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Congratulations you survived another holiday season! Finally, all the shopping, preparing, rushing, cooking, cleaning, and everything else is either done or winding down. But unfortunately, sometimes the holidays ending doesn’t reduce stress; sometimes we feel more anxious and discouraged having to face the coming year. When we spend weeks (or possibly months) gearing up for the holiday season and flip the calendar only to see about a million things that need to be done, it can lead to overwhelm and decision fatigue. I’m here to help with some tips on coping with the holiday hangover.
5 Tips on Coping with the Holiday Hangover:
1.) Relax
This may sound counterintuitive when you feel like you have so much to do, but take a moment to ask yourself, “Do I really need to get everything done this second?“
Personally, when I am feeling very stressed, I need to pause and really ask myself, “Are any of these decisions life-threatening?” Chances are your world won’t come to a crashing halt if it takes you an extra day or two to take down the Christmas decorations. It might not hurt your quality of life if you wait an extra week to bag up clothes to donate or sell.
Yes, I understand having our homes clean and put back together can go a long way to help us relax. But NOT if it adds additional and unnecessary stress. Think about what needs to be done and, if nothing is pressing, take a day to sleep in, spend time with family, and just enjoy life! You may find you’ll feel more prepared to handle the aftermath of the holidays.
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