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In present times, having a source for passive income is very important. A person who can’t make money while sleeping, can almost never lead a carefree life – there are always some exceptions.
A well known but also the most underrated way of earning passive income is through strategically posting content on various social media platforms. It’s important to be mindful of what social media platform you are targeting and what kinda demographics do they cater to.
For example Facebook is mostly used by Millennials ( generation born from 1981 to 1996 approx) and Instagram is widely used by Gen Z ( generation born between 1996 and 2010 approx), so the content posted on these specific media platforms are supposed to cater to those specific demographics.
We live in a time where everything is on 2X speed. The advancements in technology are just great to even start with. In the ever-evolving cycle of tech development in social media, content creators, influencers and even the general public are trying to find new and innovative ways to monetize their content, build their network, maintain some regular traffic and engage with their audience.
Facebook Reels!
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It is true that technology and social media have become a staple in everyone’s life. Having said that, people don’t share more than a couple of seconds on a post if it doesn’t grab their attention the very first instant. For this reason alone reels have become so popular in today’s time.
Reels are nothing but a feature in most of the popular social media platforms where short-form video content can be shared. Reels have become a huge success in present times because of its nature… Read More
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