I quit my job live on air yes that was like the infamous video or something about like when when somebody people started following you and they’re like have you heard of this girl who might put her job and I didn’t even know your name I didn’t know your name I didn’t know who you were but I look as a little yeah I did watch that video but I didn’t know who you were what your name was you know anything and it just I feel like it’s like what’s that old so the shot heard around the world it’s like the periscope watch around the world I got yeah I mean there were like ten thousand people that watched it live and over a hundred thousand people watch it and replay so I mean it was like it’s really crazy because you know oftentimes our most intimate moments are not shared with strangers and it’s both inspiring and uplifting and a good reminder of you know our ability to make a personal impact when you meet someone who’s like you know I watched that video and I was there in that moment with you and I’m just really proud of you and in those moments it’s just amazing the connection that you can make because you know that was scary like my intent wasn’t to do something crazy or shocking I’ve been sharing my journey online like hey I worked my nine-to-five and I’m trying to build this thing on the side and this is what it’s like and their highs and lows and I’m sad today and today is a big win and it just felt honest and we’re again and transparent to also share that moment cuz say hey you know I’m gonna do this and fortunately my boss wasn’t like good riddance you’re terrible get out of here oh my gosh you know if you found something that’s working for you I want you to get out there and chase it his exact words I think was something to the effect of well if you’re happy and it’s making you money then what are you doing here you know it was just such a light switch moment for me and such validation and I burst into tears people watching burst into tears it was just a big old international hot mess was awesome yeah it was incredible you know there’s so much that I take away from that from that moment to sing where you come to and you know we always talk about and happy black woman tried that Sunday the let go of something that’s just okay so that you can open the space make you know for what’s great in your life for the greatness is supposed to be there for you and a lot of times we’re waiting for permission and is this okay what does feel pay if I did it and sometimes it’s a choice for many people they think you to quit some people it’s you think they get laid off it’s like murder and saying okay if you’re not gonna do it I’m gonna do it for you right no absolutely it’s amazing how that works out and I think you’re right I think one of the things I always like to echo on top of that as someone who is in the business of helping you know new entrepreneurs and long-term entrepreneurs find the income that they love and finally monetize using corporate strategies it’s very easy to sound like a champion for entrepreneurship but this life is hard you know and if you love what you’re doing and you love your nine to five and you just need to pay bills that’s okay too and people shouldn’t feel guilt around that if anything find ways to serve others that still make you happy and in your purpose and that’s where I started and I think a lot of people missed that is you may have caught you know tuned in at the periscope scene around the world but at the you know prior to that I was a blogger for five years I was walking around natural hair and curly hair style so it’s kind of sharing my love and interaction and empowering women to feel beautiful and and sharing my journey that way and that fed my soul for five years in corporate before I finally just didn’t have any more room for corporate you know so it like you’re saying it’s just really goes that you should always be chasing or happy in one way or another even if it doesn’t look exactly the way you want it to yeah totally I love that you shared what you do now but that you didn’t just wake up like this alright then took some time to get here and I think when people are looking online and they’re looking and seeing what we’re doing is Wow you know she’s got it going on she knows just what she’s talking about and you know when they get started as they go to the wakening that no this is not instant you know it does take some time it’s not just you do a periscope that goes viral right now you know everything it does take time so you learn so much along the way I imagine in those five years about branding about marketing about your voice getting into your own voice and sharing content that you have to get to this business and I say that too because people always income strategist whatever you want to call it people say oh you’re a business coach right so many British coaches out there hmm but there’s so many business coaches out there that have never that haven’t put in the time and they’re just like oh I know how to use periscope live and now the business owner you know so I always like to tell people like you know I’m bringing people on that have done the work that have experience just like we’ve had a heavy black moment this is my second business and there’s such a depth in our conversation I’m sure you know when we’re talking about you know for people who have put in the time so tell us what you do now so what I do now is in a very not exciting sort of way it is the same thing I did in corporate it’s just that the shift came with who I get to serve so in corporate I was building the