Starting an Affiliate Business with Rachel S. Lee

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Our Affiliate Business Blog Tutorial Post Featuring Starting an Affiliate Business with Rachel S. Lee

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see says we are live now all right what do so I don’t see anything showing up on Facebook yet but it takes I know it’s a couple seconds delayed well I will look in your group to to see if anything else there it is or yes there are it all right so thanks everybody for joining if you’re joining us now a lot of go ahead and leave a message down below and say hello we’d love to have you here you’re watching the replay go ahead and leave a message down below and let’s note that you’re watching the replay you played hashtag replay yes my name is William Brett and I’ll be your host tonight and I’m here with the rock star Rachel Isley and we were going to discuss kind of starting a affiliate business from scratch basically when you’re starting an affiliate business or any online business you need a certain set up set of tools things that no matter what kind of businesses it is if you’re doing you know you could be selling makeup you could be selling an SEO course you could be selling pretty much anything online it doesn’t matter you’re still going to need basic essential tools and skills and that’s kind of what we wanted to talk to Rachel about today is what those tools and what their skills are what you should master first before you start worrying about the next shiny object the next big thing first you got to get the basics down and you have to master those first yeah yeah so Rachel what would you say are the most essential tools that you absolutely need for building an online business okay so tools tools let’s talk about tools tool and tools I just want to point out it’s so important you need the tools but it’s not actually what’s going to make or break what how you succeed so I think we get hung up on tools a lot or rose in on tools like oh I have to set up a new email autoresponder and I’m freaking out because I got to set up this email autoresponder so that would be a tool but really it’s like we’re kind of get over that hump and see the bigger picture or landing page software I need to have put up a landing page or a squeeze page to collect emails whether it be on click funnel or builder all or cartridge whatever first you need that but we need to also not dwell on it another tool that’s important for affiliate marketers link tracking maybe you want to track if your links how many clicks they’re getting or if they’re getting conversions and I’ve done this too I freeze up sometimes and I’m like oh man now I have to set up all these tech things and then we don’t move forward so I would say the number one tool for me that’s just been the best help for me and I wish I shared this with people or sooner and I advocated it more and now I am is helped a VA a virtual assistant having a helper because then it’s less lonely you ask to them hey go make that landing page life you ask them hey go connect the emails you ask them hey go set up some link tracking yeah um I’ve actually worked with EA’s I’ve had these the heart the biggest struggle I have is delegating things and knowing okay I need to just get this off my plate and let somebody else do it me I’m also a techie type person I know a lot of people that are trying to get started you know like you said they get caught up and you know the technology and the technobabble and everything and they’re just like I don’t know what to do next where you know somebody like that it’s easy to say okay I don’t I don’t need to learn this I need to know that I need I need somebody to do this for me and what yeah and it’s okay to do the tech I actually do like to do tech but what I don’t like to do is coffee writing and writing up emails or checking my own emails like I just don’t want to look at it so that is something that I delegate so if I do want to get into some more nerd tech stuff I can do that and at the same time let’s say I worked four hours in the day I could also get someone else working four hours in the day at maybe six dollars an hour if I hire them internationally and get double the stuff done or even triple like more than double the stuff done if they’re already skilled so right now I have someone in India at six dollars an hour putting together my WordPress website and it’s taking him you know 30 hours whatever but for everything he’s doing it would have taken me way more hours in my time is worse here in America is rose more than $6 an hour so I want to do the the more think about the things that only I can do and only I can get on video and make video content so same with you right yeah and it’s that is a great point to as valuing your time you know a lot of things I strum people struggle with is traffic and they’re like well I don’t have money to invest I have a little bit of time so I’m just gonna go after free traffic methods not realizing that free traffic methods still have a cost because it’s going to cost you your time so there’s some things that yeah you can’t I I couldn’t have a VA come on and do its interview with you right now you couldn’t do the same thing or on your Instagram or something like that yeah you could have them do the post but you still have to take the pictures I have to be your pictures and stuff like that I could have a VA take my video I put up and then write up the description in or turn it into a written blog post and that’s