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Our Profitable Online Business Blog Tutorial Post Featuring How To Build A Successful and Profitable Online Fitness Business
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hey what’s up guys it’s Vince da Matta here online fitness business coach dedicated to entrepreneurs who want to start or scale a successful and profitable online fitness business so in my last video I talked about transitioning from fitness to business and one of the popular questions was how did you get started Vince so we’re down stairs here in my office and I just want to take a moment here and I want to walk you through the timeline here because I believe that clarity requires context and I want to show you the little pieces that took me from not having an e-book if you go take a look up here for those who don’t know I’ve got literally dozens of fitness information programs this is my very first wanted to want to talk to you about how we got to that and that ebook has been purchased by literally tens of thousands of people from over a hundred of 30 different countries since 2006 but where did it all start so just really quickly this isn’t gonna be a long and drawn-out video how I got started with marketing fitness information products like ebooks on the internet was right here so how did Vinnie D get started well I went to university between the age of uh between the years of 1998 and 2002 I graduated with a degree after you can see it right here it’s a cool spot to film down here an honors chemi see Allah G degree which is basically a fancy way of saying exercise science so I studied anatomy biomechanics physiology all that cool stuff alright now when I was a university I was kind of interested in weight training you guys know my story and I was on the internet and I discovered this guy you guys know his name Lee Hayward and me Hayward was selling a book I actually thought it was an e-book I didn’t actually realize this video just to be and it was called check this out bodybuilding supplements Secrets Revealed I still have it look at the date 2001 so this is one I was uh you know I would have been a university – holy geez yeah I would have been 22 years of age 21 22 years of age and it was forty dollar book that was shipped to your house and when I got it I was so cool because there’s all these different homemade formulas for supplements and can you imagine getting this sent to your house and I was wondering man this is so cool which protein supplement is best all these things for sleep and joint pain and and I was just starting to wonder what I mean I wonder how much how many of these he sells a day so that was in two thousand in one did I say something wrong five I got my wife filming right now so she’s looking at me funny like I might have said something incorrect so so after that I went to I went back home when I started working as a personal trainer and a fitness consultant which is a guy that sells the personal training I was selling gym memberships and I did that between the years of 2002 to 2005 all right now remember the seed was planted back here in 2000 or one of both huh somebody’s taking their information they’re putting it on a website people are finding the website they’re putting their credit card in and then they’re being shipped this and I realized he was shipping this all around the world and I didn’t have any I wasn’t like looking at this from a business standpoint I wasn’t trying to figure out you know could I do this I was just I was really curious I thought it was interesting I’m like huh I wonder how he does I think that’s where my thought process stopped so then when I was working as a trainer here I was working with a business by sir Mike by my own boss was very business savvy and he was looking at different ways of marketing his brick and mortar business with the internet and he started pointing me towards these guys on the Internet Ryan Lee and Joomla baby alright who were selling fitness products like CDs and membership sites to fitness professionals in exchange for money and I was like interesting people are selling them information on the Internet and making money alright this is in 2005 all right this is before we know the Internet as it is today and I was really curious and I reached back out to leave and I said hey man is there anywhere I can learn more about marketing a product on the Internet I wanted to I was curious could I make some extra money on the internet all right I wasn’t thinking about building an empire and blowing up a brand I was just curious all right so he directed me to this company come check this out the world famous closet of all my products there’s probably literally tens of thousands of dollars of investing in two different DVDs and CDs and programs on these shelves and my very first before any of this existed here this was my very first investment these are $300 these were DVDs from the internet marketing Center and it was a a big company from corey rudl who unfortunately passed away in his late 20s is no longer with us and this was my first exposure to internet marketing all right you can see some of the cool names accelerated internet wealth series Jenny started maximizing profits and this was a three-day event that he turned into a product and when I watched these DVDs I still remember watching them by myself in my old house of 50 on upper horny road in Hamilton Ontario as a single guy as a bachelor and as soon as I watched these videos I saw my entire future unravel ball in front of my eyes all right and I knew I wanted to have an online internet business and an internet business that sold information products but I didn’t know where to start I’m like so what do I do after I consume these DVDs I was so so overwhelmed so literally a couple days later a couple days later I got a phone call