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Our Profitable Online Business Blog Tutorial Post Featuring Struggling To Create A Profitable Online Business…
The draft copy of the transcoded video text is posted underneath Struggling To Create A Profitable Online Business…, To Highlight the video's Blueprint in your analysis of the Profitable Online Business sector
welcome to video number three of the old school new business process where you’re gonna learn and discover exactly how you can turn your online business into a raging cash machine almost instantly now we’re on to number three which is secret number three inside this process in the last video I showed you exactly how to structure out your business the right way to actually turn that online business into a raging cash machine and in this video I want to talk to you about a few mistakes that people are making and secret number three is this it’s certain people will be literally almost willing to give you unlimited amounts of money for your products and/or services and a lot of people don’t believe this but first we need to talk about exactly where you find those people and what the mistakes are being made when people are structuring out their business now in the last video I talked to you about structured at your business the right way so you can become profitable and some of the biggest mistakes people have made so if you haven’t watched that I would highly suggest going up there somewhere and watching videos 1 & 2 if you haven’t already seen those but this secret here number 3 where certain people will be literally almost willing to give you any unlimited amounts of money for your product determines a few things all right number one here’s one of the biggest mistakes people make when they structure out their business using this they go all my market needs this this is something my market needs let me give you a health example a lot of times I talk to people in the health industry and they’re like my market date man they just need to eat last or they need to eat a certain way or they need to exercise or they need to do this now here’s the issue with that they don’t want to alright there’s a big difference between what your market needs and what your market wants it’s like a a dog or a cat right when you have to give them their medicine yes that’s what they need they need to take this pill but they don’t want that some animals will never eat it it just isn’t gonna happen no dogs not always the case sometimes we’ll eat anything but that’s why they make those like whatever rapsa where you put pills them and they give them to your dog or you wrap them in cheese you wrap them in bacon or you wrap them in some sort of deli meat or something like that then they’ll eat it right so it’s the same approach if you ever find yourself saying this is what my market needs this is what my market needs this is what my market needs you’re in trouble stop yourself and start to think about okay what is my market truly want and give them what they want so that’s one of the biggest mistakes second mistake all right if you don’t do the market research and you just go you know what I’m gonna go create this and you start creating products or you go find a product and you’re like all right I got a cool product I got this awesome thing or I got this awesome service now I got to find an audience to sell it to that’s a really tough way to run a business and that’s a big mistake that a lot of people make is they take that approach they go alright I got this now who do I sell it to where do I find someone that wants to buy it and now you’re working backwards it’s easier to get in front of the wave so find whatever trend is happening or find something that you’re passionate and then find what that market truly wants and it’s easier to to just kind of toss your products out in front of the giant wave of people coming and don’t haul by it as opposed to creating a product finding the product or whatever and then chasing down an audience so think about that when you’re structuring out your business now with that being said you know what your market needs if you’ve done the research right I’ve hope you’ve done the research if you haven’t you should do that but you should know what your market needs and ultimately what they want and you should as a person be passionate about whatever message is delivering your product you’re selling if you’re out there just trying to make money online and you don’t really give a crap about the product or the market or the prospect you’re probably not gonna have success it just isn’t gonna work out for you I hate to tell you that but that’s just how it works so with that being said if you’re passionate about it you know what you want you know what kind of results you want to give the person that you’re willing to help and and what kind of results the product just gonna give someone right so you know what they need and you know what they want and you know what you want and what you need to do now your goal is to merge the two all right so when you walk them up this business structure that I showed you in the last video your goal here is to merge the wants of your market with the wants that you have and your business right that makes for a very happy prosperous profitable business when your markets happy and you’re happy if you’re doing something that you hate because your market wants a certain thing it’s not gonna work and if you’re trying to sell what your market needs it’s not gonna work right I’ll give you an example again in the health industry is a lot of people were like man they need to eat less they need to exercise more they don’t want to do that right what they want is a fad diet now you may be a health professional doesn’t believe in a fad diet but here’s what you can do you can find a fad diet that’s the catalyst all right for what your market ultimately needs and if you can bring them in down here with a fad diet cuz they’re like oh man I’d do it it’s easy I can take a pill I can take a shake I can take a drink I could do three minute abs I can do 30-second quads what it whatever it is right some fast easy quick thing and then once you get them in here you can start to bring them up this value ladder this ascension campaign to where they’re ultimately getting what they truly need because you get them in here and then you can talk to them about eating the right way and