that’s what I’m doing now like that’s why the new site is launching so it can host a blog I wasn’t I wasn’t blogging and that’s so important SEO and blogging so I can make the videos and then I can have the VA write up a blog post I can have a VA or a more specialized VA do all the on-site SEO and off-site SEO to get it out into the internet and on Google so then organic or they call it organic traffic starts coming my way I just call it warm traffic yeah that’s a good point too that I wanted to ask you about because I know you understand this quite well is the different temperatures of traffic getting a pole traffic warm traffic high traffic um your organic traffic people coming to you that your warm traffic and I know a lot of year the traffic that you get now is more in traffic but how do you get to that point where you don’t have to rely on well first of all could you kind of identify what cold traffic is and then how do you get to the point where you don’t have to rely on that cold traffic so much cold traffic to me is they don’t know who the heck you are as a person or who what your brand is they maybe don’t even know how they freaking landed on your website or they don’t know what your piece of content is about they are brand new you should be giving so much value in your videos and your blog posts and your Facebook your social media content so much value that people want to stick around and check out more of the content and more of the content and you’re warming them up warming them up getting them to like you like your stuff now they are warm traffic okay and so blogging videos social that’s how you turn them into warm traffic yes a lot of times we hear like solo ad traffic if you are buying traffic from solo ads which is something that we often use in the make money online industry they absolutely cold traffic and they say it’s like not as great traffic but it’s not that it’s not as great it’s not that the people aren’t good the people who you get into your realm with solo ads it’s just it’s so cold they don’t know who you are they don’t know your story they don’t know you’re all about or if you they don’t they don’t trust you yet so there’s plenty of ways to get traffic but and you can try them all out whether it be solo ads Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Google SEO Google AdWords Facebook ads Twitter YouTube there’s so many things and I would say try them all out in the beginning if you’re brand new to see what you like and then do what you like I and you don’t have to do them all but don’t just do one because then all your eggs are in one basket people start to warm up to you more if you have more multiple outlets so my people who in my audience who have follow me on Instagram and a YouTube and Facebook and they’re in my Facebook group and they’re on my chat BOTS and they’re in my email they think guys we’re getting them their best friend because I they see me every day because I got them on all those platforms so when I say hey guys I’m doing a webinar tonight or I’m promoting something they are just so much warm that’s hot traffic but they’re going to be more likely to purchase something all right so my question is somebody starting brand new today what should they start with first I would say start networking in Facebook groups and making friends and Facebook groups and making friends with people who are in the industry that you’re in and if you guys are watching this right now you’re watching this in a Facebook group and/or you might be watching this later on YouTube if you’re in the Facebook group stay active and Williams Facebook group and then go check out some other people’s Facebook groups and post valuable content don’t just consume but like engage and give value and teach the things that you’re learning if you learn something teach it you learn something making youtube video about it and share it you learn something write a blog post about it and share it and you’ll start to get these new friends that actually they’re also following you because now they’re following your Facebook if they’re your Facebook friend um eventually they they’ll get they even get them on your email list or they could be following you on other platforms so you’re making these friends maybe next now you make a YouTube channel and you share the YouTube video on Facebook now your new supporters your new friends they’re also going to be more likely to watch your YouTube video and comment on your YouTube video and that’s how you like slowly build up your your fan base you can call it your fan base you want a easy way to call it it’s your audience so how long did it take you to build your audience from where you were all had nothing but call traffic to where you are now where you have a good amount of warm traffic coming in that’s a great question so I actually I guess I mean honestly I started seven years ago I would say maybe seven years ago with like an online presence like hanging you know college grads graduating from college as how I used to talk I just graduated from college and look I have a LinkedIn and oh look I made a Facebook fan page for myself and like whatever I wasn’t super big on the personal branding like I still I saw I guess I still put out content but over the years sometimes I stepped away from it if I was working on other projects but now I am just like full in it again so yeah I guess I didn’t seven months ago was when I from today it was like in November 2017 I decided I’m going to rebrand myself I’m not just some girl