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Nursing Home

Nursing home abuse is a heinous crime against seniors and disabled individuals. Under the circumstances, the nursing home administrators are not providing the highest level of care for their patients and fail to provide the patient with the promised services. Families can start a legal claim against the nursing home when there is evidence of abuse. 

Get Evidence of the Abuse

The first step is to secure evidence of the elder abuse, and the family can take their loved one to a hospital for a medical assessment. Medical records can provide clear evidence of assault and abuse. When the family is ready to report the nursing home, they must have plenty of evidence that shows signs of abuse and not just unfortunate accidents.

If the medical records do not indicate abuse, it’s less likely that the family will be taken seriously. The nursing home cannot have a record of the senior falling or other accidents that explain away the injuries. Families that need help suing a nursing home start by contacting an attorney. 

Find Out Who Is Abusing Your Loved One

Interviewing the senior could help the family identify who is abusing their loved one. When visiting the loved one, the family can give them a safe way to point out the worker that harmed them. Frequent visits to the nursing home can help the family identify when this individual works and how often they have contact with their loved one.

If there is more than one worker that has abused the patient, it could become trickier for the senior to identify all parties. After getting the information from their senior, the loved ones can find out the worker’s name if the senior doesn’t know it and get ready to report them.  

Report the Abuse to the Authorities… Read More

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