business for the largest health insurance company I was an executive there I was dealing with you know companies like Pepsi and these huge corporations boardrooms and that whole life and I’m sure that some of your listeners like girl I know that life you know everything we’re all living that but now I get to work with everyday entrepreneurs and I get to bring the secrets from the boardroom though what it really looks like to look at a profit and loss statement and you know the foundations that you really need to have in your business in order to generate the income you deserve and skipping oh and jumping away from looking at popularity and followers and focusing on you know being profitable and sustainable and just really taking that mindset that builds corporations and applying it to everyday entrepreneurs that they can see their visions come to life also and it’s been a blessing because it’s just so rewarding to help someone who looks just like me and is in the same struggle finally find their own financial freedom and it really is a blessing I’m so grateful and you know so I have courses 1k one-day Academy is my like premier pillar course that he’s just you know wildly popular and well reviewed and that course is so much fun like and I thought that sounds weird because fun is not the thing that you typically hear people say like it’s so great you get the best results you know and it’s like it’s a journey you know this is anyone who tells you that building a business is something that happens overnight is misleading you you know and what’s great about is it’s an I like to say you’re stuck with me if you come through one of my course experiences we’ve become a community we become a family and we refer to everyone as rich friends you know because we’re all rich in in positivity or rich in spirit or rich and purpose and we’re getting rich and coined to also experience where you know in each module we’re learning how to start foundationally to actually generate income implement strategies and systems and tools to generate income not just building an email funnel but actually setting up a payment processor and deciding which one’s the right one for you you know things like that things that we often overlook because so many people are focused on social media so it’s it’s just a lot of fun it’s a lot of fun it’s great I love that you incorporate fun and I love that you also help people with the notes and nuts and bolts okay well people do think that it’s about building a big Facebook page as long as to me know how they’ve got a big base of patient I said why do you want to do that you know that’s not gonna make you money like do you want to make money if you want to have Facebook right you’re right not about building the community you on Facebook there’s no one pays you for the community on Facebook so I learned that you know you’ve got the practical piece you’ve got the fun and you got such a following because of that tell me when it comes to income strategy you talk about the profit and loss those are the things that makes most of our most everyday entrepreneurs makes our eyes glaze over and leg and cringe yeah what do you see as the top challenges or even the top tips that you would give for us to be aware of the challenges to watch out for or tips to be aware of as the links we’re listening who are everyday entrepreneurs or even a respiring entrepreneur as Oleg I like to the marketing part I like to put you know apart but the money right not so much yeah I don’t know about that right I think first of all it’s sort of shedding this concept that we don’t have any skills or we don’t have anything that we’re worth getting paid for you know just you’re probably doing free today that could be earning you income tomorrow so I think that that is the first thing it’s just a mindset shift away from you know you’re planning people’s birthday parties putting in 8 hours 16 hours and you know some of that comes from the goodness of your heart but some of it is really tapping into your personal skills that if you didn’t do it they’d be contracting a formal event planner to do it for them and cutting them a check you know so so recognizing your sense of Worth and your worth related to getting paid so that’s the first thing that I think always needs to happen before you start generating income the second thing I think really comes from starting and recognizing the value of passive income and what it can do to get you away from the feast and famine cycle so right now I’m just seeing a lot in in the online industry something that really doesn’t happen in the corporate industry so it really stands out to me is this sort of big launch focused cycle where it’s like I’m gonna do a big launch I’m gonna make six figures and then and it’s like are you just gonna eat off of that because you made six figures because odds are if you’re you know taking care of all the overhead that’s associated with running your own business you know all the expenses you’re gonna eat up some of those six figures as well you know so it’s not the same as getting a six-figure salary in a company that you take home but you’re not responsible for keeping the lights on and you’re not risking the employees so you know really building in those systems to earn you income over the long run in a consistent way whether it’s through coaching mastermind that pays you monthly or setting up low cost but wide variety and wide appeal digital products that can earn you income while you’re sleeping and for a small initial time investment whatever use that you’re doing it’s just