Heres A Quick Way To Solve A Problem in your own Online Start-Up

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A group of leaders with their values and practices of their company

“Am I comfortable with the values and practices of my company, and do they align with those I want to live by?” This is an ethical question directed to those in leadership positions by the seasoned C-suite executive, CEO, and author, Jozef (Jos) Opdeweegh.

So, what kind of leader are you? Do those in your employ consider you a strategic and transformational trailblazer who ensures a safe, injury-free environment? While work safety should be everyone’s obligation, leaders of the most successful companies hold employee wellbeing in high regard and, therefore, are proactively committed to safety.

A safe work environment makes good business sense because competent, motivated, and secure employees are more productive, which is ideal for a company’s bottom line. Here’s how you can fulfill your moral obligation as a safety leader as you navigate your path to an ethical career:

Have a Vision of Safety Excellence

This can be anything from ensuring compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to inspecting worksites for potential hazards or establishing safety protocols to mitigate workplace accidents. Likewise, craft your vision for your company-wide health and safety statement. Email it to employees and post it on workplace news boards, not forgetting to periodically update the company’s safety program.

Walk the Talk

You cannot preach water and drink wine. Lead by example. Establishing effective safety policies and procedures does not begin and end with regulations. It takes all-around collaboration. This means that everyone from top executives and middle management needs to comply with all internal and regulatory safe… Read More

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