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Our Affiliate Business Blog Tutorial Post Featuring How I Use ClickFunnels To Fully Automate My Affiliate Marketing Business π± π
The draft copy of the transcoded video text is posted underneath How I Use ClickFunnels To Fully Automate My Affiliate Marketing Business π± π, To Highlight the video's Blueprint in your analysis of the Affiliate Business sector
what’s going on Facebook as always we’re gonna let a few people get on this live before I dive into the content but if you’re watching the replay welcome I’m super excited that you’re on here but if you’re on here live or even if you’re on the replay make sure you tag your friends make sure you tag your family even tag anybody you think would gain value from this today what I want to go over is really how systems work and how to automate your business okay you know a lot of people ask me Cole you know how can how can I make money in affiliate marketing you know how can I go out there and make money it’s really about utilizing systems right you know you want to be able to make money while you’re sleeping that’s the whole point right like I love in the morning every time I wake up and I see sales every single morning all my on my phones right it’s it’s an awesome feeling but if I wasn’t using systems and building marketing systems for each company I was promoting or my my companies or my products then I wouldn’t be making any money while I was sleeping I would have to be on and off the phone all day long closing people right now none of you want to do that listen you want to be able to make money while you’re sleeping okay affiliate marketing it’s no fun to like have to try to close people all the time you know and that was me seeing before I understood paid advertising and before I understood systems I spent all of my time messaging people messaging people clothes trying to close people trying to close people hey let’s jump on a call let’s jump on a call because I thought jumping on a call would you know get me to you know gain that trust and be able to close them but it’s like why would I waste my time on a phone call to close a hundred dollar deal when I could do it with a marketing system so you might be asking yourself listen if you’re asking yourself right now okay Cole that’s awesome that’s great but what how do I what is a marketing system and how do I use it okay so it’s simple when you’re doing affiliate marketing or network marketing or direct sales you have your your your core offer okay or that can be whatever offer it you know if you’re a hardcore affiliate marker marketer you know it could be whatever offer is converting at the time right so whatever offers converting super high at the time it’s a product you believe in you trust and you have no problem promoting right so you have your core officer okay I will put some dollar signs under this because every time you make a sale you make money right okay every time you make a sale you make money and then what you need to automate this money okay is a marketing system okay you need a funnel essentially right so what you need is a few things okay and this is how it gets set up okay so over here I think you can see this let me know if you guys can see this let me know if you guys can see this is your traffic okay so you have your traffic okay and then what this is okay is an opt-in page okay so you have an opt-in page and then you call this a thank you or a sales page right so what you’re doing here is it’s building an email list essentially okay a lot of people are worried about this don’t worry about this just yet okay what you’re doing essentially is building an email list okay so you’re just building up people in your email list okay that you’re going to pump with value okay you’re going to pump these people with value but here’s how this works and this is how everything gets automated guys this is crazy so what you’re doing is your traffic is on Facebook YouTube Instagram and Twitter whatever it is okay it could be on all these right so you have Facebook YouTube Instagram Twitter LinkedIn whatever you’re using to drive traffic and let people know about your business you’re then going to be sending them to an opt-in page where you’re going to offer them something of value maybe this is a training video okay or this is a video showing them how to do something right so let’s just say you’re in the weight loss niche so on this opt-in page you would have a headline that says learn the top ten ways to lose ten pounds in ten days without dieting right so you’re gonna obviously they’re saying okay yes I’m willing to give you my name and email in order to learn what you know you’re offering right so you know you gotta say for free or whatever you want to give out free value on the front end okay and then obviously what you also want to do to make sure you get the real name and email is say enter real name and email I’m gonna be sending it to your email right okay so boom you’re collecting an email list okay you’re getting more and more people let’s say you get a hundred people yeah after that this is a sales page now the sales pitter sales pager Thank You page now one you can either have the download link to your ebook or whatever your value you were giving but I suggest sending that to your Eaton to their email and all this page you could have something and actually what we’re gonna do is let me if you guys are enjoying this right now show some love and let me know because I’m actually gonna jump on over here on clickfunnels okay if you guys want to see this I’m gonna build this out live with you guys okay so let me know if you’re enjoying this I’ll build one for you and I actually let you guys have it I’ll put a download link somewhere so we have opt-in and then this Thank You page so you know that you can say hey I just sent over your ebook to your email and then maybe check this out right and it’s a video and in this video this is where you can offer them your core offer right or explain what you have going on whatever it may be right and then this obviously is