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Do you feel like you’re having the same handful of arguments with your partner when it comes to money? Maybe your flashpoint is household responsibilities or childcare. Maybe your recurring conflict is about sex. For many couples, the issue is money. In this article, I’ll explore how you can change the tenor of your discussions from worn-out argument to constructive conflict. Let’s talk about how to stop fighting about money, channeling our energy into productive discussions instead.
Fighting About Money: It’s More Common Than You Think
Believe it or not, your friends, neighbors, and relatives have likely also fought about money with their partner in the last year. Relationship therapists and financial planners alike will give you the same advice as a starting point: you have to be on the same team. If the tension in your relationship is a constant push-pull, finding alignment and transparency on these topics is a solid place to begin.
Why do couples fight about money?
It’s a fair question, especially if you find yourself rehashing the same conflict day in and day out. Here’s the thing: you may only see your in-laws a few times a year. You may only clash parenting styles a few times a month. Arguments over sex? Maybe weekly, maybe more or less often. But no matter how long you and your partner have been together, there is one unavoidable presence in your life daily, and that’s your finances.
From the $7 latte to the luxury handbag, the #treatyoself movement has become a staple of American culture– and sometimes it can damage your relationship. On the flip side, maybe you’re pinching pennies, and your spo… Read More
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