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Our how to start an online business Blog Tutorial Post Featuring Interview with Marie Forleo – How to start an online business and take your small business online
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[Music] gerrae CTV this week we have a very special guest a new friend of mine that I’ve been able to meet through a couple different acquaintances and friends and I’ve been in awe and inspired myself just at what she’s done and what she’s doing in the world making a difference the ability that she’s been able to grow her business and that the reach she’s created worldwide is absolutely spectacular and I really want to introduce Miss Marie Forleo thank you so much for joining us oh it’s my honor to be her Jarek thank you for having me on the show very welcome very excited to have you and we’re excited to share with you just some insights for those of you and I get a lot of questions on this if people always reaching out and saying listen I have a business I’m trying to figure out how to take it online and whether that’s a flower shop a you know hair design studio a graphic design which should be online anyways but somehow you’re not and all the way to someone saying I don’t have a business and I’m trying to find a way to pay my bills take care of my family give myself the freedom to really be there for the ones I love and have the freedoms to travel and do all the things I dream about and I’m trying to figure out how to get started and when we thought about the list of who we can reach out to there’s so many people pretending to talk about this topic and there’s so much fluff out there nowadays that we just combed through one after the other of the other and when I got to Murray my dad and interviewed her a while ago and I remember seeing that me like wow that’s pretty cool and I heard about other people working with her and a friend of mine started raving about her and then I met her friend is like oh you got to talk to her she’s so cool and then I actually had a few friends who went through her online program and they’re probably some of your largest most raving fans and these are people that I trust so dearly because they’re such close friends of mine and whatever they would say I would believe a thousand percent they can to be like Jarek I don’t care how many programs you’ve taken I don’t care what you’ve signed up for I don’t care where you’ve been through she’s legit beyond legit and has everything you need to know and all the reminders you need if you haven’t applied what you know so far but this is the woman oh well that thank you I feel so honored by what you shared we pour our hearts and soul into everything that we do and me personally I pour everything I have into what I create so I really really appreciate what you can I appreciate being here today and be able to give as much as I can and give people insight because I know how tough of a journey it was for me so if I can help shorten that learning curve and get people on track for what their dreams are you know quicker and with maybe a little less pain that would be awesome absolutely and that’s our goal with jrc TV is to help people speed up their process achieve rapid results and really go out and get the results they desire and deserve um so speaking of your history a little bit I love to give people just a mini brief history of what brought you to where you are today just so they can better understand the journey you took absolutely you know when I was in college I knew I wanted to do something big and important in the world but I didn’t know really what that was going to be and my first foray into the professional world was on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange I was like it’s exciting I have a lot of energy as a human being so there’s actually no seats you have to stand up and run around all day and it’s crazy pants and you know it’s awesome in many ways but quickly I doubled my bosses they were living for those two-week vacations that they had once a year and while they were making millions and tens of millions and you know an extraordinary amount of wealth in a financial sense I didn’t get a sense that there was a lot of spiritual or emotional wealth and for me there was a big disconnect there and even though I didn’t know what I wanted to ultimately do I knew that place wasn’t it and I was terrified because I just gone through school and this was my education and my parents had helped me pay for it I helped me pay for it but I felt like a loser to be honest with you because I was like oh my god what’s wrong with me but I said you know I can figure this out I went on a bit of an odyssey I wound up working in both the ad side of magazine publishing and the editorial side of magazine publishing because I was trying to merge my passion for business with this desire to be creative and I thought maybe the magazine if we was going to be a good balance but you know it’s gone through a couple of periods of time go through those jobs and I kept having this feeling like a part of me was dying inside then I started to really pack I’m like okay I know I’m smart I know I have Drive but I feel like a complete loser because I can’t seem to want to stay in a job and it wasn’t like I was getting fired but I just felt like time was passing me by and thankfully I stumbled upon this article about life coaching now you have to get Jarek at the target I was 22 23 and I was like who the heck is gonna hire a 22 or 23 year old life coach like I was rolling my eyes at myself because it was ridiculous but I couldn’t deny how right something felt in my soul I couldn’t deny that there is a spark that lit up that had never lit up before and so I sleeping up what I think I have to do this sign up for Coach training in about six months I got a job offer from both magazine so that was my fork in the road either work for the most you know incredible fashion magazine in the world or quit and start a life coaching business like when you’re still in life coaching training don’t work I quit and that’s how everything started I I didn’t start making money at first through my coaching business I bar tended I waited tables I did odd jobs and Derick I did that for about six or seven years Wow yeah and I was yeah the question is me there how did you make that decision I mean you’re faced with something that people dream about as a career where it’s like if I could just get that job at that place o hunt that’d be everything yes your split between that and and life coaching oh how did you decide so it was it was honestly an intuitive heart thing I feel like one of the things I’ve been blessed with and I think that’s been passed down from my mom and from my family is always being trained to like how does something feel despite what your mind says with logic says like how does it