a button that links them here now a lot of people are like oh okay why couldn’t I just send my traffic here well what happens when you do that when you direct link okay when you direct link your traffic is if they go here and they don’t buy they’re gone okay and you’re not getting them back or and if you do it takes a lot right so why I suggest doing this and why you need to be doing this in your businesses what you’re gonna be able to do now okay and this is how I automate my income guys is you’re going to be able to set up a email follow-up okay you’re gonna be able to set up an email follow-up where you’re gonna be able to follow up with every one of your leads and prospects on autopilot you can be sending out emails for 45 to 100 days straight I don’t care 365 days straight that and you can already have these pre types and load it into your email responder so as soon as they opt it and their first email will be the e-book right you’re gonna pump these guys with the value you’re going to value ad all throughout these emails teach them everything that you know that you can give them for free the way that you should look at it this is is if you have a paid training or maybe a affiliate product that you’re promoting the next best best thing should be your email sequence and your free training that you give out right that way that they will buy this there’s no question because they’re gonna say wow he gave this to me for free he gave me pumped me with all this knowledge for free what is he gonna do when I get his core offer what is he gonna do when I pay him right that’s what you need to be focusing on so you have all this traffic is coming to the opt-in you’re building an email list and this how powerful email marketing is is they say for every person you have on your email list you should be making $1.00 per person so if you build out a mail list of a thousand people that should be worth a thousand dollars a month to you okay if you have an email list of 10,000 people that should be worth ten thousand dollars a month to you okay and there’s more than email marketing there’s also the new facebook messenger list building so you can build a list of facebook people like people face book profiles and if they give you the I guess they confirm or let you access you can pretty much send out mass emails to people so you can have a list of a hundred 200 a thousand people on Facebook that at any moment in time will go ahead and they’re going to get a message from me and the cool thing about the facebook Messenger is is that like a hundred percent open rates because everyone opens like everyone gets on Facebook and it opens their messages right everyone so like it’s insane compared to email where it’s a lot lower yet with Facebook you’re getting a hundred percent open rates but I suggest still doing both okay so then throughout your going to load them with value here and you’re gonna be constantly sending them back to your affiliate offer or your you know network marketing company or your own products whatever it may be right but if you do this none of this happens and the cool thing about all of this is ok withdraw Kearney’s and now things are getting crazier the cool thing about all of this is is once this is set up ok once this is set up it’s done ok and all you have to focus on is the fun stuff you know I love making Facebook lives right I love posting on YouTube you love doing Instagram you know you get to do the fun social media marketing aspect branding yourself posting content and then you’re simply sending people into your marketing system your funnels ok and when you’re doing this you’re done ok you don’t have to follow up it with people all of this will do the selling for you now you can get way more intricate you have multiple steps to your funnels and things of that nature but I wanted to make it super simple for you so what I actually did was I pulled up click funnels here so we should be able to pull this up on the screen and if you’re enjoying this right now show me some love ok drop a comment tag your friends share this ok let me know that you’re enjoying this but what I’m gonna do is we’re gonna pull click funnels up here ok yeah we’re gonna pull ok so it should be let me know right now that everything is good ok we should be sharing my screen now as well so I mean click funnels and what click funnels is is this a funnel builder ok I’ve been using click funnels for the past two years actually probably two and a half years and I build absolutely everything you know any training any membership any opt-in funnel anything that you’ve ever seen done by me was done within click funnels and I’ve built it all in click funnels so what I’m gonna do with you guys live is I’m actually gonna build out on one of these have my bill opt-in in a Thank You page so let’s go over up here to funnels and let’s just click on build funnel so I’m gonna show you how simple this truly is guys and these are the things that you can be doing right now in your business to set it up to automate it ok and you’re also compounding your income because the more people you get on your list the more deals you’re closing on autopilot without even doing anything so your income goes from you know maybe a few sales a day or no sales a day to a few sales a day to even more sales every day to even more sales every day because you’re just compounding your list and this is just following up with people every day and more and more people are just going going back to your offer every single day when you first start out you’re gonna have five people go through and maybe five people go back to your offer but then they’re gonna be going along the sequence and you’re just gonna have more and more people funneling through so we’re in here and in clickfunnels they actually give you all of these things so they membership funnel all of this I’m so like let’s say for example I wanted to do a video sales letter funnel if I clicked on that they give you a ton of templates and then the owner russell brunson actually has like a quick like I think they’re like minute long videos