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Families find they spend more time at home now, thanks to the global pandemic. TV shows become boring after a while, and people can only read so many books. Gather and play a board game. This continues to be a great family activity for most, but some families discover they don’t have any games that all family members enjoy. Rather than rushing out to spend money on a new game only to find the same issue arises, why not create your own? Making a board game isn’t as challenging as many imagine.
The first step in creating a board game involves coming up with an idea. Bring all family members together to determine what type of games they prefer. Some individuals might say puzzle games, while others prefer games that involve dice. Ask about current games you own and how they would improve on them. The game may have a theme, or the family might decide they like the way a specific game plays and build on that instead. Now is the time to determine the age range for the game, the rules, time limit, and other details that apply only to the game being created. By receiving input from all family members, you increase the odds of everyone wanting to play the new game. Next, you will need to develop a prototype and can be of help with this.
The Prototype
Don’t skip the prototype, as this is where the bugs in the game show up. Once players have identified any known issues, you can correct them. The prototype doesn’t require any artistic details to work, and it doesn’t have to be pretty. This sample provides a way to see if the game design works or where to make changes. Begin by sketching a rough draft of the gameboard, if there is one, and create prototype game pieces. Item… Read More
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