feel in your gut in your body in your heart and I remember looking at that job offer and on paper it’s amazing and I got exactly what you said people would kill for this position but for me everything was pulling me over to this life coaching world every time I would do my study but night and take these teleclasses it felt like everything in me was coming alive and it was it was just it wasn’t the most logical decision but it was the emotionally right decision and clearly you know in retrospect looking back it was the most amazing decision I could ever make I was totally terrified but I knew because I had paid for so much of my education through bartending it was like looking at the worst-case scenario I said okay if I totally quit my job right now I try and start this coaching business and I failed will I be homeless the answer is no I knew I would work at McDonald’s if I had to I come from a very blue-collar work ethic where you just work and you work and you make it happen and there’s not a lot of pride in terms of I’m better than that or that’s below me the way that I was brought up it was just like if you’re doing honest work and you’re putting your all into it and you earn money like there’s never any shame in that so that was kind of my perspective on how I made the decision and realize what’s the worst thing that can happen and it was really my ego would be bruised maybe maybe I’d lose a couple more years but nothing physically would harm me and I would be able to at least keep a roof over my head that’s awesome that’s awesome I had a similar experience I one of the greatest gifts dad ever gave me growing up was he started with nothing homeless in his car at 16 built his way up as I grew up and when I was time to graduate he helped me through school and he made a rule with me that a badge right you got your own house and it was one of the greatest hands down gifts he ever passed on because when I went to work for him did sales for a couple years got tired of it transitioned out and when I go back to San Diego before I started my first little online business um it was amazing like I was working three jobs I was stuffing boxes in a warehouse working inside sales and coaching people on the side what that hustle I think is a key factor for so many people when getting started is they want to have the dream of I’m just gonna quit everything and I’m gonna have this million dollar online business tomorrow and you know I always do face to call and be like no jobs you know hopefully they’ll piss you off enough to inspire you to work your tail off it’s really building that all my business and it’s amazing how much more fulfillment you’ll have along the journey yeah and I can even say you know because I’ve had this kind of come back at me they’re like okay Marie that was great you know you were in your 20s and they are absolutely you know folks are hearing this perhaps whether they’re in their 20s 30s 40s 50 60 70 s you have kids you have a mortgage you know there’s responsibilities and I’ve heard that kind of pushback but I will tell you after working with tens of thousands of people now I have seen people at every age range with every kind of obligation with three little ones at home figure this out so maybe my path of bartending or you know your side hustle with packing boxes and doing inside sales I’ve fought in a fair way for all of us to figure that out and if it takes making some kind of you know decisions like wow I have a house in the mortgage but I could downsize and create a little bit more space for myself or you know maybe we’re not going to go out to eat three days a week or you’ve got to get creative and again as your dad says it’s probably one of my favorite including Robin ISM it’s not about your resources it’s about your resourcefulness and for me it’s that philosophy of like okay so this is my college that I’ve created and this is my life how can I adjust things to make this happen and it’s not I think I love what you said not going to happen in six months from a year or two years I even tell people like the first two or three years don’t expect that much some people are these anomalies and they’re able to bust out and sometimes we hear those stories and all of us can compare ourselves and go like what’s wrong with me like how did they build this it for your business with six months and I’m like you know what that’s not normal it’s not typical most of us work and grind for a while and then we start to get momentum and then the fruit starts to and then it’s through the fall that you have to be willing to be persistent and again absolutely and I I believe my whole focus has been how do you speed that up for people and you’re right if it took when you rewind any one story there’s usually 5-10 years of them mentally emotionally physically spiritually preparing being ready building building building building and then momentum starts to kick in and build and a lot of times they don’t realize is that’s part of their story and that’s something you have to step into and that’s something I really focus on with people uh-huh tell us more about your story so you made that decision well you know just forged between everyone’s dream and your spirit and intention is guiding you and you win this way and he trusted you God you went with it that happened from there so I went to a place called coach University which at the time was the only coach Training Institute really that was around and that seemed really reputable and one of the lessons that they thought was start for small newsletter just start publishing your own content reach out to people whatever your ideas are however you want to inspire and instruct people to have an amazing life by putting that Continental and having like this regular content schedule again this was like back in the day when email newsletters were like what is people are calling him like a zine and a sign like all these weird like dorky words but I listened because I was just out of college and I was a straining students like always doing I was like this my homework I’m gonna do it so I started publishing this email newsletter when I was bartending people had asked me what else I do I would tell them on the like books I think I might use it I was teaching a fitness class or out doing anything and someone who asked me what I did I’d take it on my email newsletter and in the beginning Derek I’ve coached anyone who would like me like I would purge a blog if someone would let me coach their dog he didn’t care because I was just trying to develop my skills and understand how I could positively have people and what kind of clients I wanted to work with remember of getting a really good deal on my first website I don’t program I don’t code I don’t know how to do any of that but someone that my dad worked with who has said I said hey I think they welcome a thousand