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As the cost of living crisis continues, more and more people across the UK are becoming multi-income individuals to help take some of the sting out of it.
What’s a multi-income individual, and how does it work?
A multi-income individual (or ‘Mii’ for short) is simply someone with more than one income source. For example, someone who has a ‘main’ job and a side hustle – or several.
According to this report by Utility Warehouse (UW), there are over 20 million Miis in the UK right now. That’s a huge increase from five million Miis in 2017. But for some, there’s still a stigma around having more than one stream of income.
In reality, Miis do an excellent job of both working hard to improve their lives and helping to drive the economy. Forbes recently released an article detailing five ways having multiple sources of income as an entrepreneur can benefit you; here are five more ways being a Mii could be the right choice for you, too:
Flexibility and independence
Before the pandemic and ‘the new normal’, being able to work from wherever you are and take breaks whenever you needed seemed like a pipe dream.
But since the days of office workers having no choice but to work from home, it’s been shown that productivity can actually improve without the commute, fluorescent lights, distractions and micro-management. And that, in general, people are happier working remotely.
Being a Mii in particular allows you not only to operate your business from home if you choose, but also the opportunity to work from literally wherever in the world you want. Because you’re your own boss, you get to decide for how long and from where you work.
Financial stability and security
Being a multi-income individual isn’t just for h… Read More
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