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So, you run a popular Facebook page where you share your ideas, views, and opinions on certain subjects. How often does it happen that you create a random post and save it as a draft to post later? Well, it’s not just you because most people do that for safe keeping.

However, once you have saved the draft, how do you retrieve and edit it? This is one of the most common questions that most users have. The only limitation is that you’d need to use your Facebook account from the web browser for easy access.

If the saved draft is from your standard Facebook account, you can access it directly on the app and edit and publish it. This article will explore everything you need to do to find the drafts on Facebook and sort things in order.

Also Read – Can You See Who Views Your Featured Photos on Facebook?

About Draft on Facebook

Saving a draft on Facebook isn’t a new thing. The feature has been around for some time and enables users to leave their post halfway through, save it and then return to it once they wish to finish and publish the post.

Drafts on Facebook are also a great way to scribble down random thoughts that you want to return and post later but don’t want that thought to slip from your mind.

While it’s easy creating a draft, finding and accessing it is a challenge. Why? Because there are no specific options where you can go and access them.

That’s exactly what this article will guide you with.

Also Read – Why Can’t I See Comments on Facebook?

How to Find Draft on Facebook?

How to Find Draft on Facebook

To find a draft on Facebook, you first need to assess whether it was for your account or a Facebook page. Identifying the same allows you to then navigate through the steps that … Read More

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