on social media in the Facebook groups I’m not just some click funnels funnel builder I got just some mantra preneur girl signing up for everything on social media info please hanging out in the groups all day long I am ivory decided I am an affiliate marketing expert and I’m going to without good content about affiliate marketing and I’m going to rehaul or give my social media profiles a makeover give my LinkedIn a makeover give my website a makeover give my facebook a little makeover and reestablish myself as the affiliate marketing expert that gives great valuable resources so me none of you guys are even starting from zero if you’re on Facebook right now you have a Facebook um you’re in a group today all right maybe some of you watching have no followers or no one may be of no one so that’s okay we can start getting people but most of you probably have like a few connections online so in seven months I think I’ve seen like somewhat rapid growth but every day I wake up and I realize I’m holding back I’m not allowing myself to step into my power and have thousands and thousands and thousands like tens of thousands of followers on Facebook or on my email list or on my chat BOTS or on my youtube and it I shouldn’t be I’m not wondering every day where they go we’re more people in my audience i if you really get real with yourself you’ll know you know why you don’t have this much followers because you don’t put it out enough content yeah I noticed recently you’ve really stepped up the amount of content you’ve been putting out just crazy amounts daily so great job with that and yeah I’ve kind of gone through a similar thing with you where you know I’ve been doing this whole online thing for you know longer than I’d like to admit really but for you know for about 12 years now hmm but I don’t have a big name big following or anything I did at one point within like this sub niche that I got started in then it kind of got out of that and then you know last couple of years I’ve been working in a survival niche using a different name because you know my might me and my personality do not match with the survival niche people that I’m promoting to so I now you can’t really just go out there and be myself and do that so you know that is one of the things that attracted me to you and your group was I saw you kind of going through and doing that same thing that transformation of no this is who I am now because you you have a two comic Club award but one of the first things I saw you say is yes I got a two comic level board but it was doing something I didn’t like and this is on restarting from and doing things that I want to do the way I want to do them and the pen is like yeah that’s you know I want to do that to I don’t want to be selling survival knife so I want to be helping people and doing this so that’s kind of what attracted me to you and your group yeah well but uh along with along with that is the one thing that you mentioned also was that when you wake up in the morning and you you don’t see enough going on you don’t see your audience as big as you want it how do you motivate yourself to get in there and like this is what I need to get done today or I’ve considered today a failure basically yeah it is mindset work so it’s like opening up YouTube and going to find your favorite motivational youtuber or speaker and listening to that or listening to whatever audio programs they have or maybe on your phone you have a audio book app and listen to who motivates you maybe Jim Rohn motivates you maybe Tony Robbins motivates you I have certain people that that motivate me it’s not just motivation it’s like rewiring your mindset for that because we act like the tools are our problem and my autoresponder just got shut down in my I can’t get my domain to work and you know I don’t know how to rank all these blog posts that’s not the problem the problem is being the person that’s gonna be like well I’m the freakin boss and I’m gonna get stuff done another thing too I wanna point with like the two comma closing I don’t want people to ever think well rachel has two comma Club and I don’t have to call mclubbe so she has unfair manage okay I have an advantage and it’s a fair advantage you can call it an unfair advantage but is still fair advantage because I still earned it from something so I sorry I was like hair study ask yourself what fair advantage do you have or unfair advantage do you have experience in something else some cool story some some interesting story it’s also like the stories so what would what really step into that unfair / fair advantage from whether it could be anything it can be your gender it can be your the fact that you’re a parent could be whatever hardships or things that people would think like oh that that that’s usually like a hard thing to break through share how you broke through it and that makes you unique because – comical big tricky be or not it’s not it’s like it’s a big deal I guess in this micro niche of clickfunnels whatever you can go get a trophy printed out and made people who are making a lot of money online with affiliate marketing don’t know need to have they don’t you just because they still make a lot of money without showing a trophy they make a lot of money without showing a trophy so if people if you ever think like well I’m not I’m not outgoing enough for I don’t have this trophy okay go over again print out a trophy and and step into your introvert in this if that’s what you are people will like that yeah and that’s one thing