Online Marketing Strategies – 5 Simple Ways To Grow Your Network Marketing Business Online

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Our Online Business Blog Tutorial Post Featuring Online Marketing Strategies – 5 Simple Ways To Grow Your Network Marketing Business Online

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okay so what happened to the marketing training inside of network marketing business models so I started my network marketing company in 2009 and the crazy thing is that they never taught any marketing they just said go out and talk to people well half of the word of the profession is marketing don’t you think it’s important that we should be learning at least simple marketing to get our businesses out there and to grow a thriving business in the profession so to close that gap that you might be experiencing on marketing training with your company how do you get more people to talk to you how do you get more people to say yes how do you find people that are already interested in what it is that you have this towards your product/service your business goes to close the gap in this video I’m going to actually share with you five of my favorite simple marketing strategies that you can start employing in your business right away that can help you get your business and message out there and help you find the people that are perfect and already interested in what it is that you’re selling we’re offering up in your business model so stay tuned [Music] my name is Tammy Eliza and I help entrepreneurs and network marketers create success faster while most importantly making sure that you build a lifestyle that loves if you’re new here consider subscribing so the thing that bugs me a lot is that marketing has never taught in network marketing why because it’s hard to Train marketing on mass scale and you have people from all over different walks of life educated not educated whatever coming into network marketing and so what the network marketing companies have to do is they have to find a way to mass train and typically that mass training isn’t going to involve learning marketing because they think it might scare people away but here’s the thing is if you are really serious and about building a network marketing company a business that is in the seven six-figure range six-figure seven-figure range you are going to have to learn a little bit of marketing because every business on planet earth has to learn a little bit of marketing and PS just going out and talking to more people is not marketing so like I said to close the gap in this video I’m going to share with you five extremely easy ways that you can employ as far as marketing goes to get your message out there to help you attract better clients prospects and customers to your product service or business now before I share that I always like to give you a really fabulous free resource in every episode of Tanya Eliza TV and in this episode we actually have something very special going on that we just kind of launched depending on when you’re watching this video and I thought since you’re interested watching this video because you want to learn how to get more clients and prospects and and business signed up into your dealio I thought that I would give you a really cool invite to a brand new online class that I have going on and it’s so new that I’m still reading the details here on it but we’re going to be giving away a lot of really cool training on this online class I’m going to basically pull back the curtains and show you on that web class and it’s free by the way I’m going to show you how I’ve been enrolling two to five new teammates into my network marketing business and how we have gotten to top three recruiter status in less than 16 months in our business and so I’m actually doing this live masterclass in it’s all about social media building your business with more leverage using online social media strategies and if that’s of interest to you then you can actually register for that at paniolo so calm for forward slash 43 downloads the number 43 download we’ll leave a link for you in the description box wherever you’re watching this video above or below or if you’re on my blog there’s going to be a yellow button underneath this video and you can click that video you can get registered and I’ll be pulling back the curtains and showing you exactly what we do in my business but let’s get into the five simple ways you can start marketing your business today so your the goal you want to turn it your active work into passive work now it doesn’t happen overnight but it can happen and it’s really cool so basically you want to automate more of your business if you can and that’s done through the right means of marketing okay so this start working smarter rather than harder and that’s my whole world and philosophy and everything that I teach okay so one cool thing that you can do to maximize your social media and get more interested people into your world through a passive marketing strategy that I like to employ is when you post an image on facebook did you know that you can actually apply it to a photo album or you can tag it to a photo album so in your business think about photos that you could share relevant to sharing a story about your product service or business so give you an example one photo album could be success story for income success stories or testimonial success stories product testimonials or service testimonials whatever business that you’re in and every week on one day a week or maybe two days a week you got to get consistent with the strategy you add a new image to that album okay now when you add the new image to that album you’re going to actually share a post that goes with it with a link or a call to action for people to connect with you more now if you are going to share a link make sure it’s a link to a capture form or lead magnet that you have with a free resource or something that you give away if you’re not at that point with your business yet and you’re not following that strategy of mine make sure that you don’t post a company replicated website link you are posting then a call to action that that hey connect with me privately to learn more if you’re interested in learning how to make this possible for your life your world would for your sharing have a call to action for be able to connect with you so for example your team right now or your upline or your downline or your sound book sideline will all have little story that you can share maybe you get a six-pack magazine from your company you can shoot a picture of you know one of the success stories and you can share in the Facebook post what you like most about it there’s a way to use some successors if you don’t have any of your own yet in your business and then you can post a little call to action that says I’m so I’m so excited you say I just got this month’s issue of our company success stories John was able to go on five vacations with his family this year if you’ve never been able to do that before I’m so excited for John hey by the way if you’d like to learn more about what we’re working on and how you can maybe have some more vacations happen for you and your family reach out to me private message me I’ll share some information with you you