This Post: How Much Can You REALISTICALLY Make with Dropshipping and E-Commerce Stores?
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Our Dropshipping Blog Tutorial Post Featuring How Much Can You REALISTICALLY Make with Dropshipping and E-Commerce Stores?
The draft copy of the transcoded video text is posted underneath How Much Can You REALISTICALLY Make with Dropshipping and E-Commerce Stores?, To Highlight the video's Blueprint in your analysis of the Dropshipping sector
guys Jason here had a question says Jason how much can I realistically expect to earn by starting a Shopify / dropshipping website so it’s a very good question and I really don’t like ever giving income income numbers right off the bat because there’s so many different variables to this whole thing okay you can’t just say oh you’re gonna make this you’re gonna make that I would be doing you a major disservice by telling you a number because there’s people out there running ecommerce websites dropshipping based websites that are making millions of dollars a month then there’s people that are making nothing what’s the difference between those people who are going to be covering that in a lot of different videos coming up but I will tell you right now AHA action is the number one thing the people that make a lot of money doing this they study they refine they test they do new things they’re constantly improving their websites they’re constantly adding new products finding new vendors getting inventory so many different things – you know this whole dropshipping shopify ecommerce type thing and there’s a lot of people I really don’t even know what prop shipping is and I’m gonna be covering that in some videos coming up but I wanted to tell you guys that it’s definitely a way to make start a new business because those are the two things if you ask me like Jason what do you specialize in I specialize in self-publishing and I specialize in running ecommerce website so those are my two areas of expertise if you will there’s some other things that I’m good at but those are the two things that I’m the best at when it comes to online marketing and making money online so yeah there is no specific number how much can you make you can make a lot of money the big thing that I see people make mistakes at is they think that just because they’re not making 10 grand a month within the first three or four months that they fail it’s a process okay always there’s a couple quotes and we say on this channel a lot one of them is easy come easy go if you something comes very easy to you or to people guess what it’s going to go away very easy as well okay you’ve seen that a lot I’m sure if you’ve been around in the internet kind of marketing world for any amount of time you’ve seen little loopholes little exploits little things that have happened that that people can come in make a bunch of money but it dries up very quickly so I want you guys to embrace the stuff I want you to embrace it being hard I want you to embrace embrace having patience because what’s going to happen is I’m hoping all you guys live for a long last time I want you guys to live hopefully most people watching this are probably anywhere from hope eighteen all the way to 40 50 I want you got another 40 50 some of you guys got another 70 years on this planet okay so play the long game don’t get caught up I’m telling you man if you guys get caught up in this get rich quick if you get caught up in this I want to make 10 grand in the next 90 days you might be able to do it I don’t want to put you know you know that expectation is very very live and well also but go into this if you’re going to get into dropshipping if you’re going to start a Shopify website go into it with the expectation that you’re in it for the long haul I’ve been running my store since 2007 okay and every day I get a sale every day I get a notification I’ve got notifications on this phone it goes right to my phone and I get a sale because I just put the work in it’s a long haul type of thing but if you it’s like a plan you water that plant you put some TLC into it’s going to grow so that’s what we’re going to do guys we’re not going to worry about how much can I make how quick can I make it we’re going to worry about we’re going to we’re going to water the plant so that’s a crazy amount I know I’m using that Matt if we’re going to water the plant we’re going to be patient this is a long haul type of thing plan execution have some freaking fun how are you going to pull it off what going to do get your ass a notebook out start planning your planning and execution and all that should take place and you should know you should be very good at this stuff I’m going to be putting a lot of videos out on drop shipping all about Shopify I say Shopify I think they’re they’re like you know they’re my favorite they’re my favorite place to put up up an e-commerce store I’ve used a lot but Shopify is my favorite for sure so that’s it guys don’t don’t focus on the short term money don’t focus on the money right off the bat focus on the long game it’ll be your best friend it’s always nice to be out in public and you see a get up tax you’re like oh who’s this text me and it’s like oh you got order let’s see order number eight three five six seven a new order is placed by Amy I’m not going to say your name at 10:04 boom you know what I’m saying so you get these type of things every single day but you don’t get them by rushing the process okay have some fun with it you’re going to be successful it’s going to take a little bit of time thank you for watching we’ll see you guys on the next video
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