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The parallels between entrepreneurship and parenthood are plentiful. With Mother’s Day weekend upon us in the US, we asked EO members what lessons they have inadvertently learned through parenting their children. Here’s what they shared:

1. Be fearless

It’s remarkable to see the faith that my two toddlers have that everything will be ok. They trust in others with a fearlessness that makes me want to go back in time to recapture in myself. They are willing to try anything: Food, new experiences, meeting people—they are incredibly adaptable to change.

Taking risks and trusting your intuition are critical in entrepreneurship. As I parent them, I continuously remind them—and myself—to be fierce and unafraid.

— Veronique James, EO Arizona, founder and CEO, The James Agency

2. Know how to say no

When my oldest son was just barely old enough to talk, he would respond to some of our requests with, “I just can’t want to do that,” in a very matter-of-fact way. It was as if he was saying, “Sorry, I’d love to help you, but it’s simply out of my control. I just have no motivation or desire whatsoever to do that.”

As an entrepreneur, you have to know when to say no if something is not in your skill set. Unfortunately, many of us learn that lesson the hard way. There are so many opportunities available; focusing on the best ones is critical. A firm no is often as important—if not more so—than saying yes.

— Brannon Poe, EO Charleston, founder, Poe Group Advisors

3. Ask precisely for what you want

My youngest child is extremely determined. When she sets her mind on something, she will get it. She’s taught me to dream big and never settle. When she wants a toy, she is relentless. I am amazed how at such a young age, s… Read More

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