How I Built A $20k/Month Drop Shipping Business On Shopify | Shopify Success Story

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what’s going on guys my name is Rory and in this video I’m going to be showing you guys exactly I went from zero to over $20,000 in Shopify this month so when I first started with Shopify I lost thousands of dollars I literally was down to my last $100 when I started making profitable sales I failed miserably with Shopify for months I literally lost thousands of dollars in the process but eventually about 6 months ago I have my breakthrough and now I’m clearing over 20 thousand dollars a month on Shopify so I’m only 17 years old so this is pretty good money for me but I’m planning on scaling up my business to seven figures within the next two years so what I want to tell you guys is that Shopify is a great stepping stone for anyone to get started making money online because with the right guidance on the right tactics you can literally start making money today in the next few hours if you know what you’re doing so in this video I want to be showing you guys exactly how I went from broke and not doing anything like heroin from losing money and Shopify to nail clearing over twenty thousand dollars a month so what I want to tell you guys is that the number one most important thing is your products you need a golden product it’s like you need a great product if you want to have a successful story so that’s one thing I didn’t realize when I first started it out is that you need a great product so the products in your store is the number one most important thing in your store the second most important thing is advertising made my first $1000 when I was 16 I was 16 years old and I made it through Instagram influencers so Instagram influencers is the perfect way to get started with your store because you can literally pay twenty to fifty dollars on start getting sales within like an hour so this is the best way to get started if you’re a beginner so I made my first 1,000 dollars with interim influencers I started getting data to my store so Shopify is the data-driven business so once you start getting data to your store and you have your Facebook pixel installed on your store you can start scaling out to Facebook Ads after I made my first one tell and dollars I started playing around in Facebook Gardens and eventually I had a successful Facebook ad campaign and from there I started scaling it up and up and up and now I might over twenty thousand dollars per month of Facebook Ads and I’m planning on growing this for seven figures within the next two years if there’s anything I want you guys to take away from this video is that everyone makes mistakes don’t sweat over the small little details because everybody does make mistakes but it’s devote persistence need to continue going keep moving forward like when I was 15 and I was losing thousands of dollars my parents thought I was crazy like and another thing is don’t listen to other people my parents thought I was crazy when I first started doing Shopify I was only 15 and they literally thought I was crazy because I was trying money away like I was losing money but then we want to start getting sales they began to realize okay this is this is a proper business so you need to treat Shopify like a proper business because at the end of the day it is a business you’re running an online business so you need to be on top of it you need to be like making sure everything is right making sure your orders are going out in time tracking all your numbers knowing everything another thing I want you guys to take away is that if you don’t know your numbers you don’t have a business so you need to know your numbers with Shopify you need to know your numbers if you want to scale the six and seven figures if you don’t know every little detail of your numbers you’ll never be able to scale your story so when I was first starting out I didn’t know my numbers I didn’t know how much it cost me to acquire a customer I didn’t know my average order value I didn’t know my lifetime value I didn’t know anything about my customers I wasn’t my question report was terrible so you need to make sure your customer support is on point as well but the most important thing is your products on your marketing so if you’re beginner getting started definitely get started with Instagram influencers like I said I made my first $1000 with instrumental answers and without a shadow of a doubt it is the easiest way to get started if you’re only beginner if you’re a bit advanced maybe you want to use Facebook gods but in the beginning definitely start off with Instagram influencers because right now Instagram influencers are extremely underpriced well like what I’m saying is you can get click to your website for like 10 20 cent on Instagram influencers but that same click on Facebook gods could cost 50 cent so you’re literally getting 50% discount on Instagram influencers at the moment so definitely start with Instagram influencers because they are extremely under priced so after watching my video over I thought I’d show you guys a quick tutorial on what exactly I mean by using Instagram influencers to drive sales to your site so I’m just going to play a quick training video on exactly what I mean by using instruments use to drive sales to your site so let’s jump into the training video alright guys so like I said before you need a great product so for this particular example we’re gonna say we’re selling an anchor bracelet so I’ve seen these bracelets all over Instagram people are making a killing people are making a lot of money selling these bracelets so we’re going to say we’re going to pick up this black bracelet to advertise so to advertise this bracelet on Instagram you would head over to Instagram so if you’re selling men’s fashion products you want to reach an audience of people who are also interested in fashion so to do this we could type in men’s fashion and we’ll find a page where we can tag it men’s fashion okay so we know this page is offering advertising because they say in their bio so to contact this page you could either direct message them or you can send them an email so you would send them an email telling them about your store and your product and telling them about your business so they have 183 thousand followers so if you were to advertise this anchor bracelet how many sales on your store do you think you would get if you’re targeting an audience was over a hundred and eighty thousand followers I’m everyone in the audience is interested fashion so there’s literally thousands of pages just like this small niche page that you can tag it on Instagram to reach out to all these small pages to either email them kick them or send the direct message so this is how I made my first $1000 on Shopify and it is definitely the easiest way to make your first $1,000 as well so what you want to make sure is that your Facebook pixel is installed onto your store before you do this so once you start getting data to your Facebook pixels you can start making Facebook ads from the data collected from these Instagram influencers so this is our scale my stores from 0 to over 2k I use Facebook advertising in conjunction with Instagram influencers you want to use both together because at the end of the day Instagram is owned by Facebook so the data collected from Instagram could also benefit your Facebook pixel one thing you want to make sure is that these pages of a high engagement rate you want to be targeting pages that have at least 3 4 5 % engagement rate you don’t to be targeting pages that have BOTS or the fake followers you only want to take pages with real people following their page and that’s the best way to get a high conversion rate and make loads of sales for your Shopify store I literally scaled my store to thousands of dollars per day once I started using Instagram influencers so once you start getting data from Instagram you’re going to want to move over to Facebook Ads so after Facebook Ads this is where I started having thousands of dollars per day almost on autopilot so start off with Instagram get your foundation on Instagram get some money in the bank and then start moving over to Facebook Ads this is definitely the best way for beginners to get started because what you need to realize is that Shopify it’s a data-driven business your Shopify store collects data and then you can start running better targeted ads to your perfect customer so a lot of people don’t realize is that Shopify can’t take time to get started but once you get that initial data you can start scaling your odds to the next level the end goal is always Facebook cards the end goal is Google AdWords put in the beginning Instagram influencers is the easiest way to get started so if you’ve any questions hit me down below because I want to answer you guys’s questions I want to help you guys out subscribe to the channel if you’ve not already turn on the bell and get notified when I upload because I’m going to releasing Daily Show provide videos on how to scale your story I want you guys to grow with me I want all of us build a community and start growing your stories together to new heights so thank you guys for watching this has been Rory going on peace



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