dollars can you help me put together this website it was such a basic cheesy web site but it was the best I could do at that time and that’s really how I started I just was like finding clients anywhere I could developing this this email newsletter and then eventually I wound up writing my first ebook which was around women and relationships and that’s when I started to really understand marketing online marketing the power of leverage and the potential that we have using these modern tools of entrepreneurship to reach people all around the globe that was a big turning point for me that’s huge and for people watching they say Steven growth they you’re experienced they watch how you kind of wiggled through there while they look at their own life and they’re like okay well I didn’t go that route you know I started my business 15 years ago and I own a flower shop and you know how in the world is this going to apply to me this whole online world I don’t get it sure customers have to drive by to see me absolutely and and what I say that that is like bring it back to our own personal experience I mean every single day this morning for example so you know New York it’s just been a flurry of snowstorms all winter long this year and this morning I’m like gosh I need some help digging out my heart I really do like the car is literally buried and snow what do I do I go online and find help thinking about sending my mom flowers to use your example you know her mother say her for the birthday she doesn’t live in the same state as me anymore so what do I do I go online then I search for a florist so I think the best evidence is really the most obvious what do we all do everywhere whatever we’re looking for some kind of information or services or products the first thing you do is we typically google it so even if you’re not going to have some online business that sells information products or coaching or training or anything like that you’re a brick and mortar and it’s a florist why not have your website be your best unpaid salesperson 24/7 why not have that thing you’ll need magnet for all the people in your community and the surrounding communities to know that you are the best freaking florist in your town you have the best arrangements you have the best reviews there’s all these different ways that you can use your online presence to enhance your business even if you don’t want to physically sell the product online but you’re using it more to attract needs in and pre-cell them on how amazing you are it’s amazing the other piece that happens is and this seems silly once you get to know both sides but how much credibility someone gives you when they just see your picture on a website and it says something about you positively it’s like wow like look at you there it’s and I’ll tell you I don’t know it doesn’t happen you Jared but mamie’s happened for and listening there’s been times when I’ve heard about something and I go on my phone or I get home and I’m on my computer and I google them and like there’s kind of nothing there or it’s like a super simple like landing page that I can’t get any information at all like their hours of operation a contact you know there’s like nothing there and I literally want to pull my hair out and I’m on to the next render so you know I’m not making the argument that people have to have these like $20,000 websites but I think something simple and classy or even at the at the bottom line understanding Yelp understanding how you can use Yelp as a tool to circulate people you know into your field get them on to your website and bring them into your store is you not that we go into Yelp and peaceful but it’s about understanding the psychology of testimonials and how to treat customers so that they just become your best raving fans out there bringing you more business absolutely it’s so important I have a grandmother that’s in her a te hau election 74 75 years old this year and she’s still cold calls three days a week and does over six figures a year in insurance sales oh my god love God it’s my mom’s mom and and I love her she’s one of my biggest inspirations and I remember saying now a grandma on being like grandma why don’t you have a website and she’s like oh after 30-something years in the business I can have I use my rolodex to call on my people and one of my goals this year is to use a lot of what we pulled from b-school and everything we’ve learned along the way to actually build grandma her own or her own platform in Los Angeles just because she works so hard to give her the ability to attract more leads naturally based on everything she’s already done in her life it would be a huge gift and it’s something simple that I know she would love from us so we’re excited to do that for her so that’s kind of a brick and mortar side what about the people who are listening who are like I don’t even have a business like I have some cool idea that I think it’d be neat but I don’t even know people are freaking interested in this great challenge I will tell you Jarek it’s probably one of the most common questions I get I think entrepreneurship in general as we look at from this moment in time forward what we’re going to see is a mass of people even more so than now starting their own businesses and those have to be like fortune 500 businesses they’re going to be micro businesses small businesses meaning sized businesses all the way up so talking about someone has an idea and they’re not sure if anyone’s going to even go for it there’s a couple things that you want to keep in mind what we talked about with useful is finding the sweet spot between something that you’re most gifted at that you love to love to create and finding the convergence of what an ideal customer base gives me most wants or needs so it’s matching what you want to provide with what someone is actually going to follow you people this comes down a little bit to discovering what your business model Tiffany you know basic kind of business and I think that’s where a lot of people get tripped up is not you know I’ve heard this many times like I want to competing I’ve always heard this all I want a community of women I just want to have a community of women and I want to inspire them and I just want to like you know give them lots of love and have them connect and like that awesome I love you for that because I can feel your heart but what’s the business model what’s the value exchange what are they actually paying and so when we drill down and start to understand business models a little bit more that’s when I think people can start to get some traction they will tell you I want to tell you a story about a woman named Hannah who’s actually in Europe um we’re gonna send out her letter we didn’t ask her to send this letter I had no idea for results um she sent us this letter and it brought me to tears she’d signed it for