really important that you set up those foundations first because they’ll really help fund you while you’re doing the things like your lunches so that you’re not dealing with that feast and famine and wondering where your next check is coming yeah I think there’s so much realness that has to be shared as people come into this industry and they get excited about the possibilities which I love and everyone comes into this you know from a different place they may come in as fire because they saw someone else living longer they’re like yeah I want to do that I can totally do that and you know I’ve worked with so many clinics on launches and the first one is not six figures it’s not and I did a really great lot yeah it was our home interview it’s like that person has built off of years of blood sweat and tears and building their branding but in their community and they have the email list that is so much bigger than what you have right now right right well yeah you’re right and like the part that also gets me is like not only is your first launch likely not going to be six varies it can be you know I don’t want to I don’t want to like say it can’t but that is the one percenter rarity it shouldn’t be you know you shouldn’t be putting out the type of money to get a six-figure launch and you shouldn’t expect to have the type of product or the or the responsibility to a new user to deliver a six-figure launch experience because in reality if it’s your first time at it your products not perfect enough to demand that type of dollar it requires refinement it requires editing and the only way you’re gonna get that is by taking people through an initial beta experience where they can give you feedback so my course my first launch was a beta experience you know I was blessed it may be five figures which is which is great that’s on the better side of doing well you know but it wasn’t until my I would say my fifth cycle before my fifth class having gone through it that I could say one not only am i earning the six-figure launches that I’m getting but it also is a product where I feel like it stands alone like there there anything else is a fine-tune adjustment or a bonus adding to it you know because it really does stand apart and all along the way I was working with my students to to deliver the very best that I could and it took a lot but that’s the process of it it just it goes through men different versions before it’s right yeah that’s such a great insight to share because so many of our ladies want to teach what they know and they want to do it online the way you of course and Nicole knew some stuff I didn’t know because it took me four years and it’s my first six figure lines like guys are we teaching online 2009-2010 and I didn’t at my first experiment until 2014 sure I mean that’s amazing though I mean just yet get to a six for your launch that is huge yeah but I think it’s so important for people to share the behind-the-scenes like instead of the the height that surrounds everything because the reason why I don’t like it is because it makes us feel like we’re not enough right and that prevent us from going to the next level so I love how you shared like the wave framed as a beta large think of your person that’s a beta launch and then you don’t need to feel that way when it goes the way it’s supposed to go well even if anything be excited if a lot of people don’t sign up because it means that you get to offer an intimate concierge white-glove experience and these people are gonna walk away screaming about how amazing it was and how hands-on you are is they’re gonna be brand evangelists for you and they’re gonna bring other people so that your second launch is even better so whenever I come up short my numbers I’m like yay now I get to love on a more [Music] cool so really you know understanding that piece is really important is anything else we share with our ladies who are working on their income strategy yeah absolutely so I mean I think that one of the things that I want to share of course if you’re still building a way to generate income is remember that I talked a little earlier about how you don’t have to quit your nine-to-five I think a side hustle is important for everyone I mean I’m teaching this to my little girls you know like they are my girls are 515 and 17 and you know this summer I have them all they’ve taken one K one day Academy and they all have a way and they’re aware of how to monetize their skills so my eldest daughter she is a parent teen communicator coach that’s what she does so she can help act as a go-between to help parents and their teens communicate a little better meaning if their team is getting ready for something like ninth-grade like you have middle school that’s her focus as middle schoolers who are going into like ninth grade and have apprehensions or nerves you know parents will say oh it’ll be fine it’ll be fine but sometimes you need another teen to come in there and like answer those questions that they feel comfortable like what do I wear or what do I do if I can’t find my locker you know things that they may not want to talk about so she’s built this as like a little side hustle for herself and it’s you you know she makes like 20 bucks an hour you know which is not little money you know 4:17 and she feels good about herself and I think that’s the part that we often forget with the side hustlers we always think if I’m not making enough money or if it’s not you know really paying a couple bills you know that it’s not worthy and I think everyone I just really want to encourage