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If, as an entrepreneur, you can’t settle a commercial dispute, trademark infringement, or you want to ask a court to order a company to stop trading and be liquidated, you may need to go to court. 

One of the most interesting things to come out of the pandemic is the uptick in how frequently technology is being used in court proceedings. In the past, most people couldn’t imagine court hearings being held remotely through platforms like Zoom.

Today, however, many courts have made it a regular part of the process to hold remote hearings for certain parts of cases. This has enabled them to check up on months of backlogged cases, and it has also allowed for more efficient processing of their caseloads.

So, how exactly do you join a court remote hearing using Zoom, and what else should you know about this unique process? 

Photo by Dylan Ferreira on Unsplash

Joining a Remote Court Hearing Through Zoom

To join a remote court hearing through Zoom, you will first need to ensure that you have access to the required technology:

Strong WiFi access: Public WiFi is typically not stable enough for Zoom; find another way to access the internet if possible.Device: A computer, laptop, or phone with the Zoom app installed should be able to join the meeting. If it is an audio only hearing, you can use a standard, non-smartphone as well.Camera and microphone: Laptops, tablets, and phones may have these pre-installed. Make sure that these work before it is time for the hearing.

Joining The Hearing

If you are a plaintiff, attorney, or other panelist, you should follow these instructions to join a remote court hearing.

Visit https://zoom.us. Create a Zoom account. A free account is sufficient.Input a name, phone number, and email address … Read More

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