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Generative AI, when harnessed correctly, has the potential to revolutionize the way companies operate, innovate, and compete. But the question that arises is, how can entrepreneurial businesses effectively tap into AI’s potential?

The answer lies in setting up an AI (artificial intelligence) Center of Excellence inside your company that combines information technology with learning and development to serve the needs of business operations. And that Center of Excellence itself requires a two-pronged approach for what it means to be excellent at using AI: observing the application of generative AI in other companies and understanding its use within your own ranks.

Step 1: Learn from AI Pioneers

The first step in the journey towards effective use of generative AI is to look outward. Companies that have already integrated AI into their operations can serve as valuable case studies. These pioneers have navigated the challenges of implementation, and their successes and failures provide a roadmap for others to follow.

Step 2: Leverage Your Internal AI Expertise

The second prong of this approach involves looking inward to understand how your own employees already use generative AI. This can foster a culture of innovation and make the integration of AI a company-wide endeavor.

However, Step 2 is where I most often see problems in companies when I consult on integrating AI into their workflow. Initial evidence suggests that AI can significantly boost individual employee efficiency from 20% to 70% for many tasks, with the quality of output surpassing that of tasks completed without AI assistance. This is a testament to the transformative power of AI when used as a personal productivity tool, especially when operated by someone within their area of expertise.

Create Your AI Center of Excellence

Once your company has gathered this information, the next step is to establish a Center of Excellence for using Generative AI. My clients found … Read More

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