then you can talk to them about you know getting fit the right way then you can talk to them about eating less and then you could talk to about eating the you know eating or exercising more right whatever it is that they need and this works for any business not just health and wellness it could be you know services or anything like that I worked with someone just yesterday with them with a business of actually helping people overcome cancer and actually deal with the mental aspects of cancer we structured it out the exact same way so a couple big takeaways from this one if you ever find yourself saying my market needs this my market needs is my market needs us stop everything you’re doing and focus on what they want go focus on what your market actually wants and if you ever find yourself creating products or finding products and you don’t have a solid market yet to market them to stop go find the market first figure out exactly what they want and then go find a product or create a product and sell it to them now to to kind of finish this off to put the icing on the cake I said that I would tell you a story about how people will literally be willing to give you almost unlimited amounts of money for your product or services now it’s all about experience okay I read a book called 80/20 in business and they had a really cool chart and they did all these studies and had a cool website I mean it was this amazing thing that they talked about and that’s where this ultimately came from but let me just give you this example the Super Bowl right it’s one game one time of year but what they did is there’s actually this chart that shows people and how much money they’ll be willing to spend on the Super Bowl the very bottom of the chart people are willing to spend $0 right because they just don’t care they’re not gonna watch the game they don’t know who plays it they’re not in a football $0.00 and then there’s the person who’s gonna spend 20 bucks because they’re gonna go get you know a couple of six-packs of beer and they’re gonna go home and they’re gonna watch it with their brother or their dad their mom whoever right just a couple of them chilling at home drinking a few beers watching the game on TV they spend twenty thirty dollars that’s it then there’s the next group of people who are gonna spend a couple hundred dollars because they’re at the bar drinking eatin appetizers having a good time with a group of friends and then there’s the people who are like no way man we’re getting a keg we’re gonna go pay for a parking spot we’re tailgating and we’re gonna spend a thousand bucks or whatever and then there’s the people go nah we want to see the game so they’re buying nosebleed seats for a few thousand dollars in the very back of the stadium and then there’s the people who are willing to spend 50 grand and they’re like now we want to be on the 50-yard line here’s the cash and then there’s the people who are willing to spend two million dollars to be in a skybox all right to watch the Superbowl with ten or twelve of their best friends same exact game all right same content different experience so when you structure out your business all right now if it’s a service or a product however you structure it out I want you to think about the experience that your market has that your prospect has when you’re delivering these goods all right that’s what I really want you to think about because the experience is what they’re gonna pay you for you’re here down here the person’s just getting a PDF and you know or a webinar without but as it gets more personal as it gets to be a different experience they’re willing to pay more I’m gonna leave you with one more example just because I love you so check this out there are a couple different ways that someone will experience something and the the better experience that you give them the more money they’re willing to pay let me put it this way if you your grandmother wanted you to help her program the TV alright you could do a couple of different things here you could just hand grandmother remote and say have at it good luck and she’d be there punching buttons all day trying to figure it out right that’s one way just trial and error go for it not gonna pay a lot of money for that then there’s the second way of here grandma here’s the manual here’s your glasses have fun and granny’s over there with the remote and her reading glasses and there and the manual and she’s just reading through the manual by herself right she’ll pay a little bit for that because she now has the instructions to actually figure out how to how to make this thing work then there’s another way where you actually sit down with grandma and the manual and the remote and you say okay granny let’s do it together and you’re helping her side by side walking her through each and every step of the way she will pay more for that because she knows she’s gonna get it done and learn how it’s happening and then finally the very last one is you just do it for Grandma you say grandma here’s some coffee or some tea sit back chill relax hand me the remote and you just hammer that thing out and you do it for them alright they’re willing to pay a lot more money for you to do things for them that’s the structure that’s how it works so when you’re structuring out your business I want you to think about that think about what your market wants think about a market that’s hungry to where you can just easily give them a product or service and then think about the experience that you can deliver them and the better the experience the more value that you’re given the more money they will pay and there’s a group of people out there that will pay almost any amounts of money which is the same reason why there’s people willing to pay millions of dollars to watch the Super Bowl game from a skybox so that’s secret number three and video number four there’s one more that I want you to check out because once you structure this out I’m going to show you how you can easily work less than 30 minutes a day and you can check that you out there’s a button underneath this video you can click on it go over there right now and watch that video and keep it going so welcome to old school new business where you can literally turn your online business into a profitable raging cash machine almost instantly so we’ll see you on video four right now
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