know and then every week you actually post to that photo album that is a product success story photo album and so you’re adding this bank of photo albums and you’re consistent with it on your social media with a call to action for people to reach out and so your photo albums are actually why it’s important your photo albums are actually one of the most viewed pieces of content on your social media profile because people are snooping on you and they want to know what your life looks like so give them something really juicy to look at with a cool like relatable story and then ask them to reach out to you for more information marketing tip number two you can do Facebook ads now I love Facebook ads because you could face because it’s getting really smart and so they can target your ads to like the right people based on all of the data that they collect and you can do something as simple as boost a post to get more action and you can do that from your Facebook page now if you don’t know how to do that I’ll leave our resource on my blog at cannulas com forward slash 43 download in there there’ll be a resource section and if you don’t know how to do Facebook geyser you’re not doing them for your business yet or maybe you don’t even have a facebook business page yet I’ll leave a resource called a limited fanpage profits which is a cool training that I have that will show you how to use Facebook more effectively for your business if you’re not already doing that but Facebook ads are a really simple easy cheap cost effective way to get your message out there to the right people fast one of my favorite strategies and more tip number three is YouTube videos love YouTube videos because you can go viral fast if you have a fun informative video for people so if you’re not already viewing video for your business make sure you adopt video yesterday for your business it is that powerful always some resources in my blog post as well at tenean logic on 4.43 download if you’re not already doing video and you’d like to learn more about doing video for your business here’s the cool thing you’re watching this video right now I’m not filming this video right now it’s already filmed it and I might be sipping margaritas on the beach and you are watching my information would that be cool if somebody was watching your information while you were sipping margaritas on the beach my fourth favorite marketing strategy is blogging I do a blog post every single week we spend about an hour putting it together and those blog posts generate hundreds and hundreds of leads every single day for our business which is super awesome if you’re not already blogging make sure to check out my ultimate branding blueprint training it’s all about setting up a blog properly for your business to generate lots of leads and sales for whatever business that you happen to be in but blogging is really cool because you can actually post a blog post actually take my youtube videos and then I post it on my blog so I kind of get like double real estate but by doing that I’m going to be actually creating a community over on my blog I’ll have more control over the people on my blog the things that they see the things that they’re exposed to that sort of thing but basically it also helps me with my credibility and authority that I have with my audience and if you’re an entrepreneur and you really want to kind of get to that multiple six seven figure level and you want to completely control your business blogging is definitely an absolute must that I say for all of my clients and all of the people that come into my world so marketing tip number four blogging blogging and blogging marketing tip number five if you are not already doing some kind of webinar in your business you need to be doing webinars now here’s the cool thing is I have been doing webinars for years and years and years now and I found the powered webinars I’m like oh my goodness because what was doing before with home meetings for my business right maybe you can relate well in a home eating how many people do you have in a whole meeting maybe five 10 20 maybe maybe a hundred if you have a really big home meeting or a conference that you’re doing right but the thing is is that is kind of it your cash now if you do a webinar right and you promote it via a Facebook event or you promote it via your Instagram or your blog and you invite people to this webinar your exposure is like 100 times greater than just your living room presentation right you can invite all people from all over the world can login to this webinar you can use webinar platforms like you know ever webinar or webinar Jam or goto meeting there’s lots of them out there I’ll leave some resources for you if you like on my blog in the resource section but basically once you can figure out the power of webinars you can just see well I can impact so many more people with webinars and then what you can do is after you’re done recording that webinar you can take that webinar you can repurpose it and you can put it on your Facebook page you can upload videos right to Facebook right now more people your Facebook network can actually see that webinar where you’re explaining the benefits and sharing stories about your product service or business with a call to action you can also take that webinar after it’s recorded and you can put it up on your YouTube channel right then you can take that in YouTube and then you can embed it on your blog and you’ve got a ton more places of exposure that you can send people to to get the information now while you’re sipping margaritas on the beach and somebody wants to be exposed to your you know product sewers their business you can say hey go over to my blog I’ve got a video on that watch the video and then give me a call right back or you know you call them back or book the time they’re going to watch that it’s absolutely one of the most leveraged automated things that you can do if your business is webinar so with that being said if you are interested in learning more exactly on my system for my business so how I generate yeah we generate over 100 leads a day people who are interested and want to hear more about our business also from those people we go on to enroll upwards plus you know two to five plus plus plus people for our network marketing team which is kind of cool and I can do this all via anywhere in the world on phone or on skype so absolutely crazy awesome leverage lifestyle that we now build our network marketing business through and you want to learn more about that system make sure that you register for the upcoming live that we have at penny Eliza comm forward 543 downloads will be a button below the video to be yellow you want to click it and you can get yourself registered for that training and I’ll share with you exactly what we’ve been doing in our business since 2010 that’s been working so so well so I hope you enjoyed this episode of Kenya lies the TV if you did make sure to drop me a comment let me know what you liked most about it make sure to share it with anybody that you feel would find value in this information they would be excited and happy that you shared with them as well and we will see you on the next episode of Kenya colitis TV



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