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This Business News Story Was Uncovered By Us From: https://www.entrepreneurshiplife.com/5-different-types-of-business-presentations-and-when-to-use-them/

We hope this Editorial, that was exclusively found for you, to think of Aspects to add Energy into your own online business venture.

A man delivering information to his colleagues.

Do you know, intentionally or unintentionally, we all give presentations on a daily basis? Shocked? Well, it’s the truth! Be it explaining a concept or task to your colleague, talking to a friend, expressing your thoughts to your family members, or putting forward your ideas in the office meeting; you are indulged in some sort of presentation. However, only a few of those presentations are quite important and tailored to meet some specific purpose. These purpose-led presentations need a unique and sensible approach to be delivered.

In this blog post, we have explained 5 different types of presentations with examples, when you can use them, and tips to nail them. So, read on!

1.Elevator Pitch

Has it ever happened to you that during your elevator ride from the ground floor to the top floor, you were accompanied by an energetic professional who told you about himself, his company, products, and ideas quickly and that too, in an impressive manner? This unprepared and condensed pitch, delivered in a less complicated manner in a limited amount of time (usually 40 seconds), is called an elevator pitch.

The elevator pitch is the best choice if you want to capture the intended audience’s attention quickly and deliver your information in such a way that they can understand it in a short period of time.

When to use it?

This pitch is used while telling new employees about your business, introducing yourself at a conference, networking event, or on warm calls, or when your aim is to earn a second conversation.

Tips for Effective Elevator Pitch:

Be friendly and engaging; don’t sound rigid and rehearsed.Keep your pitch clear and concise; however, don’t maffle or rush through it…. Read More

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