to though that there’s you do have it and you you could use it a lot more but I’ve seen a lot of marketers where they will get a an award of something it may be something completely unrelated you know they won a contest in fifth grade and they drive it to the ground saying this is I got this award because of the work that I’m teaching you and but you you were like no I wouldn’t that award but it is here it’s in its own place what I’m teaching you what I’m doing right now it’s in its own lane I want you to come along with me here and you’re not using that to like falsify your staff oh yeah which I see I’ve done a lot and make money online niche yeah yeah it’s like a fine line it’s in and I feel it too sometimes like at what especially just in the make money online I posted the other day in a Facebook group I noticed that to sell make money online that trainings often times the messaging is it will be easy it’s easy it’s going to be easy but then when you actually get into it you’ve realized well it’s actually harder than you thought it was going to be and the hardest part is stepping into being the boss and delegating in my opinion and that brings back to delegating perfect people like like okay if you hire a VA and you’re gonna pay them fifty dollars a week let’s just say or what kind of return are you getting on that fifty dollars a week how much are they getting done what are they getting done at what quality are they getting it doing it and how much of your time do you spend managing your VA s like when I say managing I may that’s maybe not the best word but like working with them and delegating and stuff like two hours a day because for one hour a day I often went on and I’m not saying this is the best most effective way to do it is just the way I’ve been doing it I get on a call with a core team of some people and then we break and they have their action items and I have mine and then we’re still still messaging them in assigning TAS on skype which I should maybe move to slack eventually do you ever have morning’s where you just don’t know what they sign them to to do there’s no because we’re using Trello with all the to do tasks and there is plenty to do that sort of run into issues looks like Oh Anna I’ll fill up my Trello board or my blackboard and like man I have all these tasks and I’ll need a VA and I’ll hire one and we’ll work through the tests and as we are working through them I realized I spent all my time working with the VA and getting this stuff done that I haven’t thought out what the next steps are and then I’m standing there like okay well what do I need to have them do now you know there’s always something oh yeah you do got to take that internal like just what meditation break to think where do I want to go what you I want you really gotta break it down okay for me I want more clickfunnels Affiliate under me I I want affiliate Commission’s selling everything and something I implemented yesterday daily commission tracking so all this offers I promote and all the courses I promote and every day I want the VA is to log in to the accounts input how much was earned and then also actual cash received because that’s like it can be 30 days later and even if it’s $0 I want it to say $0 so every day it shows that and we can see okay where can we ramp it up where are we succeeding so I could say oh I want $10,000 this month in affiliate commissions but then breaking it down okay I want more click funnels affiliate how can I get more click funnels affiliates I need to be giving away more free funnels and just giving away the business in a box isn’t enough so that’s why yesterday I was like I’ve been putting things together with my team yeah Andrew helped me it’s not really like a VA because he’s like I don’t know marketing tasks good test and we put together four funnels to give away three funnels and it’s just like more valuable selling here is just a share link to some crappy lead magnet funnel it’s like go here’s like a really good funnels with the training on how to use it and as a bonus emails to attach to it and then not and I I learned this from you like this is something that they’re you told me is a great way to keep people on click funnels to not even just to get them to sign up but to keep them on is you got to give them more funnels and then they won’t want to shut their count down because they’re like oh crap I have all this work I already put in and they don’t they’ll pay the ninety-seven a gun every month so where do you draw the line of too much free content and what you should start charging for yeah um this is the beginning I was all my funnel downloads was only for people that join like my paid program but after a while you just do what feels right and you just always lean towards being more generous and abundant than you think cuz what’s the worst that can happen if you give something out nothing like people will just like you more and buy other stuff from you more and want to pay for your next level stuff so for the free funnels I gave away it was safe for peg members but I was like you know what I get the paid members so much other value any way that I can release these funnels to be for everybody because the paid members are still getting group coaching they’re still getting a bunch of email swipes from me they’re still getting the support of the group and extra advanced trainings and all my insider business things that I’m doing like that I don’t share with my free audience I do share with my paid audience so I was like