peaceful and I should be know what the heck she was doing she hardly had a home she was like on our last couple of rent checks before she was going to get kicked out she didn’t have much money at all she basically scraped together her tuition and she was almost thinking she was crazy for doing this new business idea all she knew she was kind of like me something felt right to her and she couldn’t quite explain it logically and she went through about three different iterations she tried one business and it kind of failed she tried another idea no response she tried something else and it was like and something didn’t feel right the fourth thing that she tried hit and within three months she actually not only made back for b-school investment but now she’s got this business and it’s involved writing which is something that she couldn’t have predicted when she first started experimenting and trying so we have this program and b-school call to start the right business I created it for exactly the folks that you’re talking about they either have too many ideas and they can’t choose one they’re like me they’re multi passionate they have an idea but it’s unproven so they’re like I don’t want a for money and climb into this unless I know it’s going to actually work or the third group which is maybe what you’re describing someone who has this inkling they want to have their own business but they’re like I don’t even know if I have a valuable idea so we do walk people through a series of tests so that they can test for the concept prove it out there start to ping out and see if people will actually buy their idea or their product or service before they keep going and I think it’s a really valid thing that most of us don’t do enough of is go down a little bit and test and really prove your concept and then once you prove your concept you’ve got a business model you’re clear that people will pay you then it’s a risk like all of us have to take and I think you know it’s important to remember in business as in relationships there are no guarantees you want guarantees you don’t want a business and you don’t want a relationship because it’s literally impossible but I’m sure you can agree with this those two areas of life they’re the most beautiful to take a risk on absolutely the areas of life they give you the most freedom the most joy the most fulfillment the most fun they’re also the most wild journey up and down and and the more you learn the love that journey the more you will have so much freedom and joy and fulfillment in your life if you really go for it um one thing that’s interesting that you pointed out which is really fun is when things are growing it’s like in the beginning you get excited you get passionate you’re like I’m gonna do it I’m gonna go for this it’s so exciting it and everything seems like momentum is building and I saw one of the episode you sent out where it’s like what happens when people start pestering you with like it’s talking to work what do you think you’re doing you’re crazy and I always laugh and I’m like I mean look at JK Rowling’s everyone told her she was crazy she’s the first billionaire author it’s like holy hell thank God she kept going yeah look at that but the other thing that start to happen is not only there’s little resistance but there’s also a point time when you’re working working working working you’re applying everything you’ve learned and all of a sudden starts just Plateau like nothing’s really happening or worse it starts to come back a little it’s like Oh like it’s something’s going wrong and what did you tell that person right in that moment because we all know that obviously it might get worse a little bit and then all of a sudden curve right back up and get better but what do you tell someone to remind someone that once they get going it’s going to be excited you may face resistance you’ll hit your plateau eventually seems like you know it’s not getting bigger not getting worse it’s just there and all of a sudden you start to slide and freak out what do you tell that person just to help them make that curve back up and realize that it’s coming well I think a couple things to keep in mind one for all of us you know this life and especially the experience of building a business is absolutely a roller coaster it has its ups and downs I mean that is the nature of life if it wasn’t anything changing we’d be real big trouble but I would also encourage someone if they feel like they’ve hit a peak its Plateau and perhaps there’s either some fact slide or down slide is to take a look and do really an honest look inside of yourself have you been using methodologies that you totally don’t believe in that’s how aren’t aligned with who you really are but you heard they were a good idea and someone said but you’re like you know what I’m not aligned with it but I’m going to do it anyway so I’d say that then move to is there any part of your life or your business maybe it’s a part of your life outside of your business where there’s some something incongruent relationship something you’re not being honest about that you’re not taking care of I’ve seen in my life you know if something I don’t want to look at it’ll get me to look at it one way or another it’ll stop me and say Marie something’s wrong you need to adjust you need to re-evaluate and get everything back in alignment but I would say you know generally speaking um just take a look inside I feel like you all have so much wisdom within and it could be a little whisper of something that you didn’t want to pay attention to before and now it’s getting louder now it’s getting letter and I think that’s really the best thing number two would be you have anybody that you trust that’s why I believe so much in community and that you have someone who really has your best interest at heart you can just have an honor talk sometimes talking it out that may not even have the answer that they’re holding this space for you they’re listening for you to find your wisdom and your own answer another good thing that which to me absolutely and what you said I think is so important and why we chose you over so many other people that are out there talking about all kinds of shiny things that are gonna master blow someone’s business to the moon right now and you hear all these things whether it’s doing this through this or writing a kindle ebook or publishing here or doing this or doing this you hear all these things and when I look at them I was like I feel so bad for people because you don’t invest all this time and effort money in it it seems so great but these are the things I see most often that someone plateaus and then slides on and like you said it’s because they’re believing someone saying this is the next big thing versus spending time to actually build the foundation it takes to take where you want to go yeah that’s why