them to find a place to have this little side hustle because it feeds your soul and that is so necessary in this world where you’re taking commitments from other people and society is impressing those perspectives around who you are upon you it’s just really important that you you stay in alignment with your purpose and that you feed your own soul it makes for a happier you a better mom a better wife and just a better person mm-hmm I love that you share that you’re raising your daughter to have their own size muscles one of the things you get married or not you know you gotta have your own money and so many of us as black women we’re not taught how to do that how to create that so you know my grandma my grandmother on the other hand first perfectly of her plan what the man is a plant you know the man is the plan and my grandfather was like forget that you’re a different generation you need to have old money and so I love that you’re that you’re doing that and that your teaching is not just supporting the adults that want to do this work for theirs themselves but also can pass that on to their kids it’s about the legacy that you can inspire it is it’s beautiful well you know you talk about me tomorrow I mean I’m not a momma but so many of our listeners are and they often feel but they cannot build a successful business they can’t be a successful entrepreneur let alone have a job and a side hustle and be a great mom and wife and all that what are some of the things that you do or have done as a practice you know the things that work for you I know that every day is not like where I was talking to one of my other guests every day is not like a Zen do do my meditation my yoga what’s the real deal of what works for you right listen I wish I could be the person who’s like every morning I’m gonna post on Instagram buy a new yoga pose like know like I have a very strong relationship with Spanx I’m just not there yet but I will say that one of the things I think is really important is just to recognize that balance is bogus and to sit around and and pretend that we are always gonna be perfectly in balance that we’re always gonna have our life together that we’re not going to have you know we’re juggling all these balls and we’re never gonna drop one of them it’s just sort of this myth that we put on each other and it’s all this like secret unspoken pressure that just really isn’t reality for anyone you know it really isn’t people have assistants they have said they have nannies they have house managers I mean in reality we’re all out there a little bit of a hot mess Express you know and like I was just joking with a previous call that I was on before I was in the middle of a meeting you know about one of my courses and in the middle of the meeting I told them I was like I’m really sorry I think I left my alfredo on the stove and I can smell it burning and I’m so sorry I was in the the meeting started late and I told her I was like yeah you know cuz the meeting started late I started making dinner so I’m just gonna have to I’m gonna have to get pause really quick and I’ll be right back and everyone just kind of had a chuckle about it because they were all moms and they were like we get it you know what I mean like we get it like you want to put a hot meal on this on the you know table but you’re also an entrepreneur who’s running a business you know and I don’t have those moments often and I try to keep my meetings professional but once in a while you may burn down your kitchen if you don’t stop no way from that is it’s important to be honest that’s happened you know right right giving yourself permission oh yeah so how do you mean how do you say for definite I say focus with all the things you have your interviews and your social media and your marketing and serving your students in your clients and you know having a great family life does scheduling you know are you a big calendar person or what works for you well I mean it helps that my husband’s awesome I am married to the exact right person me any is supportive and that’s really helpful I do have a house manager I went ahead and I found a local college student and you know fairly inexpensive and people overestimate what it may cost to actually get some help for a couple years a day and it really is not that costly I mean you can get help at home depending on where you are in what part of the country for as little as a couple like a hundred dollars a week just to get like a day or two and I know that that’s a bill for a lot of people I don’t want to pretend like that’s you know that’s gas money like then you know I grew up really really poor so I get it but when you think of what you can do with that time in terms of building your business you know oftentimes it more than pays for itself so getting is very helpful and then lastly one thing that really matters is that at the end of each quarter actually stop I stopped working like I take a day or two and I do what I like to call self-care sabbaticals where if it’s in the budget if I made my if I didn’t make my quarterly goals I will just book a local hotel you know and I mean a local hotel $59 $79 for a night or two preferably three and I’ll just go there and I won’t be anybody’s anything meaning I’m not mom I’m not your wife I’m no I’m just Nicole and I’m just sitting here what does Nicole want to do does Nicole want to take a bath doesn’t a khole want to eat this food what does she want to do you know and I’m just taking that time to you know not be anyone’s anything it just it rese enters me and it lets me come