explaining how that specific funnel works and then they have like pre-made ones they also have paid ones but I’m just gonna go back to the old classic builder and then they have all the templates so I’m just gonna click up here on classic funnel builder and we’re gonna click on collect emails okay cuz that’s the first step is collect emails and we’re just gonna type in right here Facebook live test okay and we’ll add it to one of my groups we build funnel I don’t know what it’s been doing this guy so it apologize it didn’t load it but we’ll click on add new we’ll do this again really quick collect emails Facebook live test build funnel see if it works this time awesome perfect I don’t know it’s been glitching like that but so now we have two pages like it automatically sets it up you can add more steps again you can get more advanced you can do an opt-in like a few different sales pages you can do like a product launch funnel where you have like a training series okay and then like at the end of the training series sell you could set up automated webinars there’s so many things you know to get in and into that I do and that you can do but if if you’re just getting started you want to know how to automate your business you want to know how to you know grow your business you want to know how to build an email list automate your income that’s what showing you guys the basis of right now and how easy it is to get started at least so we have all these different templates on the opt-in page and I’m just going to go ahead and find one some of these are mine as well you can see that are pre-built you can see my videos and stuff in here I’m gonna go ahead and click on this one right here so we will do I’m just gonna click on edit page and when I do that now I get access to pretty much edit all this so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna take this and I’m gonna make it I’ll just remove this actually will keep this so I’m gonna go and grab one of my logos should be around here somewhere I got all these photos you can tell that I building tons of funnels within here because I have all my all these different photos within here okay we’re going to okay cool awesome I’m gonna go ahead and get rid of that I don’t want that there and then I’m gonna make mega headline so let’s say I’m promoting like a business opportunity maybe like MCA or maybe you know let’s just say I’m promoting a business opportunity where you can make money from your smart phone right so how to make five hundred to a thousand dollars a week with how to make five hundred to a thousand dollars a week from your smart phone even if you have never okay cool and then we can change the size up on this so it looks a little more symmetrical like that maybe change the font even cool actually I don’t like the way that font looks so let’s let’s change it up one more time here I don’t like that cool let’s see awesome whoa let’s drag this back up here so you can see how a plug-in play it truly is you know you can really just plug and play with everything drag my logo back above there okay cool so how to make five hundred to a thousand dollars a week from your smart phone even if you’ve never made money before okay I really don’t like that back to this background it doesn’t really do anything for me and what it’s asking from me for right now is this little title thing up at the top here so I’m just gonna go ahead and plug that in just put something in there okay and I’m gonna go ahead and save this and I’m gonna go up here to settings we’re gonna go to background and then I can pretty much change out this background this you can see I’ve been will use this background cool cool cool awesome so then I want to change this button as well just click on settings again this is super easy guys I’m actually gonna add a quit I’m gonna add a cool little effect to this button as well I’m just gonna add a click on money though that there and I’m going to give it a rockin effect so look how it see how it rocks I like that I think that’s cool so we’re gonna go ahead and do that and then what we can also add guys let me know let me know if you’re enjoying this right now this is this is really cool stuff that I know like a lot of people are looking to learn so I figured I’d start doing lives you know giving this type of value out teaching you guys exactly how to do it and how I do it and how to automate your business right so show some love share this video you know tag teams tag your friends whatever so I’m going to save this again and actually what I want is I want to pop up so I want it so when people go to exit out on their computer something pops up so I’m gonna click on pop up show pop up and I can just click on a dime I add a column headline so we’re gonna put weight I can’t spell Wow so again we’re gonna use this we’re gonna have a pop up and I’m gonna change the colors on here as well and then I’m going to make these not bold so wait are you sure you want to miss out on this opportunity to make 500,000 weekly from your smartphone again I’d probably make this all look a lot more symmetrical obviously on my funnels I spent a lot more time but I’m building this out with you live right and then you can link to that as well so we’ll just set it up so it works for you guys okay awesome awesome guys so we’re just gonna go ahead and save that okay now if we take a preview we’re gonna go ahead and preview it how to make five hundred thousand dollars a week from your smart phone even if you never made money online before okay perfect okay so actually I need to edit the settings on the pop-up so it pops up when I try to leave right here don’t show an exit show when user tries to exit I’m gonna save that and now let’s move on build the Thank You page right so let’s go ahead and move on and build the Thank You page as well okay so we have the opt-in page we have this done now we need our Thank You page so we’re just gonna go ahead and go to the Thank You page and same thing you click on the Thank You page and it gives you all these options in different templates that you can choose from