we love what you’re up to we’ve gone through the b-school we’ve looked at all these four pieces and this is the absolute foundation people need to build upon to then later use all those other options to possibly grow if they like them it’s congruent with who they are yeah absolutely sound Asia yeah and for me I also like training people and embedding their values and really the best of our humanity in their business like so much of what we do and so much of what I try to teach is don’t follow me don’t model me I’m going to teach you timeless principles I’m going to teach you about human psychology I’m going to take you about connection because your expression is completely unique from me and it should be and the kind of business that you want to build yes I have your unique fingerprint on it I’m going to help you get the best of who you are and pour it into your expression I always get so angry there and it’s like it’s a little bit of a thing I can get on a soapbox on but I won’t when I see so much about like use this exact blueprint it’s like what we teach in b-school there’s certain people’s their fundamentals like you have to handle these things and I’m going to give you best practices but I want you to masterfully recreate everything from your own heart and soul so it’s completely weekly you you know things like generosity it’s not an object that goes out of style like it when you literally fake in generosity to your business from inception it’s almost impossible for you to fail sure something may not work but you’re going to create a ton of goodwill you’re going to feel amazing by it you’re going to learn some great lessons and you’re going to have a team of supporters that even if you pivot or evolve your business there’s going to be nothing negative about those lessons you’re going to feel great about it you’re going to be able to move on very very different than shiny objects are life automated webinars are done and that stuff just makes me there they can be okay but that kind of stuff just you know it makes me sick it’s like I want to teach people the fundamentals that as they evolve and improve change and start new businesses these are going to serve them for life absolutely and the other piece that happens there which I love you talk on because I grew up in an environment where I even did it um where so many people believe in dad so much and they love what he does and they heard this word come out of his mouth a long time ago which was called modeling and they that damn it I had a misconception of him guilty as sin so just so many people lots of people in our community and we’ll end up happening was they heard modeling and thought I meant copying one and so you see them like he says something they say something he does something they do something anything oh no like where’s your heart where’s your soul is your peace when one what I love what you guys go through is helping people identify that voice within them and bring that to life it’s important because people struggle for so many years wondering why they can never break through and like get out to the world and get their message there and the number one reason why I can see through what you teach because I watch friends go to your program who are struggling with that trying to get out to the world all of a sudden they went through b-school they learned their unique spiritual soul message of the world and all this in the business went like this and flourished and it’s because they were pushing pushing pushing but it was inauthentic yes work yeah you I remember a couple years ago I saw like a bunch of email newsletters and everyone has like the same HTML format and everyone did like they and I’m just like can we not be original here folks like everyone is so creative and we all come so alive when we’re using and flexing those creative muscles and everyone has such unique quirks like you know me I love I talked about this often but like it was like Game of Thrones I love the Smurfs I love cookie dough like there’s a whole bunch of weird things that make me me just like there’s a whole bunch of groove things that make you new and then it’s really new awesome those little influences can seek their way into your business can seek their way into your stories of how you communicate the things you choose to highlight and there are you know millions of people that will resonate with the freaks that you are just like the freak that I am and that’s what the beautiful thing is and business starts to become so much more pleasurable and joyful and like a true human connection versus some robotic thing of what you think you should do to the professional next right way it’s crazy absolutely um the other thing I first want to acknowledge you on but then just mentioned briefly for people is I remember I logged in and I was learning about b-school and going through all the modules and the one part that stood out to me is you mentioned a lot of people want to create a community and I have yet to find the community that is so connected to each other so supportive of each other and I was watching posts and people who are like oh I have this idea and I want to do this and all these people would jump in and be like oh let me help you connect talk to this person let’s do this I’ll help out I was like wow I mean I guess I grew up in a community was a lot of people in this community competitive people in this community and I’ve never seen so many people collaborate work together it’s such a beautiful way and I want to throw that out there I’m curious how the hell did you do it but um you know what is that like for people and I don’t know if you have examples of people who in there and how that support has really helped them flourish but it’s it’s amazing the watch yeah I mean totally on both counts one thing I am very very clear about and I make no apologies about is I really take a stand for kindness and I let people know and I communicate and message about this as clearly as I possibly can throughout the entire program and also in our private the community that you know being negative is not okay being toxic being caddy being gossipy being named it is not okay different opinions that are shared in a respective you know with respect and honor and like in looking for the best idea awesome that’s what you know the best things come to the top when there’s a little bit of creative friction but it’s handled in like hey I respect you I think that let’s look at all with you but I think it’s because I’m so verbal that look if you misbehave and you’re unkind in this community you’re out I don’t care about your money get your my water you’re just you can’t come hang out here because growing a business and creating a life that you love is hard and we need to create that container for people to be able to come to a space where they feel safe and they feel like