OpenAI CEO Altman Says Remote Work Could Hurt Tech

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It is pretty clear today that every tech company is going after artificial intelligence. They all want to have the next big thing done their way so that everyone can enjoy their products. Much of the talk around AI relates to OpenAI, a research corporation that is seeking to promote and develop friendly AI. The CEO of this company is Sam Altman.

Just earlier in May, Altman stated, along with other CEOs, that remote work is a bad idea for tech companies.

What Did Altman Say?

Sam Altman came out recently with one of the harshest rebukes against remote work.

“I think definitely one of the tech industry’s worst mistakes in a long time,” said Altman in a recent interview with Fortune, “was that everybody could go full remote forever, and startups didn’t need to be together in person and, you know, there was going to be no loss of creativity.”

He also goes on to say that remote work is done with and that the technology needed for full remote work is not ready yet. Especially for startup companies. Strangely enough, Altman has also stated that he does not like working in spaces with others. This then brings up the question as to what he thinks the solution should be to this problem.

What Do Other CEOs Think?

Altman has made similar statements in the past. At the beginning of 2023, he tweeted that companies “who rushed to full remote permanently made a big mistake”.

He is also not the first one to voice displeasure about working from home. For instance, CEO of Salesforce Marc Benioff at first supported the idea of remote work. But, by the beginning of this year, he thought that those hired in quarantine were not as productive because of policies.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg had laid off thousands of workers in the spring. In the notice he mentions an “analysis of performance data” that stated those who started remotely were not integrating with the company as well as those who work at the o… Read More

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