I don’t really like any of these so what I’m gonna do is I’m going to go over here to sales you can use pages from wherever and I’m just gonna click one with a video so we’ll just use this skinny VSL so video sales letter template I’m gonna click on select and same thing I’m gonna go ahead and click on edit page build this out with you guys live as well and if you guys want to download the funnel after I’m done I will put it in the comments and you can actually download this funnel into your click funnels if you if you guys would like so I just got rid of that so I’m just gonna put edit this I’m up put free video reveals and you can leave that we’ll just leave that how it is get rid of that as well and we’ll just go ahead and save it so let’s go ahead and take a look at how this looks guys and pretty much exactly how it would work for you in your business so again if you guys are enjoying this show some love let me know where you’re tuning in from again you know make sure you share this video show some love I know this is a lot of me this is some basic stuff to a lot of people but to a lot of people a lot of people don’t know how to do this and this stuff is so important and essential to your business it can and take you out of a rut and can take you from you know not understanding what you’re doing to be able to go out there and profit so again she’s gonna go ahead and save this and then we’re gonna head to the opt-in page here and I’ll run you through exactly how this works so I go to the opt-in page if we will just take this right here as our link okay we’re just gonna copy it it will copy and then we will go ahead and paste and go so this is what it look like how to make five hundred thousand dollars a week from your smartphone even if you never made money online before get I just built this with you live you know this takes five minutes and you can build this from multiple multiple offers and then you can use social media Facebook YouTube Instagram to go out there and promote these things so how to make 500 a thousand dollars a week from your smartphone Tina but even if you’ve never made money online before show me how now so we’re gonna go ahead and click on that and then BOOM how one made over 10k profits in just three days or whatever your headline would be there okay and then you would have a video there okay pre framing them for your offer introducing the offer before you just send them to it okay that’s super powerful is that pre frame that bridge okay introducing yourself whether that’s as their sponsor or introducing the offer itself okay and whatever it is they’re about to get into because your reframing their mind you’re getting them to know like and trust you and then you’re sending them to that core offer and then not right here click here to grab this offer would be where your where your affiliate link your your link for your network marketing company direct sales whatever it is would it go can maybe even in this video right here you would show them how to sign up whatever it may be but again guys now just from simply doing that what you would do is you would connect to get response or an a weber to this okay to your click funnels account okay and when you do that now you’re able to collect okay you know you can look at your stats and here your contacts okay and you can see everyone who’s going through and now you have a list of people okay where you can go down here and set this up okay to automatically follow up with people and more than that guys you’re really selling them like if you get good at building these you can build these where you know these convert okay when you build funnels that are converting because you’re walking people through step-by-step through the process of signing up for you know your digital product or your affiliate product whatever it may be your pre framing them you’re bridging them giving them value to then go on and sign up for your core offer which is going to make you money so again guys what I’m gonna do right now is I’m going to upload a link in the in the comments so you can download this if you have clickfunnels if you know I’m click funnels it’ll offer you to get a 14-day free trial if not I hope you enjoyed this this can be done with multiple other platforms other than click funnels I use click funnels for everything and it’s my recommendation to use click funnels but you don’t have to but again guys you want to automate your income you want to automate your business you need to start building systems that are gonna automate them for you because you wanna be able to make money while you’re sleeping we all do right we want to be able to follow up with people without having to follow up with people and being able to do this makes it effective and simple and you know the thing is is like you guys can still everyone’s a go I want to provide value you still can like make training videos do as much as you can and pump these emails with a value okay pump these people with value even throughout the funnel okay and show them how much value you can provide but you can provide value on autopilot when you learn how to build these systems when you learn how to build you know these automated systems that’s gonna help you automate your income and automate your business so again I hope you enjoyed this live guys if you have please drop a comment let me know if if you’re someone who watch were at like 26 minutes 25 minutes yeah about 30 minutes long that we did this live so you watch the whole time drop a comment below and let me know but you know let me know if you enjoyed this if you’re just catching the tail end make sure you watch this all the way through I went over how to automate your you know how to automate your online business and how I use systems and affiliate marketing in my business to automate my income and how you can – and I I built one I built out you know a a funnel out live for you guys so again I hope you guys enjoyed this if you did drop a comment let me know and I’ll see you guys on the next live piece you
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