it’s positive and it’s forward moving it’s even if they’re having a tough day they can express that and have people just come in and say hey you know what I don’t know if I can help you but I hear you and my heart goes out to it I’m sending you love and it found me thanks right but that makes a huge difference for folks you know you had people use like a husband we’ve had a woman in the past couple days uh we kept it secret for I think over almost twenty was a minute in ten years but she was waste she never even told her mom and she came out and shared this with our community and I mean the outpouring of love from both our men and our women holding that space for her to be brave and to express something that has been thinking about for so long like it could bring tears my eyes I I just feel like we try and do such a good job of letting people know that we respect who they are honor who they are and this is a place for them to come and step out into their greatness and we protect it with all of our might and you know no community is perfect and you know someone’s having a bad day and you have to go hey is there another way to say that we totally step in and do it but its enormous I mean we’ve had people built their entire businesses from connections they made in the community like you know someone has an idea they know someone else and they just their roles on from there I think it’s because of the core of what we teach in peacefull is about our best and our human values about generosity about kindness about compassion about connection that that’s really baked into the baseball community how we create work it’s beautiful it’s amazing to see and and like I said I’ve watched tons of communities around the world and I’ve certainly grown up in dads and watched all different pieces and no matter how great the intention is they’re usually these like little segments to start the push and pull and do all this stuff and I haven’t seen that and be squaw I’ve watched closely and just kind of analyze and see what people are talking about what they’re doing what they’re up to and it’s such a beautiful flourishing community there’s something you mentioned because I remember in the beginning um and I actually did this a long time ago as well back in the day I had a partner and we were focused in only Los Angeles speaking with specifically small business owners teaching them how to build it online and about 80% of our clientele if not more was all women and that was a big thing for us because my belief I wouldn’t volunteer in Africa and my training in organic farming they told us if you want to change the world get to the women of these villages and they will change the world here in Africa and I don’t know how that stood with me but I came back to Los Angeles and did the same thing but if we want to change this we’ve got to find the ladies that they’re willing to be flexible and go for it when I know recently you wanted to expand that because you have an unbelievable base of women that are connected to that community and the what is the friend who endued in first introduced me to it is master there’s another guy yes reduced me to it I was like whoa this is cool like it’s a guy tell me about it and and then I started to meet some of the other guys who’ve gone through it and you start to hear really cool stories of how guys have now become really integrated in this and you guys are lovingly opened up your arms Wow brought them and really supported them as well and I’d love to just throw that out there for the guys listening that this might sound like oh great a bunch of girls talking online but dudes if you’re a guy whose thing you’re missing out of you a part of it yeah I mean I’ll tell you um it’s interesting because when the program first started you know what we didn’t get a chance to talk about earlier was I had quite an amazing in health and fitness and I’ve taught a lot of dance classes taught a lot of hip-hop I used to teach here in New York and travel around with Nike all around the world and my first book I’m working on my second book now but my first book was called make every man want you had to be so irresistible you’ll barely keep from dating yourself so I had amassed this incredible female audience and it was not against the men at all there was no real gender specific content even make every man want you is a human book but I just packaged it because I knew I wanted to market women so then we snorted b-school it was almost small women like 99% likes one brave dude who he loved him up so much but as the years have gone on I’ve had a lot of questions of like guys going hey can I come in – and my content has never been gender specific or like yeah come on in but then when I took a look at my own branding and I took a look at the messaging I realized oh my god I’m giving guys a hurdle so this year we actually made a very very conscious choice to do some subtle tweets about that and I have to tell you the men in our community are amazing like so amazing dared if you haven’t um if you haven’t seen it Derrick I’m so sorry I called you with a D ah we have a live your dream campaign if you google search marie forleo literally dream you’ll see a couple more guys stories on there and they’re just incredible like super super incredible and for me it was really important to be inclusive of all it’s like I don’t care your gender I don’t care your sexual orientation I don’t care your age I don’t know where you’re from as long as you have the heart and soul when the drive and the willingness to play and you want to create something you are welcome very cool and I love it and it’s neat to see that growth in that expansion because my belief was just like in Africa when you get to the women things will start to adjust things will start to move and they’ll be willing to take that first step and risk and now that momentum is moving and people are seeing like this works this is the jet this is where you need to go it’s neat to see that the pickup in momentum and how many more guys are going to be joining in and it’s fun to see how that’s rippling out it’s amazing yeah I also do believe – it’s like men and women like we have to work together you know what I mean anything that’s cost half the planet is just not going to work so for me it was really about going like hey there’s so many amazing men and there’s so many amazing women and think about the magic we create together when we rock this stuff absolutely absolutely and so I realize thank you for saving so much time with us today we’re going to start winding down but I want to tell just that the last bit of your story you came out of there you went into hip hop and dance you’re traveling around the world and then you finally transitioned you became an author you finally transition then you eventually started b-school where was the origination of b-school how did