back and be everything for everyone again you know I think those self-care sabbaticals sometimes we always think we have to go on a big vacation know just know and and just be by yourself and be in that quiet be still and tremendous things can come from that you can really bear fruit I love that idea I really love that self-care sabbatical where you or not anyone’s anything you’re just you get to be you and it really is very doable in addition to you know the local hotel you can a lot of us have you know friends with places and extra room to think like that like it’s so doable for all of us no matter where you are if you just have an intention and put the time in I love it and love it so Nicole yeah thumbs to your journey that you’ve taken to go from corporate you know having your side hustle building your business I imagine that there have been a lot of different influences and inspirations what is like a book that you have read reread you know dog-eared that that has really helped you throughout this journey so I have to there’s one that I mean it’s I actually bought like a smaller version so I can travel with it it’s thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill everyone should read it and like Oprah’s I think right at like eight times and Will Smith’s read it like twelve times like they’re all these numbers panned it around but thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill it is a classic it is simple it is easy to understand it is both technical and not tactical at the same time and it is talking about looking at everything in a different perspective around your goal setting it is something that every single successful entrepreneur shares it’s the every every instructional every mindset coaching everything you’ve ever seen is building off of this simple concept and it’s detailed in that book and it is a must and it is the place to start if you need to pick something up if you haven’t read anything you should read that and then the other book that I’ve read recently that just kind of is fitting into my journey and isn’t my it’s not dog-eared but I thought it was just a terrific read it’s called the storyteller secret by carmine Gallo a lot of times we wonder you know how are we really gonna stand out in the social media world and how are we really going to you know find our tribe and find people to connect with us that get us and the way to do that harks back to African ancestry its storytelling you know it’s the thing that I think differentiates the people who are in it just for the business and the people who are in it to make an impact and if you know how to tell your story there isn’t anyone that you can’t win over and there aren’t lives that you can’t change and the storyteller secret really walks you through how to do that and it’s really been impactful for me and really helped me find confidence in in being candid and being transparent because that’s how I’m really gonna make a change of this world hmm I haven’t had that recommendation on the show yes oh that’s a great one yeah just go just show and so many people I always say that if you see someone that inspires you it’s because there’s something within them that is also in you and when people look at you you know I look at your videos now like wow you know she’s so extroverted and you know confident and comfortable on camera I would love to be able to do that you know and we all have our own way of being that still can attract people and I don’t have to be like someone else so I love that you’re continuing to grow in that way even when we look at you every way you can write that book what are you talking about I wish no I always joke around like when you see me on periscope I’m a hot mess like I’ll come on periscope and I’ll be sitting in my tub crying like I failed everything you know cuz entrepreneurs have those days oh I’ll be in the middle of scoping and you know my five-year-old ago streaking across the back screaming naked baby you know real life you know and I think it’s really important that were candid about that so yeah totally well I was just talking to my boyfriend of the day and I was like I want to do and what I love doing the teaching videos what am i I think sometimes I just want to show like what it’s really like today like I am sitting in my my office and I got my my robe on that that papers everywhere trying to figure out lumps and it was my life even though I created a plan for this it’s not coming together stop judging me because today is robe day and I want everyone to leave me alone to step outside my room it is I love the more of us who can put it out there and show the real sign of it in whatever wherever your comfort level is I think it helps us as a community of women especially color to see that oh you know I’m not a and I can still be super super successful without feeling I have to have it all perfect whatever perfect needs no I think you’re right on the money I think that especially with entrepreneurship where you all get caught up in the Instagram lifestyle and you know like girls girls on vacation why am I not on vacation how is she so skinny and still making this words like yeah real talk their tears probably every other day yeah totally so just to go back to what you were you were sharing you said you’re mentioned periscope is that your main form of marketing now or you know are you if you can look at all the platforms like which are the platforms that you use the most that benefit your business so benefiting my business I love periscope so I know that everyone’s like getting hip to Facebook