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Whether you are adding departments, cutting costs, or introducing new technologies, it pays to check the ‘temperature’ of your organisation first. Are all the people who are going to be affected by the change aware of it? Do they support the initiative? Do they have everything they need to implement it?
Without proper stakeholder engagement, any major business changes you are contemplating will be met with resistance. Your employees and line managers might ignore, undermine, or out-wait your initiative.
Every company with a track record of successful change management starts by finding out if its people, processes, and infrastructure are prepared for the change. The best way to do this is to conduct a change readiness assessment.
What is a change readiness assessment?
A change readiness assessment is a tool you use to determine whether your organisation is ready, able, and willing to accept, implement, and sustain a significant change initiative. It tells you what to expect if you execute proposed changes today. More than that, it helps you pinpoint the areas you need to address to make the change process a success.
Most assessment tools are detailed questionnaires that gather information on stakeholder awareness and the organisation’s capability to implement change. Employees, for example, might be asked if they are well informed of the change initiative, if they are positively on board, and if they feel that there are sufficient procedures to execute the change successfully.
To complete the assessment, they circle on a scale the number that corresponds with their perception of how each statement characterises the organisation.
The Applied Change Readiness… Read More
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