it come about and where is it today and where is it headed so people know and how they can get involved oh absolutely so basically when I was teaching so much fitness you know my man Josh he we’ve been together for 11 years he’s an actor and he would get chops on these films and he was like great come with me and I’m like I have to teach five hip-hop classes this week in New York City I can not jump on a plane right now eventually that got to the place where I was like okay I need to be completely location independent I need a very conscious choice to wind down my fitness career and put everything I had to my online business and people at that time we’re actually asking me because at that time I was still doing primarily life coaching and it was a lot of personal development and they’re like how do you build those in classes selling this book doing this life coaching I was like that’s all because I understand marketing like marketing is the secret sauce under everything and it doesn’t have to be squeezy it doesn’t have to be slimy it doesn’t have to be pushing you can do it a super authentic way that’s when the light bulb started to go off because any time I would go to an internet marketing conference um it was 99 to almost a hundred percent men and name and some of the tactics the strategies that were talked about on stage and the way that customers were talked about it didn’t sit right with me it was like people were numbers and they believes and you can trick them and convert them and it was just it was horrible but then I had learned all of this other wisdom you know from other teachers I was like wow this is really good and I was like why is there not some place that’s teaching ethical marketing and ethical sales and especially in a modern place and again at that time it started because you know Derek this is story I was at one of these conferences again maybe like 700 people mostly guys I was on an escalator and heading up to the main event where everyone is going to go onstage and teach and this guy turned to me and he’s like you know what do you do and I was like tell me my business is like Oh juice do you make money with that first there’s a hobby and I am from Jersey it took everything in me not to clock this guy like right on the spot and I was just like are you for real like did you just say that to me so anyway there was a bit of you talked about this earlier like maybe something pisses you off so much and it actually inspires something amazing that compensation was part of what inspired b-school initially because I was like this brother does not know who he is dealing with right now so he’s looking about because I really saw there was a hole in the market for teaching honest ethical online marketing in a very modern way that was transparent and that honors both the business owner the customer and the greater world at large Wow I love that I really love that it’s so true I’ve attended so many of those events and I remember hearing stuff like if you add a charity it’s gonna get 1.2 percent more dollars per click on your page and I was like no they’d wait yes give the charity but yes I know totally that’s exactly I was like shocked at a lot of things I was hearing and I was like oh I gotta thank you the back of the rig was my heading and so on locate relationship someone needs to do better yeah and you know thank God you came about brought this together and it provided this and like I said build the foundation people shown what to do not only the foundation to build on but set that in place and then where to go from there and how to take it really to the where their dreams are and I’ve heard you mentioned other places that some people have dreamed is it to have the million billion dollar business and that’s awesome like one of the things I’m so passionate about is telling people like analyze your ambition a million or a billion dollar business is not the Holy Grail you know what it’s a whole lot of freaking work and it’s awesome if you want it but if your ideal is like I want to live debt-free I would have a business that are in $60,000 a year and I take a lot of my time off rock on like own that and don’t let society define who you are or what success means to you because it really have to confide out and screw all these other ideas of like materialism and blah blah blah not to say that we can’t enjoy or things I enjoy something you have to take the time to push out the noise and get clear on that definition of success for yourself it’s so important I grew up with that and I was so frustrated for so many years so I watched dad on his way to be a billionaire well I’m like well maybe that’s what I’m supposed to do but after a while I was like dude I like working out I like traveling I like relaxing from sometimes like I don’t think the word exists in his vocabulary and and it’s been a blessing in our own relationship with each other but nowadays we live a couple months my fiance and I live a couple months on a cruise ship every year we just kept on living in Costa Rica for a few months after that we did a volunteer road trip across the US and eight cities just doing volunteer work in eight different cities all well still running our business every single day online from a laptop in the middle of freakin Texas via Wi-Fi and as silly and crazy and wild as that is that was our dream what I’ve only gave up the noise of I’m supposed to do what dad did and build a billion dollar company and do all these things and I started trusting my heart and soul and being like hey this is right for me this is what I’m about I want this freedom I want this lifestyle all the sudden things clicked and it opened up just we’re trying to work for me it opened up in a way or it’s like wow this is it but if I got to do this every single day of my life forever I’m stoked it’s amazing right there’s incredible freedom that comes from that I do think it’s something you know so much of what we’re talking about Jarek it’s things that I feel like should be taught in school it’s like never teach our kids how to define success for themselves or even to look outside of traditional ideas of what that word even mean and I think we have such a great opportunity now you know to influence people of every level every age group to challenge those assumptions and to question really like you know bigger is not always better I’ve had a lot of criticism people like why don’t you put a school on evergreen and why don’t you run it three times a year and I’m like because I don’t want to like I fought very consciously about every decision I make in my business and I’m not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but I make decisions with my heart with my soul I try and do it you know with this much integrity and transparent as possible and I’m not following anyone elses moles following what I feel to be true in my