I can give out some funnels that people will be like totally grateful for plus my mistake in the beginning like last week I was trying to give up funnels and I was just sharing the share link this week I’m like duh Rachael opt-in page they have to opt-in first so now they’re also on my email list and now I was like dual Rachael add them to the freaking chat bot so my new thing is they click the chat bot link to get the four funnels and then it shows all four funnels in their messenger and then they can click and opt-in to whichever one they want so for free or no money I’m getting chat bought subscribers and email list subscribers and they’ll be signed and they’re signing up for click funnels for trials and they’re sticking on longer if they’re already on my link so it’s like I don’t know the exact numbers yet but that’s money alright so even though you are doing you’re giving away right you’re giving it away for free but in the process you’re still building your business you’re not just here everybody take everything I have away from me it’s not worth anything to me it’s I’m giving you this value in exchange for you for you signing up for my messenger bot or for my getting in my facebook group I want them in my Facebook group I want them on my bot and I want them on my email and then I want to email them for the rest of my life and I want them to spend thousands I want to make thousands of dollars in commissions with each person and I want them to get on my YouTube and on my Instagram and I want them to come to my live events and I will give value and exchange for that selfies only take you so far you got to actually get real value awesome well I know you have to get going here soon because you have you’re doing an interview yourself and your own Facebook group but I did want to share with everybody that’s here or everybody’s watching a video an opportunity to get more training from youth speaking of free training and I’m going to put the link to your free mini-course and below this video where people can sign up and they can you know get to know you a bit more warm up to you if they don’t know you already and kind of get some of that free training that you were just talking about okay would you want to talk a little bit about what is in that mini course yeah yeah I have all these funnels and eventually you just keep putting out free training so in the mini course there is some affiliate marketing trainings and free funnels and saying to get started and then when you’re in there you will see some options to like upgrade to something more if you do want more stuff like email swipes or to even join William in the daily Commission’s Club which is my like signature program with my like in all my course content all my funnels all my emails weekly group coaching if you join you also get an onboarding coaching call and and then Willingham would get an affiliate Commission from that and then you would also have the opportunity to make affiliate commissions so check out the mini course and just get acquainted and then if you are ready for next level support I would I would love for you to join us in daily Commission’s club and you know if William can vouch for you yes thing is like the tools is out there in the trainings is out there it goes back to like mindset and having like the support and the community and the motivation to get things done so that’s what puts people in daily commissions club in a line fair or fair advantage over people who are trying to do this all alone yeah and I just actually sent you a testimonial video the other day and they are saying the same thing where the value is the group itself know not to devalue your training or anything like that because it’s awesome it’s great but I can get training I can go and sign up for a training course pretty much anywhere you know it may not be the same as yours but what I can’t do is get in a group of like-minded people that are also they’ve all paid you to be in your group it’s it’s a miniature mini mine of sorts I totally put your desk but a mastermind where everybody’s paid to be in there everybody’s working towards similar goals and willing to help each other out you know you know you’ve jumped on here on to do a video with me to do an interview with me I’ve seen you doing that with other people in the group I’ve seen other people interviewing each other from the group and just helping each other out and helping each other grow and I think that’s where the real value of the group actually is lots of fun and and what I also decided to make the group daily Commission’s club like right now its lifetime access because I realize like it’s our people I want to be in this for life like make passive income online it’s not let me try it out for three months or you have a year to succeed it’s like let’s just be in this for life being this together and yeah I’m excited for you guys to check it out awesome well I thank you for your time anybody watching be sure to go ahead and check out the link I posted it down there to sign up for Rachel’s mini course it’s great value and definitely check out her upgrade options if you do upgrade let me know and I will also do an extra one on one coaching with you in addition to the one you’ll get with her and with that also check out her Facebook group where she will be doing a another live here in about 20 minutes I guess so yeah what oh good luck with that right so and thank you for being on here [Music] you [Music]



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