from internet marketing center all right and this they pitched me a six-month coaching program it was $7,500 all right I’ll tell you more about that story in another video but it was $7,500 and I did not have $7,500 I was living paycheck to paycheck all right I was I was paying my bills but I wasn’t saving anything and I realized I had an opportunity to get coached and mentored and you know what you did you know you know what you get for seventy five hundred bucks one phone call a month for six that’s it and unlimited email support that’s all I got it wasn’t with like a successful fitness entrepreneur it was with an assembly-line coach like basically I was getting an assign to a coach and I said to myself what’s the worst thing that can happen I scrambled some credit cards together and I went for it now there’s a lot more to that story than I just made it sound like there’s a lot of fear that went into that I actually made the decision privately I didn’t tell anybody at the time because I’d already had a reputation for Dibble dabbling with some other stuff that didn’t work out but I made the leap all right and that was October of 2005 all right October 2005 and in six months this coach brought me from no idea to launching my very first ebook which is no nonsense muscle-building all right and I still remember I just wanted to give you guys like one thing that really made this real for me when I was in the research phase back in went back in October of 2005 my first assignment was to look at your competition and I had a couple other ideas I didn’t actually land on helping skinny guys build muscle until he took me through this research process of looking at the amount of search volume for certain keywords versus how you know saturated the market was and then I picked the skinny guy market and he actually said it was a bad idea because it was too competitive and this was in 2005 before YouTube before Facebook before Instagram there was a lot of people come on over here I want to show you guys something there was a lot of guys already selling fitness information products in particular this guy right here if you go to this website fast muscle gang calm I found this guy’s website and as you can see it’s a long-form sales letter you guys recognize these and my first thought was there’s no way anybody buys anything from these and I was here is like how much money does this guy actually make it’s a long-form infomercial style page what we call these are sales pages all right these are direct response marketing sales pages and his product was nine seven dollars I don’t know what he charges today I don’t even know if he still is in operation but at the time he was charging ninety seven dollars and my first thought was does anybody buy this I did some research and I went into a forum and I found out he was doing 10 copies a day and I’m like trying to do the math ten times a hundred thousand dollars a day that’s thirty thousand dollars a month that’s over 300 grand a year when I when I heard 30 grand a month my brain just couldn’t compute that and I thought to myself there’s no way anyone can make 30 grand a month that’s impossible that was where my thought process was and lo and behold after further research I found I found up that’s what he was doing people that were helping him or verifying that and I’m like wow maybe I can create something like this because is his whole business model is just around his story of going from skinny to muscular in 12 weeks without supplements and without spending long hours in the gym and doing it naturally and like that’s my story that’s that’s the skinny Vinnie story so that’s how I started and obviously there’s a lot more steps there we’ll leave it there but that’s really where I started it started off with a set of DVDs and trying to figure this out myself getting overwhelmed and then hiring my first online business coach who gave me my marching orders and help me bring no nonsense muscle-building to life and as many of you guys know that has grown to become a seven-figure brand for the past eight years all right so I’ve been doing this for a while okay and that’s how I got started so if you guys have any questions on how to start your online fitness business maybe you want to be an online coach or maybe you want to sell ebooks like myself or you want to launch a membership site whatever your vision is if you have any specific questions let me know in the comment section below and you can be sure that I’ll be joining in on the conversation and helping direct you to what your next best step would be all right again I really felt this was important to share I’m glad someone asked me this because it’s now 2018 I’ve been doing this for over 12 years alright so all these products you see up on the wall here they did not come to be overnight all right no nonsense muscle-building I focused on just that one product for like two three years before I launched the next one and the next one then the next one so if you want it if you want to build a successful and profitable online business you have to be prepared to invest a lot of time money effort with no guarantee of a return all right this is a long long long runway before you might even see take off you might not see take off at all alright so I want to make sure you guys understand as we continue this journey together we’re not talking about getting rich quick here alright we’re definitely talking about getting rich for sure eventually but not quick all right I don’t even know anybody who’s achieved that by the way if you have let me know likely they’re doing something a little shady and that’s only short-term so that’s not what we’re all about here if you guys enjoyed this video let me know in the comment section below and I look forward to speaking to you all soon
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