part and what I’m gonna to do that’s so beautiful um you mentioned something that’s so important for people watching this um you didn’t mention b-school he’s a once-a-year thing what and I realized that because I had people who so many months after last year’s opening we’re like hey I got that email and I really want to join you email her and get me in and I was like uh so what I was bummed because they really wanted in three months after the fact I’m pretty sure it’s something they do so it could you employ the details on that yes we do b-school ends here and the quick reason why is because we pour so much of our heart and souls into it I am so present throughout the program and it’s pretty intense that you wouldn’t wanted to go that many resources to it at this point in the game more than once a year it’s like once a year we’re like we need a vacation after Sophie school it the registration opens up do you want those days is that because we swap registration opens up on February 19 and it goes until March 5th at 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time it is super super important with pretty of detail-oriented when it comes to times again we’re not even though we run an incredible business and we take care of everything we’re not like you know a thousand people worked small team we for everything we have into it so three plan of concern March 5th that’s when enrollment ends the course begins on March 10th and it runs for eight consecutive week but here’s a most people have to really gap even if you’ve got a wedding you’re away on vacation everything is recorded the community is yours forever and you’re Aggie schooler for life what that means is a you always have access to all your materials but every year when we go through it again you can go through it again with us live for free you don’t have to pay anymore and there’s something beautiful that happens when everybody comes back all the grads all the alum and we go through these core modules all again together people get new insights they’re working on a new level it’s just is absolutely extraordinary and it’s malleable so even if you know you’re like oh I don’t know if I should do this because I have this thing going on if you feel it in your heart go for it unless you really are clear that you’re like you know what I will wait for that shit absolutely so I want to say thank you so much for coming on here and um what’s fun is we’re sharing with this world I was gifted by someone else the ability to join in parts of b-school to check it all out and to get to know and all that stuff and so I’m making this commitment myself I’m personally going to sign up this year and go start to finish with you because I’ve gone through and so many friends have gone through and I’ve got done some of the modules and my belief is even if you’ve done it before like you said starting from day one making the commitment following it step-by-step exactly as it’s built does something magical in someone’s life and no matter how many times I’ve done this whatever seminar event it is every time we’ve gone through something magical has always happened always happens for me every time I’m like relooking at the program and retweeting it like I go back to the fundamentals you know there’s that great Bruce Lee quote like I’m not afraid of the guy who practices 10,000 kicks once I’m afraid of the guy who practices one kick 10,000 times and that’s how I feel like that we train mastery in b-school it’s like yeah these kind of get in your bones like have you this stuff so on tap that you’re just on fire no matter what you want to produce it’s awesome absolutely so we’re going to have the link below this video up on J or CTV we’ll have it in the email that comes out to you if you’re watching this and also if you just want to straight up google it because you want to know more um is it used google marie forleo b-school yeah marie forleo’s b-school there’s um is b-school right for me and there’s a whole list of tough questions and my honest-to-goodness answers and if you want to be squad Google Li for leo live your dreams there’s over 40 indenter case studies from people from every walk of life every level of experience and it’s really inspiring even if you don’t join us just watching people who have you’re pumping out taking it to the next level it’ll really charge you up absolutely and I’ll throw in a bonus for if you watch this whole video and you watch the whole thing and you went through the different training videos three uh what I’ll do is I never do this so you want to coach with me it’s always a six month minimum package but for anyone who joins I’ll do a month of personal one-on-one coaching with you for three calls to make sure that when you get in and when you start doing it I’ll hold you accountable and make sure that you’re really following through with what you’re learning not just watching it thinking it’s great so on top than it is a bonus and you know minimum six five ten grand 20 grand to work together but I’ll throw that in for anyone who wants to just email me your receipt from me regardless if it comes through our link or not and I’d be happy to support you that’s Jack you’re amazing and I just want to acknowledge you and I mean ever since just a little brag on you for a hot minute ever since we may be connected every single email and every single interaction like I just whenever you send me something or whenever I get such a burst of light and love and energy I just want to thank you for being you and thank you so much for having me outside like such a pleasure and honor thank you thank you thank you for joining us I’m excited to hang out boy I realize you guys are up in the city I just moved where how something right now in Florida so if you end up being a snowboard and swinging this way let us know we’ll say hi and I’m sure I’ll be up in the city once it gets warm my fianc and I have one promise to each other never live in a cold place yes I love you guys for it that is awesome we’re typically in LA at this time that I had one of those heart like intuition things that I had to stay in the city for the winter and I’m listening to it and I’ve seen a couple reasons why I should be here so I love it though it’s be a we will have the visit cold places we don’t like living cook she grew up in Michigan so she made me promise that she was like you have to promise me one thing we’ll never do that I was like okay deal smart woman I love her already very cool well thank you thank you thank you for joining us this has been an extended episode of jrc TV enjoy this join us for b-school I’m going to be there personally I look forward to seeing you inside I look forward to being part of the community with you as we go through together and until next week I hope you have incredible week bye [Music]
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