live and Facebook live is great fun too but I don’t like playing the Facebook algorithm race you know like that’s like not my thing Facebook’s always changing their rules and you know one minute you’re getting tons of exposure the next minute no one’s watching you know it’s just think of your real headache what’s great about periscope is you’re not fighting those battles you get to go live anytime you go live and you use hashtags anybody who’s looking for those hashtags finds you you know and there’s new people every single day that pop on my periscope so they’re like I never met you before and I love everything about this you know and and I’m so grateful and so I found that you know I see a direct statistical correlation between days that I periscope and and seeing my email list go up so that I would easily say is probably my favorite platform to just get on there and be real it’s just not as high pressure you know how YouTube went from being a place where you kind of you could post your grainy phone video and now Mike it’s like Steven Spielberg quality pyro time my life like I can’t do all of that because it’s like hey you know this is real Nicole this is me every single day and you get to interact and chat with me and and I can also tell you where you can find me later on my different platforms and and it’s working so I definitely recommend for everyone to check it out if they haven’t so far yeah totally and I love that you kind of shared how you win you chose your platform not based on what everyone else is doing but what couple for you and you know we don’t have to fit into if YouTube is too much for you then don’t just use something else I don’t have to be on that just because you you think you have to be there to be successful I am NOT on snapchat everybody wants me to snap them like I am snapping right you know like everyone’s drawn on photos now I’m like listen I don’t like I just the other day my very first Instagram story and I was like okay and then today I was like I forgot I had it I love it well I know that everyone is gonna want to stay in touch with you knowing what you know now going through this whole journey what one piece of advice would you give to the woman who’s just starting out and she’s not sure if she’s got what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and she’s still in her full-time job but she has these big dreams and aspirations of being free in doing that she wants to do what’s the number one piece of advice you would give her oh my gosh the number one piece of advice I’d give her and this is new to 2017 you know if you’d asked me six months ago I’d say do the work you know like some things that impact now it’s grant yourself some grace oh my gosh grant yourself some grace we’re all new to doing this whole thing for the first time every day in entrepreneurship it’s part of what makes it exciting is every day you will encounter something that you haven’t done before that’ll get you stuck it’s not going to be easy and you need to grant yourself some grace because it’s through those challenges that your greatness emerges and and it’s important to just stick with it and be positive and knowing that you know this is for you the world is for you and if you’re just easy on yourself you’ll you’ll reach your success you’re so great being so hard on yourself this is life ladies some beautiful wisdom from Nicole on that entrepreneurial life really I mean this whole this whole things about you know making money and also being being with what is in your life in the process so Nicole my dear how can our ladies stay in touch with you and learn more from you get more information and wisdom yes well I would love to chat with any happy black ladies that are out there seriously I’m here for it because the more the merrier so I can be found at Nicole Walters dot TV that is like my main home camp you can find me there and if you want to get started on something if you’re like saying to yourself you know what I’m connecting with what Nicole saying but I don’t really know what direction to go in you can actually head over to my fierce clarity calm and that is like my my sort of get started get some clarity around who I am and why I’m doing this and get that courage to kind of jump in there make the most of it also my fear scary calm is a place can go if you want to start right now and if you just want to stay in touch head over to Nicole Walters on TV and I would love it to hear from you beautiful and I love it thank you for being so generous with your information and wisdom because this is how so many of us get started is hearing from someone who inspires us following them and moving forward with our own goals so thank you thank you for having me and giving me a place to serve this was so much fun yes thank you so much I know that we’ll be seeing more of her in the future all right ladies thank you so much for listening I hope you learned a lot from this episode if you want to go back to our previous episodes you can go to happy black woman calm and learn so much Mowgli’s who have shared their journeys their stories their tips all for free happy black woman calm until next time have a beautiful day everybody bye bye thank you for joining us on the happy black woman podcast if you want all the shows notes from today’s episode go to happy black woman podcast com+ will send you a copy of Rosetta’s free life mapping workbook we look forward to empowering you next time and until then do something this week that makes you happy [Music]



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